Hello Ladies,
How on earth have i missed this thread? I am quite surprised only few of us chimed in.There must be more on the same boat!

lol reluctance to sweating causes acne what is the logic!??
Anyway, I do feel the presure from extended family when it comes to nutrition.
I do not force anyone into choosing their nutrition, I just want people around to respect and accept my choice.
For us folks here, fitness is a LIFESTYLE
Story: My brother in law who is now overweight for at least 40 pound bought fast food one day while I was visiting my sister's house.
He offered fatty chips (thick french fries) served with fatty sauces and deep fried cod

I declined. He lectured me and stated: I just love the same food He likes.

no I don't
I respect his choice of not only eating as much as he does but also his poor/mediocre choice!

The same brother in law lost weight years ago doing atkins diet. He lost the weight running every day (no resistance training at all), got bored and gave up. Went back to old eating habit and there you go!
I had all those stories at work. When it comes to tea time in england and there is biscuit, cookies, muffins etc... around.
To reply to the question, I have no one around me who understand my connection to fitness.
I am actually to the point of regularly attending the gym. It would be cool have a buddy to share interest

My family think I talk to much about health and fitness. I decided a while ago not to mention it.
I only mention when it comes to dating. I think it is important element to know. Usually I do not have to mention
cause they do notice.
- The more people feel jealous /threatened of what/by I have achieved to improve my health and appearance.
- the more they give me hard time because I do not opt for their poor choices in nutrition,
- lack of activity, reluctance to having a "cheat meal" week end fatty food,
- Going with the flow when it comes to working out instead of setting goals etc...
The more I get inspired to improve my nutrition and venture in various training.
Keep it up ladies ;-)