Anyone go lighter with STS weights?


I am curious to know if anyone actually went lighter than recommended and still had good/great results?

I gave up heavy lifting some time ago as I have joint issues in literally most joints (a medical issue) but I still purchased STS. Part of it was wishful thinking but part of it was perhaps to try to make it work with a lighter weight range. I was wondering if anyone else went lighter/much lighter than recommended and still was able to see results or build up strength?
I had to go lighter than some of my 1 rep max testing suggested...significantly lighter in some cases and was thrilled with my results...I only did meso 1 because I have to take some time off for surgery, and wonder if the lighter weights work particularly well in the endurance phase.

Anyway, not sure if that's helpful to you, but that was my experience.

I went lighter on my second round of STS because I had a knee flare-up and some shoulder issues. Especially with the Legs DVDs, I had to cut my first round weight in half (for example, using 20 lbs where I had used 40 lbs in my first round of STS). I still got great results in terms of improving my strength and appearance. I think the important thing with STS is the consistency and making sure you are challenging yourself, for your particular body and that particular day. If you are not feeling challenged at all then the weight is too light and it's a waste of time.

Thanks for the replies! I just don't want joint flare ups and have been sticking to larger muscles only like Assisted Pull Ups, Chest Presses, squats, and Dead Lifts. But if I add in heavy biceps or triceps, my elbows go crazy! Leg Press or Lunges and my knees swell. SO I would have to use body weight for those or go very light.

I completely forgot but I could use bands for a lot of the tricep/bicep work. It's not too hard to swap out. Correct me if I'm wrong as I haven't done the workouts!
Thanks for the replies! I just don't want joint flare ups and have been sticking to larger muscles only like Assisted Pull Ups, Chest Presses, squats, and Dead Lifts. But if I add in heavy biceps or triceps, my elbows go crazy! Leg Press or Lunges and my knees swell. SO I would have to use body weight for those or go very light.

I completely forgot but I could use bands for a lot of the tricep/bicep work. It's not too hard to swap out. Correct me if I'm wrong as I haven't done the workouts!

Go lighter for those moves! Your larger compound moves are still going to make you stronger and in better health. You can definitely sub bands for tricep and bicep work, or go very light there and see what happens when STS increases the weight gradually.
I used STS after an injury that ended up in surgery. STS became rehab wokout.
After being cleared to workout by my PT ... I used 1#, 3#, 5# DB and only a 10# BB. (And,I took all the rest weeks off).:)
I felt my muscles coming back and I was much stronger and flexible by the end of the 3 1/2 months. I was able to focus on good form using the light weights.
I don't know if I'll ever be able to do the heavy weights like I did before I got hurt (shoulder surgery) but I did get back to 80 to 90% of the weight I used before the surgery.
I did STS 1x before surgery and have done STS 3x in 3 years afterwards. I love it. :D
I too have joint issues and it's a balance between getting strong or doing too much and getting overuse injuries.
Good for you for trying to find your way to handle the physical challenges and not giving up.
I used STS after an injury that ended up in surgery. STS became rehab wokout.
After being cleared to workout by my PT ... I used 1#, 3#, 5# DB and only a 10# BB. (And,I took all the rest weeks off).:)
I felt my muscles coming back and I was much stronger and flexible by the end of the 3 1/2 months. I was able to focus on good form using the light weights.
I don't know if I'll ever be able to do the heavy weights like I did before I got hurt (shoulder surgery) but I did get back to 80 to 90% of the weight I used before the surgery.
I did STS 1x before surgery and have done STS 3x in 3 years afterwards. I love it. :D
I too have joint issues and it's a balance between getting strong or doing too much and getting overuse injuries.
Good for you for trying to find your way to handle the physical challenges and not giving up.

Thanks for the reply, this is exactly what I needed to hear! I am about to start PT for a chronic should issue involving the rotator cuff, and have too many other issues to list! ;) I know how to modify workouts to suite my needs but I never do; it's as if I need to see it on the screen in order to give myself permission to do it. It's odd. I think I will give it a shot! I'll go with a light-moderate range and if I feel pain or have swelling during or afterwards, I'll just make a note and pyramid down until I can increase at a later date. Seems like common sense but I never thought I would do that in a Cathe workout; trying for a lighter weight vs heavy. I always bought Cathe for the weight challenge and I used other instructors workouts if I wanted something "lighter". Now I'll use her workouts just bc they are damn good and make the weight selection appropriate for this injury-prone body. I might not be able to lift like I used to, but I guess I've learned I don't need to throw her workouts out the window either.

Thanks everyone for the help!
I am a 55 y.o guy doing sts for the first time. Personally I am finding that the weights calculated by the 1RM are in many instances too high or maybe the progression of the program is too fast.

I like my physical therapist but really do not want to see him again any time soon
I had to go lighter than my 1RM calculated for all my shoulder exercises. My shoulders are just not a strong point, and unlike all my other areas I couldn't push a weight increase at the pace STS implements either. So I just lowered to a weight that worked for my shoulders and adjust as I'm physically able.
I went lighter this time around with STS, on the advice of a friend here on the forum. I ended up with tennis elbow after my first go-round, & my PT told me that since I'm "older", the tendon has thickened with age & will never be "right" again. I'm at the end of Meso 1, & not in pain like I was the first time around!
Thanks everyone for the helpful feedback. I have spinal arthritis which has caused fusion so I have to be careful with my neck and back and no spine loading so I was unsure about getting STS as I thought it may be too intense for me. After watching some of the clips from the series and hearing from others who want to be challenged, but have limitations, yet with tweaks are getting results, I think I will give it a whirl. Thanks!
That was sort of my thought going into my first round of STS. I didn't want to risk injury so if I'm in doubt about an exercise I err toward the side of caution. I find I'm able to push myself more than I thought though so I don't go too light. I do find that sometimes I have to back off what the sheet says. For example, when I was doing triceps the other day I found myself getting to muscle failure before the set was done, so my 1 rep max's may have just been off.
Since this is my first go around I'm viewing it as sort of a "getting to know ya" cycle. I want to do it again later this year and then maybe I'll feel more comfortable pushing it harder. Either way I'm gaining strength regardless!
Me too!

I had a nerve injury resulting in severe tricep/shoulder/pectoral weakness on left side last summer. When the pain subsided I started "rehabbing" myself. I too started with small dumbells. I could only use 3# (had been using 15#) for tricep exntensions and could NOT do the overhead extensions at all. I had to decrease my chest presses to 25# (down from 60#). At first I was really depressed but I made myself continue and was very happy. I've continued to slowly improve but I too err on the side of caution, not wanting to overdo it.
I'm doing Cathe's 90 Day rotation that uses LIC & STS. I'm loving this one. All the workouts are about an hour and I am using my STS in a different way. "Got'a love it!":cool:
I go lighter than Cathe, that's for sure... :eek:

I'm building strength after a broken wrist last year, so tend to go lighter when I need to...
In my case I am getting back into regular exercizing after a 6-month time-off period. I am going through an STS DVD once and a while, and find I must go wel below my 60% IRM just so I do not overdo it. Besides I am 63 y.o. Love the STS approach, though:). It's an enjoyable workout to do.
-- David

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