Hi everyone!! I'm back! Actually, I've been back since Saturday, and I've been reading your posts for inspiration, but I just haven't posted.
We had a really nice couple of days away with the boys. The weather was great and they really loved the amusement park and the hotel pool. It was a nice break. We did lots of walking and my food choices were pretty good, for the most part!
I did Low Max on Saturday morning and was feeling pretty great after it. I had my workout planned for Sunday, but I didn't do it when I first got up, which was a mistake for me. I had some early morning errands to run and when I got home, I was just not feeling up to exercising. I know if I had pushed myself, I would have been fine. But I didn't...I took an unexpected rest day.
But wait...there's more!! I skipped Monday, too! Yup...that was ALL laziness! You would think after working out for more than 6 weeks consistently that it wouldn't be so easy to let myself slide like that, but it absolutely is.
I got my butt out of bed this morning and did CTX Step & Intervals and some chest work! Yeah, me!!
It's not what was on my schedule, but it's something. And something is better than nothing, that's for sure!
Tomorrow is a rest day, but I am back on target for Thursday and the rest of the week. Seems like everyone is doing so great around here! You're such a great group of supportive and inspirational people, and I'm so glad to be part of this gang.
Congratulations to Elle and Jennifer on your weight loss!! That's so great. I just weighed in at WW tonight and lost 1.2 this week, and I'm very happy with that.
Keep up the good work, everyone! Talk to you tomorrow!