Hi fitladydi! From what I have read there will be all kinds of different modifications shown for people who do not have all of the equipment. In fact, I think she even mentioned that the squat rack etc.. would only be shown in a separate segment specifically for people who have the equipment and not a part of the main workout. It seems to be that the plan is to make this as accessible to everyone as possible without us all having to run out and buy a bunch of equipment. As far as the weights, I wouldn't even worry about trying to match Cathe right off. I have about the same amount for my barbell as you do and I do not plan to run out and buy any more plates for it. The only thing I might end up buying is some kind of an over the door chin up bar. I seem to remember reading in one of the threads that Cathe is working to design one. I'm waiting to see what she comes up with before buying one.