Artificial Sweetner of any kind....


......make me feel like I'm on drugs when I wake up the next day. I don't use a lot of it. But, I stopped adding sweetners to my coffee and I've stopped using water enhancers like crystal light/great value packets. But, if I have any sweetened teas, sodas, or just splenda or stevia in anything, the next day - I wake up so groggy. And, let's not talk about regular sweets like candy, cupcakes, etc. It tastes great while I'm eating them, but the next day, I really pay for it.

I've heard people refer to these as poison. And to me, that's what it feels like. I'm over it. I've taken it out of my daily diet but when I do indulge, I know what to expect the next day.

Does this happen to anyone else?
Me too, Shereta. In my case, it's almost like having a hangover. I am trying to cut out the sweets and sweeteners but I struggle some days. I had some chocolate last night as a "special treat" and woke up tired, muddy-headed and a bit shaky.

I hear ya! I know exactly how it feels. I completely eliminated all artificial sweeteners from my diet a couple of months ago and I feel so much better, especially my mind, I feel I can think and concentrate so much better now. Sometimes, on those rare occasions when I chew sugar free gum I get dizzy. Now the next step is completely eliminating sweets and refined sugars. I am trying but there are days (PMS for example) when I just can't be without my Hersheys. :eek:
Gradually reducing and cutting out sugar in coffee, yoghurt etc... has worked FOR ME to the point of cutting out completely. Stevia, aspartame name them are no longer part of my monthly shopping list...Same for fizzy so called low calories drink and smoothies (claiming to be low carb but containing a chemical called maltodextrin whatever it's called:eek::eek: another chemical which confuse our digestive system!)

When I am desperate and need a pudding I make my own. Blending Plain yoghurt, 1/2 tea spoon organic honey, flax seed, cinammon and sometimes tea spoon of coconut cream and voila:cool:;) that is my yummy cheat:D:D

I do not need any sugar in my coffee/tea not even honey. one tea spoon maximum per day for me.

My motto is if your body no longer tolerate it, cut if off as it proves you are on the right path:):)
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You know, I'm so glad I stumbled upon this post.

I can't believe I never considered the possibility that sweeteners were causing this probelm for me. I would eat what I felt was a fairly healthy dinner but wake up the next morning just super groggy, foggy-brained, kind of "stuffy" feeling and really really tired. It was awful.

I am going to see if cutting out these helps. :) Thanks for the post.
NO artificial anything for me :D! I use honey in my tea, black-strap molasses in my plain yogurt, every now and then I'll use raw sugar if a recipe calls for sugar. I just ordered some coconut nectar and coconut crystals to play around with: I plan on using the nectar with a mashed avocado/cocoa concoction (supposed to be like mousse). I'll use the crystals for things like homemade hot DH and I RARELY eat sweets, but every now and then when we do I want it to be low on the glycemic index.
Has anyone else tried coconut nectar/crystals?
Couldn't agree more!
Stevia, however, is a herb, and in its natural form seems to be OK for me. It's when it's been chemically processed (eg Truvia) that I don't react well to it.

Otherwise raw unfiltered honey only for me :D and not too much of it!
NO artificial anything for me :D! I use honey in my tea, black-strap molasses in my plain yogurt, every now and then I'll use raw sugar if a recipe calls for sugar. I just ordered some coconut nectar and coconut crystals to play around with: I plan on using the nectar with a mashed avocado/cocoa concoction (supposed to be like mousse). I'll use the crystals for things like homemade hot DH and I RARELY eat sweets, but every now and then when we do I want it to be low on the glycemic index.
Has anyone else tried coconut nectar/crystals?

Hello Nancy, love your post, spot on!

I am loving this list of ingredients. It's all your fault now I want a pudding:p:p

I do aim at keeping my glycemic index low throughout the day but sneak in high index straight after a heavy lifting session meso 2 and 3;);) to get full benefit and building muscles;)

I also just use Stevia because I thought its natural. I cut out splenda/equal etc and would never go near anything with maltodextrin. I thought Stevia was a good substitute. I'm so confused.
I will not do artificial sweeteners of any type, period! So much research has exposed them as extremely toxic! Stevia, while natural, gives me migraines and heavy nose bleeds. When I started seeing some specialists a couple of yrs ago, 2 of them told me to never consume stevia during pregnancy and preferably not within 3-6 months of a planned conception. The reason being is that medical studies that had been published around that time (2011-2012) showed it caused reproductive abnormalities in unborn males. It also caused reproductive issues and cancers in adult males. Nothing had been published about women. SCARY!!!!!!!!!!

I stick to sugar and honey. People can call it poison. I understand that. When you don't consume it for a while it does upset your system. However we as a species have been consuming sugar cane and honey for thousands of yrs and only recently has it been a problem. I attribute that personally to chemicals, sugar overload (it's in everything and people eat so much), corn syrups, and people liking refined sugars and fats more than keeping a moderate, balanced intake.

Edit: I have found that by switching to raw sugars and honey that I consume far less sugar naturally. It has a stronger flavor to me, not just sweet but flavor. There are also nutritional benefits to be had. It's wonderful when you bite into a baked good and after a few bites push it away because you're body says, "thanks, it was tasty, but I've had enough" vs sweeteners where you are constantly chasing that "sugar"-like fix. A little goes a long way these days. And it's a God-Made Food not something created in a lab. From people to farm animals, it's amazing what is considered "safe" and "food" these days. But I'll admit, I had McDonald's fries today. Sometimes, you've got to feed the beast!
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I don't touch anything with artificial sweeteners. I don't like the aftertaste and I don't like that they are chemicals. I recently heard about Quest bars and wanted to try them but when I found out they have artificial sweeteners, I decided against them. I also limit refined sugar as much as I can, which is hard b/c I can't have desserts. But the difference in the way I feel without sugar makes it all worth it.
And one thing I forgot to add is that I get way more cravings for sweets when I use sweetners. I'm so glad I've seen the light for what's best for me.
And one thing I forgot to add is that I get way more cravings for sweets when I use sweetners. I'm so glad I've seen the light for what's best for me.

This is not in your head. A lot of artificial sweetners including aspartame and its "cousin" neotame are used to fatten cattle. You can google it and you will read tons of articles on the subject. Scary indeed that something that is designed to reduce the calories of food will make you hungry. Another thing I will always remember from my health classes back in college is the fact that the fuel that your brain needs to function comes from glucose (i.e. sugar) not from splenda, aspartame, etc. Of course it is better when the sources of glucose are natural, ie fruits and veggies instead of a candy bar, but you get the idea. :)
I never use artificial sweeteners. Once I stopped putting sugar in my tea I found I craved sugar less in general. Then after reading and watching all that info on sugar being a toxin I stopped eating it as much as possible. No one has mentioned maple syrup. Real maple syrup. It is delicious on yogurt. I think it is the only sweet choice that actually has some nutritional value.
I never use artificial sweeteners. Once I stopped putting sugar in my tea I found I craved sugar less in general. Then after reading and watching all that info on sugar being a toxin I stopped eating it as much as possible. No one has mentioned maple syrup. Real maple syrup. It is delicious on yogurt. I think it is the only sweet choice that actually has some nutritional value.

Mmmmm, I love maple syrup! Check out blackstrap molasses for great mineral sources: 730mg Potassium, 115mg Calcium, 15% RDA Iron, 10% RDA Vitamin B6, 8% RDA Magnesium per Tablespoon! It is the substance the Kal's Nutritional Yeast Flakes are made from! Great for chocolate cravings during PMS!
I never use artificial sweeteners. Once I stopped putting sugar in my tea I found I craved sugar less in general. Then after reading and watching all that info on sugar being a toxin I stopped eating it as much as possible. No one has mentioned maple syrup. Real maple syrup. It is delicious on yogurt. I think it is the only sweet choice that actually has some nutritional value.

Yes! Maple syrup is delish! I also put local, raw honey in my tea & plain greek yogurt. I eat it to help with my allergies mainly but it sure makes the yogurt go down easier :D
I never use artificial sweeteners. Once I stopped putting sugar in my tea I found I craved sugar less in general. Then after reading and watching all that info on sugar being a toxin I stopped eating it as much as possible. No one has mentioned maple syrup. Real maple syrup. It is delicious on yogurt. I think it is the only sweet choice that actually has some nutritional value.

Raw sugar and raw honey have nutritional benefits as well; ranging from B Vitamins to anti-Fungal, anti-Bacterial, and anti-viral properties. Not all sugar is toxic. I wish that falsehood would die already.
I had been using raw sugar only but it set up cravings for more. I used to add just a half tsp. to tea and once I stopped doing that I found I didn't crave sweets as much during the rest of the day. Honey is OK but I just don't find that I like it all that much. I end up with a jar of it in the pantry forever.
The only thing I added sugar to was tea so cutting that out ended my sugar use. Now on yogurt I like maple syrup--just a drizzle.
Yum! I love maple syrup and molasses. Isn't it funny that everything old is new again? My grandparents grew up with maple syrup, molasses, cane juice, they even had bees for their honey. Then the no calorie trend changed everything with all the artificial sweeteners that were invented and that are still in the market. Just like tobacco, they didn't know about the dangers and the only thing in the manufacturers' minds was to make a profit. We know better now and can make better choices. Speaking of maple syrup, it is a great way to sweeten hot cereals. One of my favorite hot cereals is Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Oat Bran. My recipe for one serving is this one:

1/3 cup Bob's Red Mill Oat Bran
1 cup coconut milk (I use Silk original)
1/3 cup water
brown sugar to taste (optional, I use 2 tbsp)
Pinch of cinnamon
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract (the amount is an estimate, I just eye ball it)

Mix all the ingredients together in medium/high temperature, wait until it starts boiling then immediately lower the temperature to medium, then cook for 2 mins, keep stirring with a spoon during that time. I use a wooden spoon and I love it. The important thing is not to leave the cereal alone in the stove so it won't get lumpy, keep stirring the cereal for the entire 2 minutes. Then turn off the stove and wait two minutes again before serving. The brown sugar is optional, you can skip it and sweeten it with maple syrup instead. My mom skips the sugar altogether and uses a pinch of salt. This is up to the person of course. To serve I add a bit of milled flaxseed on top and fresh fruit. If I add an organic boiled egg on the side for extra protein that is breakfast for me and one of my favorite choices for breakfast as well. Just thought I would share.:D

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