Anyone complete STS over 50?



Good morning. I am seriously thinking of buying the STS program the whole shabang. I was reading on the VF thread today. There are some people that mentioned they have to be careful doing heavy weights at that age huh? I was really disappointed with what I read. I have never stuck with a program long enough to see what results I would get by doing so.

I am 53 and love weights, kickboxing, pilates and my elliptical. I would love to hear pros and cons.

I have the gym style series and the pyramids. Will I get better results by using STS?

I need to lose some fat and tone up. I am at my WW goal weight but need to tone up my thighs, upper body and work on my stomach. I guess that takes care of my entire body:(:(

I missed the big pre sale. Any ideas where I may purchase them at a reasonable price. Or is there a certain set that I may get results with. Everyone is talking about how much they love the Meso dvd or would it be best buying all of them.

Thanks, I am so confused.:confused:

Deb, I am 58 and am starting on my second round of STS. The first time through I lost 2" on my waist, 2" on my hips and 1 1/4" on each thigh. I didn't watch calories at all and didn't lose any weight of course but this time I am counting calories.

I would suggest that you need all 3 meso cycles because it is the confusion that makes it work. I believe you could rotate these 3 cycles forever and still get results. If you only do 1 cycle your muscles will get used to it.

All the ladies in our 50 and over check in group have done or are doing STS. You lift what you can lift and modify if necessary. For example all my pushups are on my knees. I can do 25 "real" pushups in a row but not when I am doing all the other exercises.

I also like that you don't have to think about what you are doing next. You just put disc 1 in and go from there.

Hope this helps.

Thank you Joan

Hi Joan, you just inspired me. I am so tempted now. I will have to read some on your check in group.

Congratulations with your progress. You have no idea how you have helped me. I want to be strong fit and healthy no matter how old. I have always said age is just a number.

Thank you so much!:):):):):)

Deb first congrats on hitting your goal weight!! ^5 to you! Second the gymstyle and pyramids are two of my most favorite dvd's series. Third can a lady over 50 lift heavy -- OH YES! I am 53 and I am on my second round. My arms and shoulders have really taken shape. I love a strong arm. :D I feel strong and have gained strength with this series. If I had to pick only one I would pick Meso 2, it has the most "Cathe" feel to it. As a whole though the system is wonderful.

I don't think it's a matter of getting better results from STS than if you do a rotation with GS or Pyramids but it is a great program/rotation to have in your collection. You do your 1RM's, print your workout cards and press play. I add my own cardio mix. That way I can do my weights on m/w/f and do my own mix of cardio between and take off days when I need. I also modify pushups but that's pretty much the only thing I have to modify with these workouts because they are based on your 1RM's so it becomes your personal workout. :)

Stop by the 50's group... we all have a lot in common. ;)
Thank you both Jann & Joan

Deb first congrats on hitting your goal weight!! ^5 to you! Second the gymstyle and pyramids are two of my most favorite dvd's series. Third can a lady over 50 lift heavy -- OH YES! I am 53 and I am on my second round. My arms and shoulders have really taken shape. I love a strong arm. :D I feel strong and have gained strength with this series. If I had to pick only one I would pick Meso 2, it has the most "Cathe" feel to it. As a whole though the system is wonderful.

I don't think it's a matter of getting better results from STS than if you do a rotation with GS or Pyramids but it is a great program/rotation to have in your collection. You do your 1RM's, print your workout cards and press play. I add my own cardio mix. That way I can do my weights on m/w/f and do my own mix of cardio between and take off days when I need. I also modify pushups but that's pretty much the only thing I have to modify with these workouts because they are based on your 1RM's so it becomes your personal workout. :)

Stop by the 50's group... we all have a lot in common. ;)

Thank you for the warm welcome Jann. I have been reading about the 1RM'S
and it seems to make sense. I have a slight problem. I do not have a printer yet but I can forward it to work to print it out. Congratulations on your second round of STS and all the progress you are making. I guess I need to read more on the STS workouts. I am sure I have all of the equipment needed. I have a barbell, weights, stability ball, bands, medicine ball but if pull ups are in the workouts I do not have a pull up bar. I would probably set my total gym as high as I could and do my pull ups on it. I need to take a look at the rotation that Cathe has for the STS unless you do disc one-36 which would make it simple. Today is a rest day for me. I just put on a new set of flannell, fleece sheets from costco they are amazing. I want to get another pair before they sell out. I don't do any of Cathes step but I have most of them. I love her kickboxing and strength workouts. If you have room for another 50+ I might stop by in the morning after I exercise and before I go to work tomorrow. I am off to eat a helthy bowl of soup. I hope you both have a nice evening.

Deb :)
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Thank you for the warm welcome Jann. I have been reading about the 1RM'S
and it seems to make sense. I have a slight problem. I do not have a printer yet but I can forward it to work to print it out. Congratulations on your second round of STS and all the progress you are making. I guess I need to read more on the STS workouts. I am sure I have all of the equipment needed. I have a barbell, weights, stability ball, bands, medicine ball but if pull ups are in the workouts I do not have a pull up bar. I would probably set my total gym as high as I could and do my pull ups on it. I need to take a look at the rotation that Cathe has for the STS unless you do disc one-36 which would make it simple. Today is a rest day for me. I just put on a new set of flannell, fleece sheets from costco they are amazing. I want to get another pair before they sell out. I don't do any of Cathes step but I have most of them. I love her kickboxing and strength workouts. If you have room for another 50+ I might stop by in the morning after I exercise and before I go to work tomorrow. I am off to eat a helthy bowl of soup. I hope you both have a nice evening.

Deb :)

Healthy bowl of soup:eek:
I want to second the invitation to join our group. I realized after the fact that I just assumed you knew you could join in with us. You don't have to be doing STS to join in. We just share out exercise and diet journey and encourage everyone. Joan
Hi Deb,
I'm 53 and did Meso 1,2,3 during spring. There's no reason you can't do it! :DI toned up, but, I didn't lose weight, 'coz I was so hungry, I ate more!

I had all the required equipment, but, I ended up buying lifting straps(maybe they are called wrist straps?) because my hands were not strong enough to hold all the weight that i wanted to use on the deadlifts(i think 60-65 pounds), so that aided me holding on to the barbell. Also, I purchased a squat rack, because I could not lift the heavy bar over my head, but, knew I could squat with more weight(85 lb--yeah that was a surprise to me, too!). Now, I am going to buy a bench, because I feel it is more stable during inclines than it is using step and risers, & will be more convenient to adjust the heights on. Oh yeah, also I have one of those doorway pullup bars. I did not buy all these pieces of equipment all at once, so it doesn't feel like it breaks my pocketbook! This way, also, purchasing slowly, I know what I need, and can do a little research before I buy, to get the best deals!

You will surprise yourself at how heavy you can lift; I did!:D

I had planned to do a 6 month STS program the beginnning of October, but, I've been getting some physical therapy on my knees, so, I want to wait until that is over. Maybe after the holiday I'll try the 6 month rotation.

Good luck to you!

Let me know if you have any other questions! :D
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Hi Deb! By all means someone over 50 can do STS. I´m 52 and finished the 3.5 month rotation. The beauty of this system is that you lift what you are able. I don´t generally join in on the over 50 forum, due to lack of time, but I just might try to get over there!!
Hi Deb! I'm 50 and completed the 3 month STS rotation and loved it! Like the other girls said it's great because you lift the weight that you yourself are ready for. My belief is that when lifting heavy weights you need to be careful, no matter what your age. I did not get "ripped" doing STS but my eating is not as clean as it needs to be. I am hoping to start a 6 month rotation after we get the STS cardio workouts.

With Cathe doing sales every week, maybe she will have a sale on STS Strength before/after STS Cardio comes out. If you do a 6 month rotation you could buy each Mesocycle every other month so it wouldn't be such a huge purchase. Or you could ask here if anyone was selling their STS, you never know!
Hi Deb

I'm 57 and love STS. A few month's ago I finished the 3.5 month rotation. I took a break and am now in my 4th week of the undulating rotation.

I feel strong and healthy and certainly don't feel my age. Go for it!

Hi Deb - welcome! I am 54 and am doing the STS series, alternating with Cardio Coach workouts on the elliptical. The over 50s group is very inspiring, so I hope you join in with us!
Lori STS and elliptical

Good morning, Thank you everyone for your replies. It is inspiring to see people my age working out hard. I would love the STS series. I just need to decide if I want to take 300.00 out of savings. I think it is worth it. It is for my health. As some of you might know living alone on one income is tough.

Lori, I love cardio coach. I have all the volumes all on cds and I have one full set that isn't even opened. A nice gift from Sean a few years ago. I have a very nice precor 5.33 elliptical at home that I use quite often.

Have a nice day everyone,

Deb :)
hi deb, i am 54 and just finifshed my 2nd round of STS about 3 wks ago. i LOVE STS! cathe is such a great trainer!!! and she is training you thru the whole thing.
now, as far as cheap, i don't think they exist. i am so glad i did the presale. cuz for what you get it was very reasonable.

and, hey, ya'll come join us on the over 50 check-in. good to talk w/women that are the same age.
STS Over 50


I am 54 years old and have been working out with Cathe for a long time and have been exercising most of my life. I have all of Cath'e's workouts and love them all. I completed STS Rotation in May with great results. We are still very young when it comes to exercings. My 1RM were very high. My highest weight for deadlifts was 95 lbs.

You can do it!!!
I'm 61 and got thru STS as far as disk 19... needed to have a surigcal procedure unrelated to exercise that forced me to stop for a while. I started up again with the GS series about 3 weeks ago, and am getting ready to do the full STS program. Absolutely, you can do it. Age is not a factor.
I didn't know there was an over 50 thread and will go look for it right now!

Good job on STS. I know I can do it. I am trying to save money but decided not to purchase it. I am getting awesome results with Kettlebell training and I love it. I might buy STS someday but I have a lot of Cathe's weight workouts that work great for me.

I hope you feel better soon.:)

Have a nice day.:)

No heavy lifting after 50? Good thing no one told me ... or any of the other posters :p

I prefer lifting to cardio and have for many years. I DO cardio. But I don't have to like it. :rolleyes: I love the empowerment I get from heavy lifting. And do keep in mind (as already mentioned) heavy is relative to YOUR ability.

I did the 3+ month rotation when STS first came out. I'm in the last few weeks of the 6+ month rotation. Meso 3 is my favorite. No surprise since it's straightforward lifting. Meso 1 (endurance) is my least favorite. It seems like cardio to me. lol Oh and I ALWAYS modify the &^%#@# pushups. :eek:

That said, I did have to make some modifications this last time around. I had to cut the lower body a lot due to my wonky back. I added in walk/jog intervals (with Cardio Coach Sean) in addition to other cardio. This has resulted in a leaner lower body and a nicely developed upper body (love my shoulders). And I don't have to miss a workout due to injury. :cool:

Working on my body is my 'other' full time job. I've been able to lose about 1lb per week (since May) and maintain my strength. I like putting STS in my portable DVD player and something else on the regular TV. Makes the workouts fly. :)

eta: I'm 52
I turned 54 last week.
I plan on lifting until I absolutely can do it no longer.
That'll be a long time from now.

I'm so grateful for Cathe....she makes working out fun!!! :)

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