You look great. I know TA works because she really slimmed down my lower body.
Yes there is science but there is also empirical info.....what you see.
When you speak so strongly against something you begin insulting those who believe in it.
Yes there is science but there is also empirical info.....what you see.
If you don't like it, disapprove that is fine but please don't slag the method or the people who enjoy it.
Plus I am old enough to see changes in the fitness infustry. First it was yoga is useless. Aerobics is best. Then came weights. Now it is fusion.
Let's just respect everyone's opinions and choices.
Thus no one has stated, at least, not me that the method in question would not result in slimming the body
to some degree! Catabolism does slim down it is a fact!That being said it is not everyone cup of tea.
Let's indeed respect each other cup of tea!Thus not feed the troll mentioning bulk/looking fat etc...
which is in fact temporary water retention.
Wow. Now she reduced me to " flaunting" Damn I'm such a flaunter, I should be ashamed of myself for trying to somehow establish a point when clearly words don't get across.The use of two word: insult and slag is exagerrate.
My question was asking for the explanation of the method. I have *not* had any.
Instead we had flaunting pictures as "empirical data". That is fine as far as freedom is concerned.
Thus no one has stated, at least, not me that the method in question would not result in slimming the body
to some degree! Catabolism does slim down it is a fact!That being said it is not everyone cup of tea.
Let's indeed respect each other cup of tea!Thus not feed the troll mentioning bulk/looking fat etc...
which is in fact temporary water retention.
Her type of workouts aren't my thing but she is discussed on other forums because of her ideas regarding womens fitness - women shouldn't lift more than 3 pounds, pointing out peoples flaws about their body and telling them she can make it better stuff like that and off course all the stuff she says about making you skinny. She seems to be against a athletic body like cathe or myself and more for everyone should have a dancer ballet type body - like the paltrow lady. She would tell you not to spin or its bulks you up and she would have a fit at any of Cathe's weight workouts. There is room for all types of exercise but she pretty much slams all else
I think what you are forgetting once that we are all different and what you may like or enjoy...might not be the same as everyone else. What we are only pointing out are other exercise alternatives.The use of two word: insult and slag is exagerrate.
My question was asking for the explanation of the method. I have *not* had any.
Instead we had flaunting pictures as "empirical data". That is fine as far as freedom is concerned.
Thus no one has stated, at least, not me that the method in question would not result in slimming the body
to some degree! Catabolism does slim down it is a fact!That being said it is not everyone cup of tea.
Let's indeed respect each other cup of tea!Thus not feed the troll mentioning bulk/looking fat etc...
which is in fact temporary water retention.
Here's a thing in my mind. I think many of us do naturally gravitate to what fits us, and there can certainly be a component to choosing a trainer by their natural body type. I know I'll never have a ballerina build, and that's fine with me by this point in my life and I don't try to train my body into something it's not. (although I do admit to sometimes being sensitive to those type of comments TA is known for that women should be as tiny as possible).
I would except that many of her fans are ectomorphs.
I like how Cathe has all different kinds of body types in her workouts! To me that is great motivation to see how different people of naturally different builds can develop over time!