Anyone see the Super Bowl halftime show?



If you did ... I don't have to tell you what happened at the end!! Janet looked a bit shocked, I must say! LOL!! I read on MSN this morning it was an accident, but apparently CBS was not happy with the entire MTV-produced show, and stated in the article I read it is "unlikely" MTV will produce another halftime show for them. Except for the unfortunate costume mishap at the end, I thought the show was more entertaining than the first quarter and a half of the game itself! LOL!! It was only after both teams decided to show up and play that the game itself was interesting!! I didn't really have a favorite to win, but it was very exciting to watch the Pat's kicker make a field goal and win the game in the last few seconds!!

(only my humble opinions here ... of course!!)

Actually from what I have read it was planned. She had a small tassel pastie that covered her breast. Supposedly the stunt was okayed by some high ranking executives, but I bet they are regretting their approval now. For it being a live local network event with many young viewers I thought it was in poor taste. Just my 2 cents.
well I was watching the halftime show and playing on the computer at same time, I turned my back for just a second and my teenage daughter screamed "How Gross!! That was sooooo Gross!" so I turned around and saw just a bit of Janets Breast and they went to commercial!! didn't see the streaker though.
I was shocked that happened on Public TV!! I am just glad my 12 year old son didn't come to watch the show!
Yes, I agree it was planned. How disappointing.

In the future I will make sure my children do not watch that show, for that matter anything by Janet or Justin. Period.

If that is what they do for fame...I don't want any part of it.[/img][/img][/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
Of course it was planned. Janet's career needs a jumpstart so there ya go. What's unfortunate is that today's music sucks so badly that these people have to take their clothes off to stay in the spotlight. I mean does anyone really talk about Britney Spears' music? Or Jessica Simpson's music? These people have one thing going for them and that's their looks. The musical talent just isn't there, and in Simpson's case the brain isn't there either.
Another thing that sucks is that these people thing the general population is dumb enough to buy into the whole "it was an accident" argument. That tells you what they REALLY think of the fans and people they depend on for sales, etc.
Trevor :)
I would just as soon not see another MTV produced halftime myself. Not at all good for kids to see. And what about Kid Rock WEARING the American flag? Then casually dropping it to the stage and leaving it there. I was appalled, but the game was good....even though it didn't start til the last 6 minutes of the 2nd quarter!!...Great to wach a close game like that...just my opinions too...:)...Carole
As I sat there watching the likes of Kid Rock and P Diddy make noise up on the halftime stage, all I could do was wonder WHO in the world decided that these people have talent?

Maybe that makes me sound like an "old lady", but honestly, do these people have beautiful singing voices? NO! They get up on stage, dress provacatively or outrageously to get attention, and then proceed to make loud noise. It's unbelieveable.

Then to top it off, the stunt with Janet Jackson's breast being bared. She's as bad as her brother with the publicity mongering. I really am no prude, but that was just low class and tasteless ~ the whole show was completely embarrassing. :(
They oughta just put the halftime show in the capable hands of bands like Aerosmith and then just step put of the way....those guys still beat the hell out of anything out there these days. And they can actually play their instruments!! Imagine that!
Most people don't even know that wearing the flag as clothing is breaking "flag etiquette" and is disrespectful.
The whole thing looked planned to me too! VERY disappointing and the flag episode really upset me. The whole halftime was a waste! (The part I look forward to.) We all sat and said, "Is THIS talent?" But, I WON a mug!!!! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I wouldn't have minded a bit more of Aerosmith either...hard to believe they have been singing since the mid 70's. Still like them. You are right Trevor, many people don't know that about the flag...kinda sad.....Carole
I never thought for a second that it was an accident. It just goes with Justin's song -- "I'll get you naked at the end of the song." Furthermore, have you ever seen clothes that just got ripped around the bra cup only? And it was a 'nice' rip too.

I saw it, and I thought it was tacky. I think DD and DS saw it too. I was too shocked to say anything -- I'm usually very 'casual' about our bodies. But to be exposed in public is another thing. I just decided to 'sweep it under the rug' -- pretending it never happen... don't know if that's the right thing to do. I know DH didn't see it... I think I don't want my kids to watch anymore 'live' shows.
I'm so glad I'm not alone- I was watching the halftime show w/my 8 year old daughter and my teenage nieces and thankfully they were talking so much they didn't notice the end of the show. THEY had commented on Kid Rock wearing the flag and were asking if its legal to put a hole in it and throw it over your head.

I'm SO tired of having to censor what my kids watch after 8pm on non-cable tv (not to mention the "titilation" on regular news during sweeps week). When the kids need to be sent from the room at 8:15 because someone has ripped the clothes off Britney while she dances on ABC at the Nat'l Mall we have a problem.

I'm an advocate of free speech- unfortunately I'm also a fan of good taste and they don't seem to co-exist very often anymore...

I work very hard trying to raise my kids in a healthy, happy atmosphere where the forbidden "s" word in our house is "stupid", it gets exhausting trying to fight the world which thinks pushing the envelope is acceptable at any cost.

ACK!! I didn't mean to go off on a tangent, just fed up.
Most definitely planned...

Remember Justin is still pining for Britney--argue though he might--I think this was his attempt to "one-up" her kiss with Madonna.

That was no pasty, that was her nipple jewelry (she's pierced).

For those of you the didn't see the boob--here is a link--very close up pictures

I agree with you all. I watched the half time show and I didn't see any talent there at all. And, I agree totally that Janet planned that. The whole show was so poor. If it was the gong show they would of been gonged right away.

You know, I never really thought it was planned until I read the responses here, and really thought about it. You're right ... the costume did look as though it was made to rip in that way, and I do remember seeing something that looked like a pastie as Justin pulled away the piece of costume. She didn't look at HIM with a shocked look - she was looking straight ahead instead. I would think if someone pulled a piece of my clothing away and I wasn't expecting it, I'd be looking at them first, you know what I mean? It happened so quickly it was like ... WHAT????? Did that just happen???? My daughter and I sat there in stunned silence. And then we looked at each other and asked a, "Did I just see what I thought I saw?" kind of question. I'm glad the folks at CBS had the good sense not to show the streaker. I did notice they kept the camera on the players' faces instead. I also noticed they did not mention Janet's disrobing incident on the air after the show. I think that showed some good taste.

I don't think any of you are prudes for being upset and shocked about this. All age groups watch the Super Bowl, even small children. This was not a halftime show geared toward all ages. But, CBS did watch the rehearsals, and so they knew what acts would be performing and such. I think they should have the good sense next year to book different acts, or at least not allow MTV to produce the show. I'm sure they'll receive quite a few outraged letters and such because of yesterday. It would be interesting to know what their sponsors thought about it.

I agree these so-called musicians often need to resort to outrageous acts like this in order to "entertain". The show certainly wasn't as fun as previous years' shows have been. Bring back Aerosmith - I agree!! LOL!! At least they still play their own instruments and sing live. Steven Tyler can still put on quite a great show!! I've been an Aerosmith fan since high school!! Those guys ROCK!!

You all rock too, and it's nice to read your opinions on this issue!!


Well said! Good for you for working hard to raise them in a healthy atmosphere. It's very hard these days. I shudder to think what my 2 1/2 year old granddaugher will see in her lifetime. Keep up the good work!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Most definitely planned...

Ah!! Now I see - LOL!! Quite literally. Anyone else think that's an implant? LOL!!

Don't mean to offend anyone, but I'm now seeing how contrived and planned this whole stunt was, and it's just sort of silly and pathetic. Just my personal opinion here ... but I've never thought Janet had much talent to begin with. Shock value ... just like Britney and Madonna a few months ago. Silly people ... all of them. I'm almost sorry I started this thread!!:(

RE: Most definitely planned...

Oh my Gosh, Carol, don't be offended or sorry- I didn't realize how strongly I felt about the subject this early in the a.m. I could see the humor (almost) or stupidity of the whole thing if it were on MTV or at a later time but the stunt was done at a vulnerable time when children were watching a FOOTBALL GAME (hello!!)and it just seemed so cheeky and desperate.

I encourage my kids to watch all sports and don't expect to have to put my guard up about what they're seeing. I think we're all on the same page...:)
OK, I swear my last comment regarding the halftime shows ever: the NFL has a history of pathetic shows- "Elvis Presto" the 3-d magician. Need I say more? If I wanted to see boobs I would have put my kids to bed and paid to see the pay-per-view women in lingere playing football at halftime. Maybe we should just be happy that we didn't have to pay to see Janet's.

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