Anyone else finding they need a rack for meso 2?

Going out to pick up my squat rack today - Canada

After doing week one of Meso 2, I am off to get a squat rack. To do the chest press I had to have my husband spot me, as the 70 lb barbell was just too much to get up. I will use it for squats for sure so it will be a good investment...It's 199 from Fit for Life. The company is in London Ontario. There is another place called the Treadmill Factory and they have the p90x squat rack for 189 (all Canadian).

Yep, I too realized this after starting Meso2, but I am trying to wait until the Power Tower becomes available. But I may just go ahead and get something else.

anyone try jack stands?

I know I will need something for Meso Cycle three (or sooner). I was doing some research for something that would work and not take up too much space. I found a forum where they were using jack stands. This forum was full of Men lifting much heavier then I ever will and I think they were using the jack stands for standing excercises. For example for their bar bell curls and so on. So I don't know if they will be safe enough for presses.!!

My plan is to try my husbands jack stands (while he's in the room to spot me) with the highest weight used in Meso 3 and see if I feel they are safe.

Please note that all jack stands are not rated the same. My DH has some very "beefy" jack stands. I'll let you know what I find out. I'm worried about the jack stands falling over if I don't place the weight on it correctly. If the jack stands don't work, I'll be ordering some weight stands. Being safe will be worth any extra cost or storage space required. ;)
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Yep, I too realized this after starting Meso2, but I am trying to wait until the Power Tower becomes available. But I may just go ahead and get something else.


Me too but I don't think that I can wait. I can always buy Cathe's stand when it comes out and sell the cheap one on Ebay.;)

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