Janis, how are you doing it? I think I'd rather be fat than give up fresh fruit, coffee and peanuts. You named 3 of the things that make my life worth living!
Many of the items that made my list also made me feel like crap. Eliminating them made such an immediate and noticeable improvement I never miss them or yearn for them.
Fruit - well - that was the last BIG break-through. It made the list for 3 reasons. I noticed a huge difference in my blood-sugar and, therefore, sustained energy levels when I ate fruit. I experienced big spikes up and down. I also noticed, and I mean really noticed, that eating fruit triggered sugar binges, which often turned into even larger binges. i.e. "well, so long as I'm eating this xyz food that makes me feel terrible, I may as well eat ABC." We all know about those useless binges, right? Finally, I had been puzzling over some IBS issues. Eliminating all fructans brought me immediate relief - immediate. I went from huge bloated belly and horrible cramps, to not having a single episode in the 60 days I have been off fruit.
Peanuts - for me - mold. Terribly allergic.
Coffee/black tea - migraines, which I have only had two of, and both in conjunction with hormonal changes, but thus far I have not had a re-occurrence since abstaining. Recently, I had a little sip of Turkish coffee - and bam - a headache was right at the outskirts ready to accelerate home.
I agree, btw, with your statement:
"I've read in a few places that a little extra weight during the change process is actually good for you and helps to control some of the "symptoms" such as hot flashes and anxiety. Mother Nature has her reasons. Of course, that doesn't make it any easier to accept when you just want to fit into your clothes!"
I had to accept the extra five pounds that my body wanted, and turn my back on the body weight number I had arbitrarily decided upon. Eating more fat and having a little bit extra weight makes my skin look very good. And heck - every day I look a little bit more like Ilaria, so what the hell am I complaining about!? I'm 5 pounds heavier, but I'm wearing the same clothes I was wearing last year when I was 5 pounds lighter.
One of the shifts that occurred for me in my consciousness was noticing all of the skinny little old ladies. Slim and fit is good, but .... the other....not so much.

I don't want that either!
I posted on your thread, Nancy,
http://cathe.com/forum/f97/best-way-monitor-fitness-improvements-289362/ Right before the fold, as it were, #10. I am so glad you are doing better, and are looking forward to regaining your physical fitness. You go girl!