Are you cheap, frugal or thrifty??

When I brought my DH-to-be home to meet my parents, they thought he was cheap.

When we built our house, they thought he was frugal.

When we paid off our morgage early, they thought he was wise.

Of course, our newest car is over 10 years old and has over 70,000 miles on it. I can't afford STS or a kettlebell, so I think there is still a little cheap mixed in with wisdom.
My husband caught the frugal gene from his family:(. We dine at home almost always, he searches on the web day and night for bargains that we can use. I shop at second hand stores, we have a home theater, so we watch movies at home. (We rent them from Netflix).

But! I do insist on purchasing the best exercise DVD's in the world. Cathy! And whoever else I like and equipment galore. You have to draw the line somewhere.:D Sometimes I find equipment from the second hand stores, if I'm lucky.

We eat fresh fruits and vegies and shop at Walmart, we stay home most of the time go out only when we need food, or when family invites us over for dinner or a party. We bought tickets for seasonal plays, (which are about to start soon).

Well, it's a start of a long list anyway.:rolleyes: I'm really not complaining, this is good and doeable.

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I am Cheap!!

Okay, so maybe I am a little cheaper than I thought.:eek::eek:
I hang all towels on the line (just go outside and watch your electric meter spin with towels in the dryer), I always turn off all the lights at night and turn down the heat or A/C, I use ceiling fans in winter and summer (just switch the rotation of the blade). I only run the diswasher at night.

I live in a beautiful home and am a SAHM (nurse by profession). I do buy Cathe workouts and equipment, good workout shoes and equipment. But that's really my biggest splurge. My husband travels most of the time, so I do take the boys to carnivals and mini golf etc. And they probably have more stuff than the average 4 and 7 yr old, But for the most part it was bought at either a deep discount or a thrift store.

I'm pretty sure you would all gag if I told you what my husband makes, so I won't. But just because you have it, doesn't mean you have to spend it. Right
Or am I really just a tightwad ass who needs to live a little???

I try to be frugal about our money, the little we have :p! But I think cheap describes me a little better. I just hate to spend more money than I need to. My favorite store is Value Village and try to shop there during their crazy 50% days! I am still using my Club Step found at a garage sale about 7 years ago for $5! We have no debt except our house as well and my 1992 mini van is about 270 miles from hitting the big 200,000 mile mark! :D:D

Go Cheapies!
Yes. I'm frugal and thrifty, not so much cheap as I don't shop "dollar stores" or any other stores where I question the quality of the products. When shopping online, I try to stack coupons whenever possible or shop only clearance during a free shipping event. I tend to buy things we need, not so much what we want... although we did splurge on mountain bikes we didn't need but they were originally $1200 each and we got them for half that... NEW! We couldn't very well NOT buy them!

When people talk about saving money by not buying something more expensive, I have to wonder whether or not they actually put that difference into savings. Otherwise, you just didn't spend as much, but you're not really saving. If I don't reach my grocery budget for the month, I transfer that money into a savings account. I have no problem rate chasing, either. I have several accounts at online banks just in case the rates change, this way I'll be ready to transfer from one to the next.

I know my family thinks I'm crazy for buying used clothes or whatever, because they know we can afford not to, but we are willingly living under our means because it's what works for us. It doesn't make sense to spend more because you can. It makes sense to spend as little as you can so that you can save the rest for later. Well, that's how my mind works.

We have a high income, don't live large, and have no debt. We're just keeping it simple.
Okay, so maybe I am a little cheaper than I thought.:eek::eek:
I hang all towels on the line (just go outside and watch your electric meter spin with towels in the dryer), I always turn off all the lights at night and turn down the heat or A/C, I use ceiling fans in winter and summer (just switch the rotation of the blade). I only run the diswasher at night.

I'm pretty sure you would all gag if I told you what my husband makes, so I won't. But just because you have it, doesn't mean you have to spend it. Right
Or am I really just a tightwad ass who needs to live a little???

well i don't think your cheap for that. and hey nothing is better then sheets and towels dried on the line. one great feature about the new house was the ceiling fans and brand new effienct energy star heat pump. so i know that IF i run the a/c it won't run all the time if i use the fans and in the winter it will help alot.

and ITA that just b/c you have it doesn't mean you have to spend it. that is just me anyway. we are by no means upper anything LOL. but we make enough to survive just now with the house we have to really watch what we buy. mortgage isn't bad just the taxes and i still have a car payment(only 5440 to go on that! and it was used)

This is giving me a feeling of déjà vu. I'm sure we 'talked" about tips for saving money sometime this summer.

I am cheap on some things (the things that don't matter much, like toilet paper, which I buy by the case!), frugal/thrifty on others, and spendthrift on others!
No. But my DH is cheap and frugal. Now that being said, we have no debt whatsoever. And we do not spend money that we don't have. But I do like to shop :p

Ditto for me, Catherine. No debt, DH is very cheap (and an accountant), but I manage to balance him with shopping (but I'm not one to buy a $1,000 handbag or anything like that--my favorite shop is Target).
My DH and I agree, if you use a credit card, pay the balance each month, this makes us think twice before we use them (we have 2) I usually pay cash, if I don't have the cash, it doesn't get bought. I shop wal-mart too. As far as kids, they get a budget and have to get everything w/ it, such as shoes, coat, backpack, ect. They have turned into frugel shoppers. If they want more, they pay for it (2 of the 3 work). They lok for sales, and are good at cathing a bargain. Kay
That's tough, there are some things that I am very frugal on, I am one of the few people that don't have all the cable channels, just basic at $10 a month, no microwave, I don't buy fancy food (no meat), love Marc's, Wal-Mart and Target, never go to the mall, however I'm a sucker for the latest fitness trend. Cathe gets a vast majority of that budget (but she is beyond fabulous so it's ok) at least now I don't buy a ton of "bad" DVDs I just buy the good stuff (Cathe). I have a shoe for every type of work out (step, run, treadmill, rebounder, etc.) and that is sort of expensive....anyhow I digress I try to save all I can but I have a weakness for some things.

On another note, I think it would be so interesting if there was someplace people could go to anonymously post their financial status, how much they make, how much debt, how much money saved for retirement, etc. I always wonder where I stand with other folks but that's not really something you can ask, I know I wouldn't want to answer that question but I sure would like to know how other people handle their funds. Anybody else curious?
My latest favorite is a teen resale store called Plato's Closet. I got 6 shirts, a brand new Old Navy sweater, pair of Gap jeans, and a purse all for $50 the other day!! (and I paid cash :))

I'm a mix of cheap and thrifty.

I, too, love Plato's Closet for gently used clothing. There's nothing better than buying a pair of Limited or Gap jeans for $15 when I'd pay $65 or more buying them brand-new. And the best part? No one knows the difference!

I'm addicted to garage sales. I try to go to them as much as I can during the summer (yes, I live in north dakota so there's so such thing as winter garage sales!) :p ;) I had my own garage sale in June and sold off a reasonable amount of my own "junk" and brought in $900.

When I buy my kids clothes they're always (a) on sale (b) from a gently used kids clothing store called Once Upon a Child or from a garage sale. The only time they get brand-new clothes is when my mother-in-law buys them. (Did I mention they get garage sale clothes from MY mom?! Hmm, now you wonder where I got my garage saling addiction!!) :p

I have no problem wearing second hand clothes. My husband, on the other hand, doesn't. Which I totally don't understand. I still buy him gently used tops and some pants from Plato's though ... I just remove the tags and he doesn't know the difference and has never asked me about it. ;)

I clip coupons, too, and use at least 1-2 on each grocery shopping trip. I also buy from the grocery store in town that always has a *free* item when you spend $25.

My main motivator in being cheap and frugal is to make our money stretch more .... but a very close second would be the JOY I feel when I get something for nothing. I'm sure the rest of you can relate!!
I'm a mix of cheap and thrifty.

I, too, love Plato's Closet for gently used clothing. There's nothing better than buying a pair of Limited or Gap jeans for $15 when I'd pay $65 or more buying them brand-new. And the best part? No one knows the difference!

My main motivator in being cheap and frugal is to make our money stretch more .... but a very close second would be the JOY I feel when I get something for nothing. I'm sure the rest of you can relate!!

Oh, we'd be great shopping bargain hunting buddies!! :p I am in love w/ Plato's, where else can you buy nice $3 shirts??? I buy stuff for my dh there, he doesn't mind as long as he doesn't have to shop!! :rolleyes: And with 3 girls, I just can't afford to shop and pay a lot of money. My MIL is the garage sale queen, I swear she can find a bargain like no one else!
I have always been frugal or thrifty with money. I am always amazed when I see people spending money "like it's growing on trees". :eek:
A few examples. I have 2 little boys (4 and 7) who grow every single day of the week. I swear to God, what fit them yesterday is too small today!! :eek:
So even though DH and I are financially secure, I still buy them clothes and shoes and jackets at K mart or Walmart or Target. When I get a Lands End catalog for kids I throw it in the trash. $39.00 for snow boots that they will wear twice this winter. NO!!! $60.00 for a jacket for a 4 year old who will never wear it again after January!! NO!!!

People laugh that I shop yard sales and Goodwill, but come on. I got the little tykes slide for $2 at a yard sale and it was $40.00 in Toys r Us. Their little butts only fit in it for a very short time.

I love to read, so I use the library. I love to be toasty warm at night but not have the heat set to 75 so I bought the microwavable hot packs and I tuck one in with everyone at night.

Does anyone else live frugally and do you have any ideas to share. I still have plenty to share but this is getting a little long, so add your tips please

elliemom :D
Little Tykes for $2?! Holy cow. Back when JCPenney catalog sold LT products and I used to be a Customer Service Rep (Telephone... one of my many 2nd jobs) I was blown away by the money people spent on that stuff. One night I was working with a couple of women (not at Penneys) who were whining about having to work a bunch of overtime to pay for their kids $300 sneakers. When I remarked that, perhaps, they might want to switch to PayLess I got a big lecture about how, not having kids, I didn't understand the importance of kids having to wear certain brands of clothing to fit in (I was thinking 'What, fit in at the homeless shelter...?'). I said I don't have $300 sneakers and If MY kid wanted $300 sneakers he could save up his allowance to buy them and that, if he did, I bet he'd think twice, as he stands in front of the cashier looking back-and-forth at the shoes and the $300+ in his hands. Perhaps then he would have a greater understanding of worth. Kids usually DO get it when they're spending THEIR OWN money. All I got was "You just don't get it..." That conversation happened about six years ago. As I watch the present economic nightmare this country (and we as individuals) are going through it's clear to me that America's decade's-long insatiable desire for more, and newer, and "better" STUFF (I think we're all over it now?) is a big chunk of why we're in this mess. So I think you are a wicked-smart bargain-hunter and I salute you. But you have to know that, soon, you're going to have A LOT of competition at those yard sales. Sharpen your elbows.
Oh SirenSongWoman,

It actually is WORSE than that now. Some people pay just about a mortgage payment for a kids birthday party!!! They give out gift cards in the "goodie bags". It's just ridiculous!! :eek::eek:
Oh, the stories I could tell
Oh SirenSongWoman,

It actually is WORSE than that now. Some people pay just about a mortgage payment for a kids birthday party!!! They give out gift cards in the "goodie bags". It's just ridiculous!! :eek::eek:
Oh, the stories I could tell

How do I get invited to one of those parties!! :p
Those people would hate my parties. I don't cater, I don't give out goodie bags (unless you count my parents stealing the wine :p ), and the kids are expected to play, not be entertained.

The up side: I don't accept gifts either. The girls only get a present from my husband and I and their grandparents.

$300 shoes for kids?! *faints*

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