August 05 Rotation Check In???

I'm done. I had to slightly alter the workout to accomodate a spinning class.

I did the step portion and the 200 JJ's up to the end of power circuits and then I stood there debating on continuing or going to my spin class. I mean I literally said "no," one moment and then the next "yes," and back and forth. Then in the end, I said to myself "just go." I ended up bolting out the door to my Spinning class. I'm glad I went.

Then came home and ate some dinner. I went back and finished the upper body and push-ups later. So, I didn't do Bodymax in one shot, but at least I got it in.

I'd forgotten how much fun this workout is.

I am going to try and do this rotation, but I am missing some videos... Not having Body Max, this morning I ran 4.2 miles and then did the 200 jumping jacks. After work, I did PUB and the 40 push-ups.

I don't have any of the interval maxes either so tomorrow I will do an interval run in place of the video portion.

Luckily for me, I ordered SPJ and will get it on Wed. just in time for the rotation.

Knowing the rest of you were doing jumping jacks with me this morning made it just a little more fun. Thanks everyone!
Hey Lori Ann!

I'm hoping the 200 walking lunges I did by mistake this morn make it more fun for you tomorrow! ;-) Good JOB!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Lori Ann!

good evening!
I'm doing this rotation as well!! woohoo!! I'm so excited to see alot of us doing this together. Some say we are insane...oh, well, insane and fit!!! LOL...

I finished body max this morning at 5:00 a.m and had to dash off to shower and work. I finished the jumping jacks and pushups this evening. wow...I'm tired!!! But, then again, I did VIPER yesterday! what was I thinking????

onward to tomorrow...whew!!! better get my sleep!:)

take care;)
Well, I'm late to this party, but I started the rotation yesterday as I'll have to miss Friday. So I did BodyMax yesterday and Imax today. I love both of these workouts!! I actually hadn't done Imax in a while and forgot how much I love this interval workout. The walking lunges were a nice addition. Yesterday I loved adding the 200 jumping jacks as these are one of my favorites but I really struggled through the fact I was pathetic! Oh well! :)
Late posting but i did it today. It wasn;t as bad as I thought it would be. I do love bodymax. The jumping jacks were more of an issue then the pushups. I love push ups :) I did make it through and I am glad I did.

Can I join in? I wasn't going to do it because I don't have all the DVD's but I just found out DH will be gone for the whole month so I need something positive to do!!! OK well since I don't have BodyMax I did this:

First 1/2 of IMAX 2
Cardio and Legs portions of High Step Challenge (hardcore series)
Upper Body portion and abs of High Step Challenge

By the end I was so tired I forgot the jumping jacks etc... but I'm feelin' pretty good about it!

Cath :)
Hi guys...

I would love to join y'all as well.
I had to modify yesterday, as it was my night to teach step. What I did was teach a high intensity step class, and then took a body pump class afterwards. I then did the 200 jacks, and 40 push ups (not yet on my toes, but I am working on it)....
I don't have body max yet anyway, so I thought this might suffice as a substitution....

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