
Please let's not turn this thread into a heated debate of conversative and liberal ideals. That's what often turns eyes away from the true issues and to bureaucratic crap slinging.

The bottom line is I believe our Country has a good justice system. There are flaws, there are "bad eggs". I believe the true problems arise when we, The People, The Citizens, become complacent and simply accept that "unfortunately this kind of thing happens" without speaking out and taking action to help right the wrongs. Each of us has a responsibility to not just sit safely in our own little world or this Country will fail to "work".
That story makes me sick. Had he gone to jail, as he deserved, he would have received from the other inmates the same treatment other child molesters get. As he deserves!

I am a short person who has never expected or received special treatment because of it, and it never occurred to me to desire any. Why should anybody have to "accomodate" me? Sheesh! Did it ever occur to the Judge that the perp's being small might very well have made him appear more non-threatening to his victim, and that he may use that in his sick schemes? Rhetorical question..sorry.

It is an outrage.

Let me get this straight - the judge is protecting the short criminal while NOT proctecting the short child! What kind of sense does that make! The way our justice system slaps the hands of sex offenders makes me sick - slap their hands, give them "treatment" that doesn't work, and turn them loose to offend again! There is not such thing as re-habing a sex offender!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
>Let me get this straight - the judge is protecting the short
>criminal while NOT proctecting the short child! What kind of
>sense does that make! The way our justice system slaps the
>hands of sex offenders makes me sick - slap their hands, give
>them "treatment" that doesn't work, and turn them loose to
>offend again! There is not such thing as re-habing a sex

Honey bunch and Melody-

I have seen this time and again in the news when a sex offender is released from prision and "rehabilitated." There is no definitive test that I know of to determine if a sex offender has been rehabilitated.

As for the 5'1" sex offender, I believe the punishment should fit the crime. Send him to prison!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Melody, I know this topic is near and dear to your heart. It is a shame that this sort of thing can happen and I hope for the 12 year old girl, her parents and other victims of this kind of abuse that this is changed.
As someone who was sexually abused and molested, I am soooo furious!! it makes me sick as a victim that the criminal gets off scott free! the victim who has to pay for the rest of their life because NOT only did he molest the children he stole something from them that they can never ever get back! he stole their inocence. their dignitiy and so much more damage, I don't care how small he is, he needs to pay and pay like those children have to pay, probation is like a slap in the face to those children and they again are molested only by the courts. Enough to those children, put that creep behind bars and let him at the mercy of the other inmates, he didn't give those children mercy when they were crying and and dying on the inside! so show him NO mercy,
I Am Speechless


Thank you for pouring out your life for children. I read this article, and I am speechless. The only comfort I have in situations like this is knowing that evil doers may waltz through our justice system on this earth, but this man and others like him will stand before God someday and answer for this. I am a very merciful person by nature, but I have no mercy for sexual predators or those who abuse children. Years ago, I was called for jury duty in a trial of a man who raped and sexually abused a little girl. During the voir dire, I emotionally expressed my feelings on this subject. You could say that I had a fit. I was excused from jury duty and promptly escorted from the courtroom. One of the attorneys called my boss (who is an attorney) and told him that I corrupted the entire jury pool!

The more I think about this, the more outrageous it is. I will keep you and all the children and their loved ones who have been devastated by this evil act in my prayers. Thank you again for serving in this way.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Outrageous... but not surprising. Seems more and more, the protection of our children is pushed to the bottom of our nation's priorities. Just look at the bigwigs in the entertainment industry, and the objectionable material they insist is fine for kids. Sometimes I have to turn off the radio in my car and tell me girls (oldest is only 11) that they're too young to listen to the content (parents, you know what I'm talking about!)
This is outrageous! Just because they tell him he shouldn't be with children under 18 or a woman with children under 18, do they really think he's going to listen! My son is small for his age as well and I worry about him. But if he did something to anyone else, I would expect to accept responsibility just like anyone else. That poor child! What are they doing to protect her? Why is a criminal's life worth more than a victim's? If they're so worried about him in prison, let them keep him in solitary.

Melody and all, I hate to rehash this topic several days later but I just saw it.

It reminds me of recently, the Vermont judge that gave a child molester only 60 days jail time for assaulting a child starting at age 6 and for about four more years. Reason was, the child molestor was considered, potentially, a "non-reoffender", so no "in-jail" treatment was allotted for him. So the judge thought the sentence was too tough.

After much backlash from some folks, including Bill O'Reilly, the judge did resentence him to 3-10 years punishment. BUT- only after that "conservative" outlash. I add that in, only because I personally, only saw reports of it on Bill O'Reilly as my DH watched it and not in my local "liberal" paper which I do suscribe to, nor the headlines on my broadband website.

I would think, that if the judge was as equally concerned with the treatment of this new "inmate" as with the child victim, then look into changes of the prison system. Revolutionize an incarceration system that was more humane & less barbaric. Don't leave him out free with more kids! Please! If you can't do a good job of monitoring your incarcerated inmates, why the heck would we trust you with ankle-braceleted child-molestors?!!!

For the record, I have had a few experiences of my own. I would never wish any hideous acts on anyone of them. But that's where my humanity ends. I'm not about to trust a single one of them with new unsuspecting, innocent children. These perverts need to be incarcerated. I've never met or heard of a rehabilitated child molester.
That is absolutely absurd! I have heard that people who harm children do not fare well in prison --some sort of honor among theives thing. I saw put him in and let them have their way with him. He deserves whatever he gets because he is a slime bag child molester!
I have a solution.

My uncle is 5 foot 2. He has volunteered to share a cell with this other short man in order to provide his own brand of protection.

BTW, my uncle is an ex-marine with biceps the size of tree trunks. He could handle himself just fine with a 6 footer, so I trust he could "take care" of this monster.

Please note - no offense meant to any ex-marines. Any stereotypes about their toughness is meant as a compliment. It's just that the ones I know are downright scary when they discuss child molesters.

(In regards to "bleeding heart liberals" and "crazy conservatives," I think everyone in this thread agrees about no compassion for child molesters. That's all that matters. I don't always agree with Bill O'Reilly, but I love how he goes after lenient judges. Go, Bill!)
I'm wondering if a judge would give probation to someone who was very good-looking because he might be molested? It's just stupid. Endangering children because some one is short of stature is unforgivable.
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

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