From the Greek, Christ means, to annoint. You know, Heather, I think I am getting way too serious about this! Connie reminded me that my own much loved family are a bunch of well-intentioned Baptists and a better bunch you will not meet! Barbara, who started this matzoh brie, is an angel. So far no one has burned a cross on my front yard, so I might have been a little reactive! Can you believe that of me! Good heaven's no! LOL! Really, it's quite extraordinary that a subtitled film in Aramaic has played to packed houses and standing ovations, when at first finding, a distributor seemed difficult, lol!
I was lamenting the fact that there was nothing much going on in the forums of late and now I am getting email notifications out the wazoo! Don't mind my big-mouthed opinionated self. I mean no harm! My oldest daughter describes herself as Jewishtian and has friends who are mostly from inter-faith families like her own. And whether I like it or not, I remain influenced by my own Judeo-Christian background to a large extent. I have been something of an amatuer theologian for some time and for someone who has become agnostic, I certainly read about God and Christ quite a bit. I should problably convert to Judaism to simplify my life. The name "Israel" means "to struggle with God" and I struggle with God. At the very least, I consider God to be a divine spark in all human beings. Which is why I am not an atheist. I want "God" as a force to unify mankind. Underline unify. Barring that, I would indeed abolish religion. September 11, 2001 was the clincher for me, by the way. I stood and looked at the extraordinary heaven's and wept, "Where are You?" and I realized that we are alone except for every human on the planet! Do you remember when Jerry Fallwell blamed it all on gays and feminists? I was thinking Gandhi and Hitler are in hell. Jerry's going to Heaven? But what I had studied said that God had sent Jesus to intercede on our behalf, God having separated Himself from us. And yet, because of feminists and gays, He decided not to intervene and allowed the wicked and the innocent to die as he did so often in the Old Testament? He was forever smoting the wicked and the innocent in the Old Testament. LOL! At that point, I realized what I had always known in my doubting heart, that Christianity was a mythology like the Greek and Roman mythologies I had loved and read as a child. I believe in evolution and I was ticked off that I'd been snowed from childhood. I came to embrace the Eastern religions, reincarnation in the sense that it all gets recycled. The water here is the same recycled water from the beginning of time, billions of years ago. Because humans want a purpose, we created religion and it has been a blessing and a curse. Perhaps we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Every religious war illustrates that point. Do you remember when Bush compared our war on terrorism a crusade? The Crusades were a Christian assualt on an innocent Islam. History condemns us. In this country, the Bible was used to justify slavery. Our founding fathers wrote that we "find these truths self-evident, that all men are created equal" and they owned slaves! The irony of that. I believe Humans are wired for spiritiuality but I pray we might choose spiritual practices that might enrich our lives WHILE WE LIVE. I don't desire my reward in Heaven. I don't belive in Heaven or in Hell. There's only now, this moment, this life. I know my goal is to make life on Earth tolerable for every being. No trips to Mars before every man, woman and child on Earth has a shot at a decent life.
The Earth is not flat and the sun does not revolve around it. In ancient days this was believed as fact. A fact in the word of God, infallible God. infallible word. I feel such sorrow for Capernicus and Gallileo, born when they were. Is it not time to let go of those archaic beliefs and to foster tolerance among men? To let go of dogma and to create Paradise Now? Before it's too late? Because when you are dead, it's too late! Do you remember the time before you were born? You will cease to exist upon your death and your immortality will remain only as long as someone remembers your name. Make your life memorable then. Foster love, and tolerance. Be Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Adam Sandler, lol!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"