August 2005 Rotation Check In 08/02/05


GOOD Morning! I'm getting us started off with a bright and early


I got up at 5:30am, got myself mentally prepared, and off to the basement I went. IMax, plus 200 walking lunges! DONE! This was only my second time thru IMax, and I didn't hate it like I did the very first time! LOL. The walking lunges...what can I say? They weren't as bas as I feared, either. The 2 hardest parts of the lunges were...1)clearing a space thru the Play Doh stuck on the basement floor for me to have enough room and 2)getting my legs to carry me up the basement stairs! LOL

FEEL GREAT, and drenched again.

How did you all make out, or when are you planning on doing today's workout!

Wooo-Hoo Gayle and at 5:30 to boot! Whew! I plan to do it tomorrow since I have a class this morning. I can sooo relate with TRYING to get up the steps after a good workout. Good for you!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm going to have to post pone, day 2 of the August rotation, I ended up taking over 3 separate aerobics plus I still have my own strength training class. But I'm sure I'll probably get it's equivalent in to day.

Day number two of the Bootcamp August rotation and my first rotation.. The only DVD I don’t have in this rotation is the Imax so I substituted with Low Max. A-Jock recommended I warm up with Lo Max and do the blasts of Imax3 twice….but I decided that would probably kill me. ...hehehe. All blasts is something I aspire to be able to do by the end of this rotation. I have put the Faux-CTX rotation on my calendar and it is a goal (mega blasts and all) I hope to reach in 2 rotations. I figured doing Low Max wasn’t wimping out since I also have a lot of Pilates Reformer work I have to do at the end of a full day of work today. Good luck to you all and I’m with you!! Um...those lunges are tough...

:) Robin
Good morning! Well, I had to start the rotation a day late because yesterday was my rest day. But, this morning I got up at 4:30 and did BodyMax, the 200 jumping jacks and 40 pushups. It felt really good! I had forgotten how much fun BodyMax was! one down! Yay!

Gayle - Good job! Guess I'll be doing that one tomorrow. I haven't done walking lunges for a few months, so I am sure my legs will be talking to me in a big way!

Kit - sure sounds like you will be getting a really good workout (workouts) today! Probably more than us, I guess !


Debbie, I'll think of you tomorrow, since I will be doing the same one Gayle did today, tomorrow. Hmm...does that make sense?

Everyone have a good day!!!

Okay, did Imax 1 today. It got a little goofy. My DVD froze after interval 6, then went right to interval 9! I had to do 7,8 after doing the last one, then go to the cooldown! Boy did I feel #@@&^ss backwards!
Forget the walking lunges, I did ab hits instead.
I am waffling about Thursday. If I have another Imax on Saturday I may opt to do steady rate aerobics on Thursday.

Have a great day, It is Tuesday, right? I didn't skip over to Wednesday or something, did I?
Good morning. I was up at 5:30 this morning also. I had to substitute Lomax for Imax, since my DVD is still on backorder. I did the 200 walking lunges, wanted to quit after 100 but I made myself do them.

Good Morning Girls!

5:30 for me too. I substituted Imax2 for Imax. I love that workout anymore. I did my first 200 walking lunges! I can see why we're doing them. I feel them right where I need to!}(

Good job everybody. Have a great day! :)
I got up at 5:10 and got Imax in, paused before the cool down, went outside and did 200 walking lunges around my house, then went back in and finished the cool down and stretch.

Tomorrow I rest, and then Thursday will be the SJP mix. Today was not bad, and kinda fun.
Can I join in?

I came back back from my vacation, 5 lbs heavier plus it's that time of the month so I'm not really feeling too good about myself. I saw the August rotation and thought holy cow!! Cathe is not human, she can't be. But I will give this a try and see if it kicks me in the butt.

I did Bodymax yesterday, just used the step, no risers and I modified jumps. I broke down the jumping jacks and I did the pushups at the end, on my knees.

IMAX this morning, again on just the step, and I definitely modified most of the interval blasts. Did the 200 walking lunges at the end and thought my legs were going to fall off.

I am feeling a slight soreness and am loving it.
good morning!!
you early risers are killing me! :)
seriously, though, when school starts back next week, I'll be joining you and getting up at 5:30 as well! hopefully...

today's workout: IMAX1!! whew!! it's not as bad as I remembered it. I guess once you do IMAX2 and 3...IMAX is a breeze!! lol...
I have't done my walking lunges..feeling bad that I didn't do them right after the workout...but, grandson was up and crying. I'll do them here in a bit. Just as long as I do them, right???

Tomorrow is SJP and kickmax leg drills...are we ready???? LOL...

take care:)
Hello everyone and welcome Dorothy3:

I know how you feel, I gained 2-3 pounds between the Road Trip and my vacation that ended Sunday. So please, join in!

I substituted IMAX3 for IMAX and it kicked my butt! I've only done IMAX3 a few times--yikes!! I substituted stationary lunges for the walking lunges--I did 100 on each leg. My legs were on fire by count 60!! I'm so sore from yesterday. I decided to add a pilates segment (legs feeling tight) after the workout--so I did a Denise Austin 20 min. pilates section. (I know most people can't take her but her pilates mat work isn't bad). I feel great and really accomplished!

Have a great day everyone:)

>good morning!!
>you early risers are killing me! :)
>seriously, though, when school starts back next week, I'll be
>joining you and getting up at 5:30 as well! hopefully...
>today's workout: IMAX1!! whew!! it's not as bad as I
>remembered it. I guess once you do IMAX2 and 3...IMAX is a
>breeze!! lol...
>I have't done my walking lunges..feeling bad that I didn't do
>them right after the workout...but, grandson was up and
>crying. I'll do them here in a bit. Just as long as I do them,
>Tomorrow is SJP and kickmax leg drills...are we ready????
>take care:)

Hey Gloria, do the walking lunges holding the grandson, that would get those legs good!
}( }(
I'm doing these on a pick & choose basis and figure that is better than nothing. Pinky inspired me to give BC a try so I did that, twice! Not bad at all. By the second round you are pretty fired up anyway. Although, by the time I got to the squat thrusts, I was starting to fizzle. Boy was just as drenched as when I take a shower! I feel great though. I'll see if I'm still alive to tackle anything tomorrow! :p

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hey guys!

I am not sure that I will be able to check in every day, and if I will be able to keep up with this rotation, but I am going to try until my daughter starts school on the 17th.

I was proud of myself for doing Bodymax last night! I used to get up early and work out, but now I have shifted to evenings since my daughter does not have homework. It did not take as long as I thought to do the 200 jumping jacks. I guess it sounds more intimidating than it actually is. I did the 40 pushups on my knees.

I can't take as much step as she has in this rotation (especially this week) because of the impact and a tricky ankle. I am thinking about replacing some of the Imax's with a spinning tape. It has some intervals and jumps, so I hope that it will match the intensity somewhat.

I was definitely drenched after last night's workout and it felt good! So tonight I will do spinning for an hour and then the 200 walking lunges.

Hang in there everyone! Sandra S.
Great job, everybody! You all are so very inspiring!

Like someone just said, seeing the words "plus 200 jumping jacks, or plus 200 walking lunges" is much more intimidating than actually doing them!

My legs sure are feeling it already and it's not even noon time yet!

Keep up the great work!

Hi guys,

I did Imax and my 200 lunges too:) I really am hoping that this rotation will jump start me to get these last 15 pounds off!! I feel so great!! I am going to TRY to get up early tomorrow and get SJP done!! Have a great day, Jennifer
LOL...doing walking lunges w/ my 15lb grandson....uuhhmm...NOPE!!!!
I just finished the 200 walking lunges and felt them burning after #55!! can you imagine if I had carried him??????? NOPE!! LOL...

take care:)
I was up at 5 a.m. doing Imax one with just one riser and I got you all beat....I did 201 lunges}( (just kidding)! Isn't is amazing how adding those lunges changes the workout? Just kind of kicks it up a couple of notches.

Well, so far I am loving this rotation. Can't wait to see the results it brings and I do feel so accomplished.

Have a great day everyone!


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