anyone have a savings acct at ING Direct?


I'm considering opening one because the interest rate is so much better than at regular banks (they are online only). They appear to be reputable, and I got a good review of them from one friend, but I always worry about the "if it looks too good to be true then it probably is"....has anyone here had an account with them, and any reviews, good or bad? Thanks!
I've had my savings account with ING for almost 5 years - never a problem and their interest rates are much higher than my bank. It does take 2-3 days if you need to transfer money out of it to your checking account though.
Do the research. Its a foreign that has many branches in many countries. Check what the compensation cover is if it goesunder. Maynot be equal to USA cover.
I have accounts with both ING and HSBC. They are both FDIC covered up to 250,000 dollars now (formerly 100,000). HSBC has a bit higher interest rate than ING, but I have been pleased with both places for my money. Definitely better than my local bank!
I've had a savings account with them for the last 3 years. I haven't had any problems with them. I get a higher interest rate with them than I do with my local bank.
We've been with them for about 5 years now. Never had a problem.

If it helps, they were recommended to us by my brother who is a CPA and MBA (in finance) and he always researches everything thoroughly. If he is recommending something I feel confident about it.....
I've had many accounts with ING for about 10 years. Very easy to use, very user friendly, never any problems, very consumer oriented. Strongly recommend.
Like others above, I also have an ING Orange Savings account, for about 4 years now. I have automatic deposits scheduled monthly from my checking account (at the bank) to my ING account, and I haven't had a problem at all!

(knock on wood)

I'm actually going to be checking into their offers and info on an ING Mortgage.

My Dad -- the smartest man alive when it comes to all things financial -- has a savings account there. That's good enough for me!
I have an online savings account with for 3 years. It was recommeded from Suze Orman on her CNBC show. I looked into the ING orange acct, but at the time Emigrant gave better savings rates (don't know about now). I've never had any issues at all and it works very similar with transferring money to your checking account just like the ING orange one does. They are FDIC insured up to $100,000 (now $250,000 ---everyone be aware, that $250,000 insurance is right now only good through end of 2009 I believe.
I have had an account with them for 8 years. I never had any problems...and you gotta love that guy in the commercials! ;)
DH & I have had an account with ING for several years and I love it. No problems, and I love that you can have different 'envelopes' for different savings goals (we have savings, auto insurance, vacation, etc). My brother recommended them several years back and he majored in finance.
I've had the same positive experiences as the others here, they are easy to work with, FDIC insured for 250,000 per account up to a certain amount, but I don't have to worry about that :p. I've had the account for at least 4 years, I highly recommend them, and they were also recommended by a Financial Planner.
I have had accounts with ING for years and have never had a problem with them. I love them and wouldn't hesitate to tell you to go for it. :)
I have also had an account there for several years. I also got an ING mortgage and have refinanced through them. Very fast, efficient and informative. They are able to give higher interest rates because they do not have the same amount of overhead... i.e., they are an internet bank. However, they do drop the interest rates with the drops in the fed rates. (used to be a board of trustee member for my local bank, so I've been there when they dropped the rates to less than 1%, yuck) Anyway, no problems encountered with them. Good luck.
I have an ING account and love it. I use it as my Christmas Club and transfer money into it weekly from my regular checking. I've never had a problem, and even when it came time to do my Christmas withdraw, the money was in my regular account very quickly!
Glad to hear it!

I'm glad to hear so many positive things about ING ... DH is considering moving money there (from our local bank).

Thanks for the info!
I also have an Emigrantdirect savings account, but I think they're very similar. You don't get checks or ATM cards, just good rates. No frills. Every few months I transfer funds from my credit union checking account to Emigrant online, and it's very easy and convenient. It's nice to have some funds that are not invested in the stock market!
thanks everyone for all the responses!

I feel much better now and isn't it a sign of the times that I could be this excited over 2.5% interest!

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