I suffer from low back pain from time to time. One thing that ALWAYS helps me is to do a certain yoga tape (don't know if I'm allowed to share it here). It is a core-based, 30 min yoga workout that focuses on the core, and has a lot of hamstring stretching at the end. It also has that exercise where you are lying on your back hugging your knees to your chest and rolling up to a sitting position and back down. I don't know exactly which exercise it is in that tape, but if I don't do it at least once every 2 weeks or so (preferrably more often), my lower back pain returns.
If you want the specific name of the workout, send me a PM.
I hope you find some relief - I know how painful it is to have your back acting up, and it really puts a crimp into the activities we love to do.
I suffer from low back pain from time to time. One thing that ALWAYS helps me is to do a certain yoga tape (don't know if I'm allowed to share it here). It is a core-based, 30 min yoga workout that focuses on the core, and has a lot of hamstring stretching at the end. It also has that exercise where you are lying on your back hugging your knees to your chest and rolling up to a sitting position and back down. I don't know exactly which exercise it is in that tape, but if I don't do it at least once every 2 weeks or so (preferrably more often), my lower back pain returns.
If you want the specific name of the workout, send me a PM.
I hope you find some relief - I know how painful it is to have your back acting up, and it really puts a crimp into the activities we love to do.