Anyone else NOT like circuit workouts?

Muffin Top

I either like to do cardio or strength, but not both together. I think I'm getting shorted on one or the other or both. Just curious if anyone else feels that way.
I'd much rather do a full length step workout and a full length strength workout. Anyone else?
I am kind of the same as you...I either do straight cardio, or straight strength-training, and that is the way I like it. However I have heard that combining the 2 in circuit-like training can boost the amount of calories you burn. I was just reading an article today that interspersing some high intensity cardio into your weight training can really boost the fat burn. I think circuit training takes a different kind of endurance and works your body in a different way and different is always good !
Really??? That is good to know! I may have to try to work one into my rotation if the calorie burn is really better. Thanks for the tip!
I subscribe to the JILLIAN MICHEALS e-newsletter, and this is what she had to say for today:

The In's and Out's of Interval Cardio

Mixing interval cardio moves with weight training keeps your heart rate at a higher level throughout a workout. Why is maintaining an elevated heart rate important? Because it means you'll burn more calories. If you're just starting out, add in a 15-second interval cardio move after every three weight exercises. As you your fitness level increases, you can choose to make your interval cardio sessions longer or addd more of them to your workout.
Probably why my Boot Camp DVD has never been played! Love weight training, tolerate cardio, but hate both together!
Circuit workouts are the only way I really force myself to get cardio in. If it were up to me I would always to weights, but in the month that I have been rotating the CTX and Timesaver series, I've seen a better improvement than just doing weights and cardio separate.

Oh, I find them boring. I don't find circuit workouts actually work out all the body parts to exhaustion that weight training alone does. I also prefer to do my cardio alone....get it over with.
I like circuit training because for me, it keeps the boredom factor down to a minimum. I love Boot Camp because you are only doing any one given move for one minute. Then you move on to the next move and never see the other move again in that workout. This is the way I like it...I am one of those people that get really annoyed when the same move keeps reappearing throughout a workout. I want to the do the move once, then be done with it. I guess it helps keep me motivated, knowing I'll get past each section and move onto something totally new.
I feel the same. I've done many of them over the years, especially Cathe's of course, but I still don't like them.
Not sure why.
I feel the same way. The only circuit I like is lower body circuit -- my HR stays up AND I can feel my legs working. If you hate circuit workout, try lower body circuit!
I've never been a fan of the circuit workout but I recently started adding them in due to time constraints, and I find that I am really enjoying the change. I think the trick is to find the more interesting circuits and do those. My personal prefs are SJP, HSC, and BC. I have others but I haven't gotten past the dread factor yet...

I usually use CTX Power Circuit, High Step Training Advanced Lower Body Circuit, Body Max (Power Circuit only), sometimes SJP (hi-lo and during weight work doing lunges, squats, etc on my own). I think Aquajock had suggested replacing the weight segment in Circuit Max with lower body weight work. Also during IMax 2 recovery (since it is lower intensity than the other 2 IMaxes), doing squats, lunges, etc.

I have heard people doing the lower body premix in the KPC, and Leg and Glutes DVD. I haven't done that one since it is a little too long for me (about 80 mins).

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