Any Cathe beginners?

Just checking in after completing my 2 mile walk. All I can say is HUMID, HUMID, HUMID! Hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to checking in later on tonight to read everyone's posts. : )
Yesterday i did LoMax Premix 1-4. Today i went to my WW meeting and weighed in. I lost 3.2lbs!:D Tracking all my food is definitely worth the effort! I also picked up the kit with the 3 month tracker so i can keep everything together.

Phoenix: Great job with Cardio & Weights. Hope you enjoyed your day off.

Jennifer: I'm glad to hear you are still doing your walks. sounds like a nice break from work even if it's a little sticky with the humidity. Good job with Upper Body Pyramid.

I hope everyone else is having a great day.:)
Checking in having done Low Impact Circuit warm up and circuit #1. I hope one of these days I have enough energy to move to circuit #2 and then on from there . . .

Elle: CONGRATULATIONS on losing 3.2 pounds!!! You go girl, I may have to start WW if you keep having results like that! ;) Right now, I am doing LA Weight Loss, which I think is similar to WW. I keep track of what I eat and I am limited to a specific number of carbs, veggies, fruits, dairy and fat. The goal is to eat 5 times a day so I always feel full. Last time I did it I lost 47 pounds so we'll see how it goes this time. This past winter I ate Progressive Soups that either had 0 or 1 WW points for lunch--I figured it couldn't hurt me any and it was much better than going out for fast food.

Hope everyone is doing well and tomorrow we are HALF WAY to the WEEKEND!!!:D
Hi everyone!! I'm back! Actually, I've been back since Saturday, and I've been reading your posts for inspiration, but I just haven't posted. :(

We had a really nice couple of days away with the boys. The weather was great and they really loved the amusement park and the hotel pool. It was a nice break. We did lots of walking and my food choices were pretty good, for the most part! :p

I did Low Max on Saturday morning and was feeling pretty great after it. I had my workout planned for Sunday, but I didn't do it when I first got up, which was a mistake for me. I had some early morning errands to run and when I got home, I was just not feeling up to exercising. I know if I had pushed myself, I would have been fine. But I didn't...I took an unexpected rest day.

But wait...there's more!! I skipped Monday, too! Yup...that was ALL laziness! You would think after working out for more than 6 weeks consistently that it wouldn't be so easy to let myself slide like that, but it absolutely is.

I got my butt out of bed this morning and did CTX Step & Intervals and some chest work! Yeah, me!!:D It's not what was on my schedule, but it's something. And something is better than nothing, that's for sure!

Tomorrow is a rest day, but I am back on target for Thursday and the rest of the week. Seems like everyone is doing so great around here! You're such a great group of supportive and inspirational people, and I'm so glad to be part of this gang.

Congratulations to Elle and Jennifer on your weight loss!! That's so great. I just weighed in at WW tonight and lost 1.2 this week, and I'm very happy with that.

Keep up the good work, everyone! Talk to you tomorrow!
Yesterday i did Muscle endurance express workout premix (53 minutes). I find the thought of doing Cathe's long workouts after work is often a little daunting so this week i'm doing premixes.

Jennifer: Stick with LIC and you'll be doing it in no time at all. I'm sure as long as you stick with eating healthy you will reach your goals. I really did not realize how much i was eating until i started tracking with WW. It really is an eye opener.

Pam: Welcome back! I'm glad you had a good time with your family. Congratulations on your weight loss too. I'm really glad i started WW. I wish i started sooner as it would have saved me the frustration i was feeling in May.

I hope everyone else is doing well. Where y'all at?
Checking in from work again. Just finished my 2 mile walk and it was actually NICE with very little humidity!! Don’t know if I’m going to have time to work out tonight, but I’m going to try to do something, even if it is just stretching.

Pam: Glad to have you back and so glad you were able to enjoy your time away with your family! Sometimes, even if we plan to work out, we still need to take a break. Don’t beat yourself up too much—apparently you body was telling you that you needed the extra rest.
Yeah you for getting up this morning and doing CTX Step & Intervals with check work – the extra rest day must have paid off! I am thankful every time I log onto our forum that I have such a great support system and friends that keep me motivated! Most of all, CONGRATULATIONS on losing 1.2 pounds at WW. :D Keep up the great work and it’s time to put up that ticker. . . ;)

Elle: I tend to always feel overwhelmed with long workouts when I get home from work. Good for you on completing a 53 minute workout. :) I don’t know whether the stress at work is tiring me out or if my lunch walk is what is wearing me down, but the thought of even doing a 53 minute workout exhausts me. I find I have been doing anywhere from 30-40 minutes on the cardio before I run completely out of steam and that is really pushing myself to get to that point and taking quite a few breathers. I find I will run through a circuit and then if I have to stop mid-way, I will rewind to the beginning of that section and do it all over so I feel like I get the entire circuit completed correctly. A lot of times, I feel like a fish out of water, floppin’ around on dry land! : ) I agree, it is an eye opener when you write down what goes into your mouth. I bet a lot of people wouldn’t eat as much if they wrote down what they eat in one day.

Hope everyone else is doing well and look forward to reading your posts.
Quick check-in for me. I'm completely off my schedule so no workouts the past few days. I'm looking after 3 other cats (in addition to my own) and they are all staying at their homes so I have to make the rounds and visit them and check on them. It takes awhile so I'm getting home much later and no time to workout. If I workout too late, I can't sleep and I already have enough trouble getting enough sleep as it is. One more day though. I'm looking forward to getting back to my routine on Saturday.
Missed my afternoon check-in today--went for my 2 mile walk and mid-way through, the farthest I could possibly be from work I rec'd an ER call from home. Ended up jogging clear back to work and leaving around 2:15 today. Needless to say, the jogging has taken it's toll on my body this PM and definitely no workout for me tonight. :( However, once I overcome the pain and agony, I may try to incorporate short jogs throughout my walk to kind of mix things up a bit now that I know I won't keel over dead when put to the test of having to run and I didn't even throw a rod in my back!

Nancy: Consider missing your workouts as rest days and doing a good deed for those cats. Saturday you can jump back in and I bet you will end up doing one of those 75 minute workout! :)

Hope everyone else is doing well and guess what--TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!!! Is anyone else as happy as I am when the weekend finally gets here?
Finished my 2 miler and I am ready for the weekend to begin--3 more hours until quitting time. Hope everyone is having a great Friday! :p
Hi everyone! It's been a couple of days for me, but once again, I'm back.

I did Power Hour this morning, but I must be honest and say that I skipped the lunges. :eek: I was just not in the mood for them. I know that's no excuse, but it's the truth. I didn't work out yesterday, but I did Step Moves, from STS Cardio on Thursday morning.

Step Moves was fun, but I spent a lot of time rewinding to try and get the steps. I still got a pretty good work out though. Even though the steps are a bit confusing to me right now, it was fun and I could see it becoming a favorite.

Jennifer-Hope everything is okay at home for you. Congrats on doing that little jog and feeling so good about yourself. You deserve it! Keep up the great work.

Be back later for more personals. Have a good one, my friends!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I'm checking in with Cardio & Weights and Stretch Max #1 completed today. I also completed a few workouts from Amy Bento's 10 Minute Solution 5 Day Get Fit Mix in the morning (Cardio Kickboxing, Lean Body Sculpt and Belly Fat Blaster).

I definitely did jump back in. Cat duty is over but I do need to remember that I can still make time for stuff if my schedule changes. Lesson learned for next time. And you definitely got a great workout with that jog!! I am also really happy when Friday and the weekend finally arrive - they can't arrive fast enough most of the time!

I think lunges are evil. Great job with Power Hour and sometimes there are certain exercises that are just not happening that day and that's OK. Great job with Step Moves too - I'll get around to that one eventually. LOL
Coming back after a layoff

I have been on this Cathe forum for about a year and a half. But I have lazed off over the past two months -- so I need encouragement. Essentially now I am back at the "beginner's" stage. But today I did the first 52 minutes of MIS -- up to and including biceps. For the DVD, since I am coming back after a four-week layoff, I lightened the weights to get it done.
-- David
Hi all, hope everyone is having an enjoyable Saturday! I weighed in this morning and lost 3.6 pounds this past week, maybe I definitely need to add some jogging into my lunch walk!

Pam: Great job on doing Power Hour this morning! I just got that one in the mail the other day and haven’t had a chance to look at it. I’m right there with you, I try to avoid lunges at all costs, especially if they are the moving lunges. I’m to the point where I kind of enjoy squats, but lunges always seem to kill my knees. :(There isn’t anything wrong with not doing something because you’re not in the mood for it. The important thing is you did something!

Nancy: Great job on doing Cardio & Weights and Stretch Max #1 plus the additional workouts. You all are work-out maniacs! I swear, sometimes I’m lucky to just get through the first 30 minutes of a workout and here you all are doing entire dvd’s plus some! You inspire me and one of these days I’ll be there with you all. :) For me, the weekend never arrives fast enough and then the weekend itself is always over too fast. Whoever invented a 5-day work week needs to be shot!

Dave: Welcome to the group and good job on doing the first 52 minutes of MIS. This is a great forum and I find that every day when I check in here, I always walk away with a little more motivation and a lot more determination!

I was reading through different blogs the other night and found a quote from Cathe that I thought was really inspiring so I printed it off and have it hanging around my bedroom where I work out to keep me focused: “I’d like to encourage you not to compare yourself to anyone else but yourself. The only person who matters in all of your workouts is you. Your health, your fitness, your energy, and your results are all unique to you. Your time and energy is best spent when it is all spent on focusing on you.” I don’t know why that hit such a note with me, but I like it and hope it will keep reminding me that I am getting back into shape for ME!:eek:

Have a great rest of the weekend and enjoy Father's Day!
I like these two expressions for "beginners"

Bridget and Nancy #2:
I like the expressions "fell off the wagon" and "re-beginners" you two came up with. Both fit me well, and gave me a smile :D . For me, tomorrow is mostly aerobics -- fitted in between to WC soccer games.
-- David
Welcome to the group! Great job with 52 minutes of MIS - and if you have to use lighter weights right now, do it! It doesn't matter what the weight is as long as you are using good form and working the muscle to fatigue as much as possible.

Great job on losing 3.6 lbs this week! Trust me, some days it's hard to get past the first 15 minutes of a workout. I'm just stubborn most of the time and want to prove to myself that I can do it - but I do modify a lot where I need to and take breaks if I need to. As for the other workouts, I am a definite workout DVD addict (I have way too many and can't stop collecting more) so some of it is just wanting to try them at least once to determine if I want to keep it or not. :) And it sounds like what you are doing now is working for you so keep doing it! And I'm so with you on who came up with the 5day work week...just not right!

I love that quote you found from Cathe. It is so true for every area of life. Sometimes we get caught up in comparing ourselves to others when it's best to focus on ourselves and remember that it isn't a competition.
Hope everyone had a lovely Sunday. I did LIC timesaver cardio premix this morning, too Nancy! How funny.

It's the first time I've done that one in a long time and I really enjoyed it. I even went back through after completing it and took a look at the weight sections. This looks like a serious work out, for sure. Looking forward to trying it again.

I will say though that my quads are KILLING me today. I was wincing and groaning in pain as I started my step routine this morning. Even with a good long stretch, those babies were tight! Power Hour really caught up to me today. I'm sure it's because I upped my weight, but YIKES, my aching legs! You should see me coming down the stairs and just trying to sit down.

Okay...enough of that! PLB is on tap for tomorrow, but since my legs are still pretty fried, I will probably do some cardio instead. Maybe some kickboxing, we'll see.

-Welcome to the group! I think many of us were "re-beginning" here! You will have lots of support here. Nice job with MIS, too! Keep up the good work.

Jennifer-YAHOO! What great news on the weight loss front!! :eek: You should be feeling mighty proud. I like that quote, too. Whatever you are doing, don't stop! You are inspiring me. :eek:

Nancy-I am so glad I decided against those lunges...given the way my legs are feeling after the squats!! I feel the same way about workout DVD's, especially Cathe's. The STS strength series was the first and only DVD set that I didn't pre-order, and I was really stressed about it. But I had a serious talk with myself at that time and decided not to order since I wasn't really working out and I had not really used many of the DVD's I had gotten already. It was a tough thing to do, but I know it was the right thing for me. I did get the STS cardio, because I was psyched about some new step videos, but even most of them are still in the shrink wrap. On the bright side though, I love working out at home. I wouldn't want to do it any other way right now.

Hello to anyone else I might have missed! Hope everyone is doing great! Talk to you tomorrow.
Hello all, I'm back
I arrived home Thursday night from Phoenix, and didn't work out Friday, but did Step Pump & Jump on Saturday. I didn't exercise today, Sunday but intend to start back a bit slower.
Mon- low impact step
Tues- push/pull
Wed-low max, or LIC premix
Thurs-legs & glutes
Friday- Low impact circuit
Sat- maybe body max?? something more challenging...(I like to do that to myself on Saturdays)
I counted WW points for the first few days I was away, then fell off- I am doing it again, and will weigh in again on Thursday, hope I haven't done too much damage while I was away- only had one run day...

David- welcome!
Nancy-are you still babysitting cats? How many total does that make?
Pam-You're going to do PLB with fried legs? You are a brave woman!
Jen- congrats on the weight loss! That must feel great!
Happy First Day of Summer! It's going to be a hot one here.

Thursday i did my yoga practice and Friday i did a LIC premix. I did not get in any workouts Saturday & Sunday but i did get a lot of errands done and yesterday i went to a BBQ so it was a good weekend.

David: Welcome! This group is great for encouragement and motivation.

Phoenix: I agree, it's easy to get off track when our routines are interrupted but we just need to keep moving forward. Good job getting back to it.

Jennifer: That's a great quote from Cathe. I'm trying to focus on doing my best, even if the weights are lighter or if i decide to do a premix for a shorter workout. Congrats on the weight loss! You are doing great!

Pam: It sounds like your legs got a great workout! Keep up the great work!

Bridget: Welcome back! Your rotation looks like it has a good variety.

Have a great day everyone!
My week's programe/questions

Bridget and others:
My week's program is less ambitions, since our church has a food bank drive this Sat, with a lot of leafleting during the week. Here's my schedule during the week:
S: off
M: 30-min of S&H chest only (30 minutes and did this already)
T: Leafleting: 5 miles walking
W 30-minutes of S&H legs only (30 minutes)
T: leafleting; 5 miles walking
F: 30-minutes of S&H biceps only (30 minutes)
S: church food drive, lots of walking and lifting

Walkingchick: you are doing the right thing, alternating lifting and aerobics, since it helps keep your DOMS low. I hope you can tolerate it, since it's difficult to contend with sometimes. On another point, I have found the PH lunges some of the most difficult lunge sequences on any of Cathe's DVDs, up until STS Strength. I just use a balance stick anyways on any lunges, and with PH this helps get me through the lunges. The other thing I do is to switch legs half way trhough a sequence, for PH.
Nancy: I was thinking of buying StretchMAX for the off day. How is this DVD going for you?
Sheryl: Are you doing STS cardio or STS strength? I found STS strength very difficult. As for STS Cardio, I do not know which one to buy, that is doable for a beginner.
Elle: Keep up the good work. You are inspiring us!
-- David

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