Anyone here have tattoos?

I should probably answer my own question. I have 6. A phoenix on my left inside wrist, 3 stars on my right inside wrist, the word conquer in kanji on the back of my neck, a celtic knot on my lower back, and two fairys on the back of my right shoulder. Phew!
None, nothing, and nowhere. But if I did, it would be a small lizard or palm tree somewhere hidden. Hey, maybe I do and I just haven't found it yet.
I have 2. a rose vine and butterfly on my upper left butt cheek :p
and the word bad on my right hip in front }(

I am currently on the hunt for # 3. Have wanted another for years. Hope to have it done by year's end...just have to figure out what to get!:+
I just have one. A lizard on my lower right back at my pant waistline. I'd like to somehow incorporate it into a lower back piece, but I have to go see a tattoist to help with a design.
I have a rose on the inside of my left ankle. I've had it for 17 years now. Still looks good but I am seriously considering having it removed. I've regretted it for several years now. They're just not my thing anymore.

I have 2 hummingbirds on the inside of my left ankle and a Bird of Paradise flower on my right hip in front.

I still want one more - a veterinary caduceus (the snake around the pole inside a "V"). I think I will get that on my low back somewhere, probably sometime soon. Funny, I heard somewhere that the low back tattoos are called "tramp stamps"! Well, I'm looking forward to getting my own tramp stamp!!:p
I have 2, one is the Japanese simble of love on the lower right side of my back. The other is a bird in just black ink on my lower right side of my abs. I would like to get something with color on either my shoulder blade or on the upper center of my back. But I'm too indecisive these days. I've had the 2 now for 12 years, I was much more of a "fly by the seat of you pants" kind of girl then.

On my lower back I have a rose vine with a red flower in the middle. Its extends from one side of my waist to the other, very nice when I wear my low rise pants or jeans ;-)

On my right top foot, I have a tiger with a small vine and flower by the side of his face, very sexy when wearing sandals. But, it is very hard to keep the flower colored because movement of my foot.

I have a scorpion on the inside of my right ankle. When I was a teen I was into all that horoscope stuff. I have a playboy bunny head on my right butt cheek. I want to get my scorpion covered up w/ an antique looking butterfly. The butt cheek needs to shrink more before I decide what to do w/ that tattoo. LOL I think the lover back tattoos look really cool, but don't think I have the nerve to get one.
One, it's in a v shape from just below my hips bones and meets over my pelvic area. Roses and vines that meet with DH's name in the middle.

I have a long stemmed rose on the side of my right leg between the knee and ankle. I love it & want more!

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
I have a 'design' on my right side, rib/ab area. Got it in the military. WOuld maybe like another. I think you can see it on my fitness pics on the pic trail.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!![/img] [/url]

I have one on my very lowest part of the middle of by back. I designed it myself. Two feathers with beads and leather hanging down..., and above them bubbles. It's really nice, just love it. I need to have it retouched though. I do want one more. One that I can see.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I have three tattoos. I have a dolphin on my left ankle, 5 dolphins going all the way around my right ankle like an ankle braclet and a butterfly with tribal on each side on my lower back. My husband calls lower back tattoos porn star tats.


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