Anyone here have tattoos?

Yea I have one on my shoulder, ankle, and back... Too bad they'll come out in hte shower}( }( :+

Take Care,

Thirty-Five is when you get your head together and your body starts falling apart.
-Caryn Leschen-
... Thank GOD I'm not there;-)

I'm glad to hear that Adri, you are too young to have a tat!

And I am speaking as someone old enough to be your mother. Oh my gosh, probably old enough to be your grandmother.
I have a wolf head with Indian feathers and a strand of beads drapping from behind it's right ear on my right calf.
Do radiation tatoos count? - Heehee!

If so, I have nine black dots where my left breast (the Judas goat) used to be to line me up with the radiation machine.

Susan L.G.
Susan - those are battle scars;) My sister has those too. You should be more proud of those than any tattoo one can get at a tattoo parlour!
wow i would love to see some of these tats - specially yours Steph cuz I have what sounds like a similar one going around my ankle -but I have 6 dolphins in diff colors. Is your ankle one in diff colors too?

Considering the size of the battle scar the tats surround - your sister and I should be queens of the universe - haha!

How long has she been a survivor?

Susan L.G.
Susan, that's exactly right!

She had a double mastectomy in March 2003, followed by long chemo and radiation sessions (6 months chemo and five weeks radiation).

So far she's still all clear:)
Personally, I don't care for them. I grew up in a generation where they were associated with bikers and hard-core individuals. If I grew up today in my teens I might possibly feel different.

Too permanent for my taste. Although I recently read that there is new tattoo ink that can be removed with one laser treatment.
I think you are right about removing tattoos, BROYLES60, and I seem to remember hearing that removal is quite expensive and possibly even more painful than getting the tattoo as well.

Susan L.G.
I have 2. A black heart with barbed wire around it I got when I was 20 (yes I was underage at the time) on the outside of my right ankle. And a green dragon "tramp stamp" on my lower back I got about 3 yrs ago to celebrate a 40lb weight loss. Nothing like 3 hrs of pain to celebrate months of hard work!!
I'm one of those old folks who doesn't care for them either.

It may be because I'm uneducated about them, but I've never seen what I consider a "pretty" one. From afar, they look like bruises to me.

I think it's fine for anybody to get them, but I'll never do that to myself! :)

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