Anyone Still Struggle to get through Imax 2??


Hi All,

I just wondered if anyone else out there was still struggling to do Imax 2 all the way through with no modifications/breaks? I absolutely love this workout, but it really does kick my backside every time!! Each time I do it, I say to myself, "ok -this time I'm going all the way through". Ha! Then those blessed genie hops in Interval 3 get me every time and I always need to stop and take a break after this one, and pretty much after every interval following that one!! By Interval 10, I am huffing and blowing like a demented hippo!!
Anyone else still finding this workout whips their butt?


This is the one workout I still can't make it all the way through - interval 9 (I think) - where you hop across the board into plie jacks - I can barely make it through two sets of those! Oh well, someday!

I finally made it through all the terminator squad thrusts in bootcamp a couple of weeks ago - that was an accomplishment for me.
So there is still hope for Imax 2!

Debbie K
Hi Kaz,

I have the same issue. I have several intervals I can't do the full blast, and I definitely have to rest more between intervals to catch my breath.

I know most of the people here can probably do the whole thing, but you know what? I look at it like this: I am thrilled to be able to do it at all - most of the people I know couldn't make it through 1 or 2 intervals. So if it take me a little more recovery time, then I am still thrilled.

Definitely a butt-whipper though!

There are several tapes where I have to take short breaks still, and IMAX2 is one of them!! The way I see it though, if I could do every single workout all the way through without breaks or any modifications, I wouldn't be challenged, and I'd be (GASP!!!) bored. Although I can't imagine at this point ever being bored with a Cathe workout!! I'm glad IMAX2 and others kick my butt!! LOL!! I know I'm working hard when I do them, and I love the challenge!!

I got through IMAX1 the other day with no modifications, but a couple of short breaks, and I felt INCREDIBLE!! It was such a huge accomplishment for me!!

All the way through??? Ya mean that is possible! All kidding aside, I am thrilled that I can even do 1-6 on Imax 2, and I still have yet to master the squat thruster thingies. But then again, I made my husband try the ctx kickbox tape one day and he did not even get through 10 minutes....he called me crazy....imagine him attempting Imax 2??? All us Catheites are one tough bunch!
Ya know what gets me is that when I first got this workout, I made it all the way through. Granted it was tough, but I did it every time. Then I had a hiatis (sp?) with it due to a very short pregnancy. Ever since then I haven't been able to do the whole thing. Talk about frustrating! Last week I made it up to interval 6, that is it I'm affraid. Eventually we will all make it, right?

No way

I have not gone all the way through it, or IMax 1 for that matter. I always enjoy it though! And I do see myself improve over time!

Even though I can't do it all the way through without modifying or taking breaks, I still love it!
I do the first 5 or 6 intervals, and that's enough for me. I used to feel absolutely exhausted, and now feel good afterwards, so I'm planning to increase by one more interval at a time. I love this workout even if I can't get all the way through!

Hi Kaz, this workout still kicks my butt. I do have to modify so your not alone. This is one of the workout where I feel like I did something:).
I do both as a split on two days IMAX I and II, when I do them on the floor. If I do them on my EFX I can get almost all the way thru, probably because of lack of impact.

Edith :+
I really love this workout. It just comes together so well. My other favorites are Circuit Max and Power circuit. But everytime IMAX2 comes around and kicks my butt I still appreciate it! I only do it in portions though because it's tough...I like doing 1-5 then tack on 9-10 because I like the Pina Colada section...the Elephant stomps.:p
I was reading some VF threads and laughed out loud at one post where the lady had called Cathe something unprintable and said Cathe was trying to kill her! Sometimes it does make me wonder.}( I LOVE CATHE!
This thread warms my heart big time!(misery loves company!:D) And to answer your question Kaz~NOPE! I still cannot get through Imax 2 without taking a few "walk it off" breaks and my genie hops, straddle hops and quick taps look nothing like Cathes! But hey, if I could do it the first 20 times through what fun would that be? :D


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Lol, Rach, that is exactly what I am thinking whilst TRYING to do those Genie Hops!! Mine are more like Genie Flops by the end!!
I am SOOO glad I am not the only one who still finds this workout challenging! I have to say though, Imax 2 definitely "does what is says on the tin" and is responsible for kicking my fitness up a notch since I have been doing it regularly. Other Cathe workouts that I used to struggle with I am now able to do all the way through.
As you rightly say, Donna, if we were able to do all our workouts the first time through we would be bored in no time!
Kaz xx
YES, everytime I do it - LOL!! This morning, I made it to Interval 7 before I had to take an "extended water break" - LOL! That's a record for me on this workout - WOO HOO!! ONE DAY ... I will get all the way through with only quick sips!!


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