August 05 Rotation Check In???

Body max and jj and pushups are done for the day.I really enjoyed bm I haven't done it in so long I forgot about the powercircuit with legs.I was soaked.
Body Max fries me on its own, but I managed to pull out 200 jumping jacks and was rewarded with shakey legs. After finishing the upper body and the 40 push ups, I don't think I will be doing my hair today. Today is a good day to wear a hat.
For all of those that already did today's workout...


For all of those doing it tonight...


You guys all rock. I am listening VERY closely to what substitutions or modifications you are all making.

Call me CRAZY, but I push-mowed my entire yard right after breakfast and it took me 3 HOURS!!! ACK! As if Cathe wasn't enough this morning at 5am!!! LOL

And, I agree with the increase in calories!


I'd love to be part of the check-in. It'll keep me going.

I don't have Body Max, so I had to substitute. Here's what I did:

26 minutes -- Step only premix from SJP
25 minutes -- Cardio/lower body premix from BC
200 jumping jacks
25 minutes -- Upper body split premix from ME
40 pushups
14 minutes -- Abs from ME

I did the cardio portion of Body Max and then my ancient tape broke! GRRRR! I did the 200 jumping jacks. It took 3-4 minutes. Then I went to go figure out what else was on Body Max so I could make up the rest on my own. I ended up doing the circuit by jumproping 3 minutes, then 1 minute of a power move (like power lunges), and then weighted leg exercise (static lunges, plies, squats, dips, forward lunges). I did this circuit 5 times through. It came out to roughly 25-30 minutes. Then I did MIS the upper body and abs section. I didn't note the time, but it must have been similar to Body Max. I added in the 40 pushups at the end but did them 10 at a time. Whew. It was hard, but not as hard as Body Max normally is because it took me about 15 minutes to go look up what was on the rest of Body Max and I got a break.
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew, just finished Body Max and the extra jumping jacks. I couldn't get those darn push ups, but I bet by the time I'm done with this rotation I'll be able to crank those out no problem. :)

WAY TO GO EVERYBODY on the first day of this killer rotation!!

Cathe: You simple ARE the best!

Made it thru day one :) I'm so glad that I took a rest day yesterday. I started off with a 25 min 1.5 mile jog/walk with my 11 year old dd, had some lunch and did Bodymax with the jumping jacks and pushups. I was also sweating like crazy and needed a shower after the workout.


Whew! I am going to join you all but it may take me a bit longer to finish it, as a matter of fact, quite a bit longer because I have to teach my own classes in between. I goofed and cheated today! :eek: First off, I cheated by doing the add-ons BEFORE Bodymax and I goofed because I was thinking it said 200 walking lunges instead of jumping jax, sooo I will do the jumping jax next with IMax 1. I was drenched and forgot how FUN Bodymax is. I love all the combos and the upper body work is fantastic at the end. Wheee, here we gooo! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Well I am more focused on lifting heavy more than anything, but I am going to jump in for Boot Camp twice in a row and some walking lunges, etc. Sounds like alot of fun!


Tomorrow I am adding abs and here are some of the other changes I made.Friday I am doing bootcamp upper two times thru and legs and abs once -sunday is a heavy lifting day for me hc upper all 3-5 reps max 9 sets per body part -in week 2 on sat will be hc upper heavy as described above-sunday will be saturdays workout-week 3 moving tuesday's to monday since I don't have circuit max I was planning on c&w-tuesday will be cardio coach run-move thurday workout to wed.-thrusday since I don't have step works I will sub another step workout maybe bodymax or sjp step-friday I don't have step fit I am doing cardio coach running-sat will be hc upper as described above everything else as is.
I have to have my heavy lifting in or I will just die;)
I finished it! And did all the push-ups on the toes. Not in a row of course, but I did it. }(

Day one complete!

This rotation has inspired me to overcome my extreme cybershyness.
I've been working out with Cathe for 10 years. Her Hardcore series
has already taken me to a new plateau I never thought I could achieve. This has me really excited. I've always gotten so much inspiration from the posts here I would like to start contributing.
Anyway, I had so much fun doing Bodymax today. It has always been one of my favorites and it was so inspiring to do it today knowing there were other fantastic fit people doing the same workout. Tacking on the jumping jacks and the pushups really gave me a great extra challenge, the pushups especially but I managed to bang them out. I think you guys are the greatest and I hope you dont' mind me joining in.
Well, I just completed Imax and the 200 walking lunges. I had room in my living room to do about 6 across before having to turn around. For my last 8 walking lunges I did 8 power scissors b/c I had to modify 8 of them in the power scissor interval from Imax(that always ticks me off, but my quads are screaming and I have to modify so I can complete the last set of 16 power scissorsx( ). I also did the stretch from L&G for a little bit of extra stretching. The entire workout was only a little over an hour. Those walking lunges take absolutely no time(I counted to 50, backwards to 1, back to 50, and back down to 1) while listening to Keith Urban(what a babe)!
I did bodymax as well.... however, I forgot to do the jj. oops:) I did do the pushups though. I really enjoyed this workout. It is nice to know that I am not torturing myself alone. Jennifer

Welcome! It's nice to "see" you here. Look forward to getting to know you better. Again...WELCOME!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Shelly!

Hey, just curious............did you use one riser or two for Bodymax? Also isn't I-max one on two risers? I know I will only be using one!

RE: Shelly!

I used two risers today. I am fairly sure that IMax 1 is two risers also but use what is comfy for you.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Wahoo!!! Body Max is complete with jacks and push-ups! I snuck a few peeks at the check-in from work during the day and all of you who had already completed it inspired me not to chicken out. I had to stop 1/2 way through the jacks to catch my breath and could only do the push-ups from my knees. I wore a HR monitor and it said I burned 594 cals and that was with a couple of slow-downs while I tried to remember the routine. Its been a few months since I've done Body Max and I don't remember it being this long (almost 95 minutes). My arms were shaking so much, it was hard to push the coffee table back in the room I work out in. I think IMAX 1 may be a piece of cake compared to today. Thanks Gayle for starting this check-in and I can't wait to see how everyone does tomorrow.

Just "Sue" tonight, Suezilla is too tired to rampage...:+

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