August 2005 Rotation Check In 08/02/05

Fate must have been on my side yesterday because I went home early to meet the cable guy and wanted to workout before they came. I had finished interval #9 when the power went out for a few minutes. It came back on, I finished IM1 and did the 200 lunges, took a shower, got on-line and was posting to the check-in when the power went off again. So I take this as a sign that I am to follow the rotation no matter what! The power didn't come back on until this morning (4 am) when I was in the shower. Great timing cause I was stressing about having a bad non-blow dried hair day and how I was going to get my car out of the garage to get to work. Posting from work now.

Anyways, it looks from all the posts that everyone is doing great. This check-in is great and helps with the motivation. Thanks everyone.

Sue M

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