Back after a long absence . . . :)

Just wanted to pop in to say that your baby is beautiful! I have an English Mastiff as well - he'll be one next week, and weighs about 170 pounds. Sweetest baby ever - I have definitely found my "heart breed" as they say, and will never be without a Mastiff in my life. :)
What a beautiful dog, his face is so sweet! And 40 pounds more???!!!

I'm also just getting back into posting again, had a rough spot with working out myself.

I remember reading your success story quite a while back, your story and pics are very inspiring and motivating.

Sorry to hear of all your troubles, welcome back!
Jennie, he drools ALL THE TIME . . . :) we keep Trigger rags handy in every room but sometimes you can't help but get slimed :confused:

Fit for Life, I think Mastiffs are my heart breed as well and Trigger is my first! But it is love for sure.

Dela, we will get back into the swing of working out together!! I'm glad my success story was inspiring and motivating. . . I need to go read it again myself so I can remember what I've done and what I can do!!
Welcome back, Travis!

I think I was just coming in as you left to deal with the struggles over the last year! I'm sorry you had such a tough one, but it sounds like you've been able to keep your head and stay strong for you and your children!

I love the picture of your baby! He's so cute!

Well, here's to a better and successful year!

I've missed you! Was wondering where you have been. I'm so glad you will be here more permanently.

Life is sometimes harsh, but it didn't seem to keep you down. Good for you!!

Looking forward to your posts once again.:)

Welcome back, Travis! I hope this year is a better one for you. I have been away for a bit myself - and I've missed the love, support and humor of everyone here. Let's stick together to continue to stay in touch with all the other Cathletes, Catheites... etc. etc. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Welcome back, Travis! I hope this year is a better one for you. I have been away for a bit myself - and I've missed the love, support and humor of everyone here. Let's stick together to continue to stay in touch with all the other Cathletes, Catheites... etc. etc. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Yay! Mary's back! We missed you, Princess Bear!
Yay! Mary's back! We missed you, Princess Bear!
SO good to be back. Did my first Cathe workout in 6 months on Friday - starting back slow as my shoulder continues to heal... Doc said to cut weights in half to start - but I'm not risking it. Did push/pull Friday and used nothing more than 5 lbs for legs and 2 lbs for upper body. 1 lb tricep kickbacks and my tris are SORE!!!

I've missed everyone - and I'm hopeful that both myself and Travis are back for good....

Tomorrow - my first time with Butts and Guts... can't wait to try it!

love to all ....
Welcome back Mary!! I hope as you do that we are back for good! :)

I will be doing butts & gutts later this evening . . . . my butt is still hurting from yesterday's MMA Fusion!! :confused:

Hugs to all!!

Have a wonderful week!!!!!!!!
Travis - we CAN stay connected on these boards. And I forgot to say what a cutie your (not so) little guy is!!! Hope you have a great workout!
Welcome back Travis, you and Trigger look great :)

Our baby and of course Sheila's baby is 11 months now as well.
It will be a year April 6th since the pups were born. All found wonderful homes and some people have even e-mailed us pictures of them as they grew.

I haven't been around too much, but have lurked here and there.
I have 3 bulging disks I have been nursing from a fall. Had an MRI last Friday and am hoping for good news. My HIIT are getting rather dusty:p

Hope this is a great year for you, sending happy vibes to all in Cathe Land :)


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