Anybody else not reading the reviews?


I was just wondering if I'm the only DVDer who isn't reading the reviews. I followed all the reviews for the Intensity Series and when they finally came, I found that the thrill was gone because I had read so much about them already. I did the Viper the day I got them, then they sat on the shelf for about five months before I decided to do Bootcamp. So this time, no reviews for me...I want to be surprised!:p
I am not reading the reviews either in that I can't really picture the workouts in my head anyway!

Susan G.
I know exactly what you mean. I don't like reading others reactions, as I'd rather experience them for myself. Usually, my experience is very different from anything I've read anyway!
>I know exactly what you mean. I don't like reading others
>reactions, as I'd rather experience them for myself. Usually,
>my experience is very different from anything I've read

I agree! I read the reactions, but I don't let them sink in. Some of them seem contradictory anyway. X says that workout 1 is "too easy." Y says that it's "too hard." X loves the music, Y hates it. I'd rather just decide for myself. It's kind of like watching previews of a movie, and then, when you finally see the movie, thinking that it's not at all what you had expected from the previews.
It's like having someone tell you what's in a magazine before you read it. Takes the joy out of it!

I'd rather be suprised!
I don't mind reading the reviews... That way I know what I'm in for. I'm more excited to get my DVD's now than before I read any reviews ;-)
I can't picture the workouts either, so I don't read the reviews and I didn't pay attention to the preorder descriptions. For me, even previewing the video doesn't do much good... I have to be on my feet working along.
I am definitely NOT reading the reviews because everybody has a different take on them. I want my opinion of the new DVD's to be fresh and base my judgment on them by how I feel. It's so easy to "label" a workout prior to doing it based on somebody else's opinion. To each his own and for those who like to read each description, that's fine. I, on the other hand, have to try something and form my own opinion and I find personally that if I read someone else's review (especially if it isn't that good of one), I tend to already cast doubt and judgment upon the workout before trying it. I don't want to do that with this series! Just my .02 cents :)

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