An Update on the Freezing Issue!

Mine froze up on Drill Max segment 4 after getting into the plyo jacks - no big deal I needed a break ;) LOL - I just stopped my dvd player and went back to menu and started from the 4th segment and it didn't skip or freeze that time?? Strange......

I have a sony five disc exchange and a sony single down in my weight room - - not sure on model - - I can check it out though...
The new DVDs have no "freezing" on my kids' PS2 (playstation 2).

My DVD player hasn't been hooked up (we moved). :+

Hello SNM

So far I have only preview one DVD, Body Max 2 and it freezes at chapter 25. I will check the others this weekend. My player is a 5 disc Sony DVP-NC665P.

After we check them all, and find freezing issues what do we do next?

No freezing yet

I previewed all the DVDs at the known freezing spots (Drill Max 41:22-41:25, LIC 42:44-42:47, BM2 55:45, B&G 52:53) and have had NO freezing issues at these points. I did notice some minor pixelation on LIC around that time and a slight screen hiccup on BM2 also around the time listed. The only DVD I've watched in its entirety is LIC but so far so good.

I have a Toshiba DVD/VHS combo player SD-V393SU and it's about 1 1/2 years old.

In case it helps, I thought I'd post that I have a Panasonic F86 5-DVD player and, unfortunately, all 4 of my DVDs are freezing at the same points mentioned by others.

I am happy to wait patiently until SNM is ready to give instructions to those of us (hopefully few!) with problems.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to commend Cathe and SNM for their consistent excellent customer service and for handling all of the "drama" with class and dignity.

I'd also like to let Cathe know that while her Halloween posts did not scare me, previewing these workouts is making me shake in my Rykas! With BOTH fear and anticipation!!!}( I hate to say this, but the freeze-points will provide a convenient excuse to catch my breath and take a "light sip of water." ;-) (Which for me is usually about 7 gallons.)
I have an RCA DVD player, so I'm not surprised that as I was previewing Drill Max tonight, it froze between 41-42 minutes into the workout. After several seconds, it didn't snap out of it, so I had to fast forward through to get it going again.

I just got my DVD's last night, so I've only viewed a portion of both DM and BM2. I did the first 46 minutes of BM2 tonight without any freezing, but I'll have to watch the rest of it to see if I have the same problem as I did with DM.

Since I just got my DVD's, I haven't followed this problem faithfully because I didn't want to waste my time if I ended up not having any problems. So, forgive me if this question has already been answered, but I assume we need to contact customer support to receive replacement DVD's? Can we at least keep the copies we have until we receive the new copies? That way we can continue to use them (and just deal with the freezing). Will you issue an RA# for the return of the bad DVD's?
Just played body max 2 and during a warmup segment, it would play about a 5 second segment over and over and over. Took out the DVD out of my computer set up and put in another dvd player and worked fine. Wished it worked on computer set up - I have the most room on that side of the room!
Just did Body Max 2 yesterday. Only froze once at about 55:32. I think it was after the 3rd leg drill in the power circuits. It did not affect the workout since it was only to put the weights away and get ready for the new step section. I think my DVD player is Progressive.

I received my DVD's yesterday and did LIC. Absolutely, Postively, WONDERFUL! The choreography, with the "tweaks" to steps I already knew was so much fun (just ask my legs today!). However...I too experienced the skipping/freezing problem. I will be looking for the place to put my name on the list to sign up for the replacement disc; the workout is too much fun to be marred by these little problems.
I got my dvds yesterday, previewed LIC and DM and have freezing issues on both. I hope to preview BM2 and B&G this p.m.

I have only done Butts & Guts so far (awesome might I add) but did not have any problems what-so-ever. I have a Sony dvd/vhs player bought last year. Thanks for everything!!!
I have this a very cheap DVD player from Target in my workout room. It's an Apex AD-1600. I have not had freezing problems at the points mentioned by others. I have only done BM2 and LIC so far, though. I did have an issue with LIC, where about 2 minutes into the warm up, it got stuck for a few seconds, but then was fine. In BM2, I did have a very slight freeze right at the beginning of the workout, but nothing else (though I did skip the UB segment, so I can't say for sure). I have no idea why different DVD players have these issues, then others don't. It's the curse of DVDs, I guess. I find it rather annoying, to be honest. I still have difficulty playing my Imax 2 and Cardio and Weights workouts, and I am on my third player now! I like DVDs for the premixes available on Cathe's workouts, and I like being able to skip back to the menu quickly and not have to deal with rewinding. But sometimes I do still prefer my good old VHS tapes.
I've only previewed Butts and Guts but it freezes at 52:53. I'll let you know about Body Max 2 once I check it out.

I, too, will be waiting patiently for the solution :)

Sony Playstation

I used my sony playstation and had no problems but I did have problems when I previewed them on my dvd player..Strange
I have a Panasonic DVD Recorder/player w/ VHS player/recorder and BM2 and Low imp. cir. did not freeze at all. I haven't previewed our surprise yet, but will soon.
The model # is DMR-ES30V. It is about a year old.
Okay, my results are in.

Drill Max and Butts & Guts - no freezing.

LIC - A 2-3 second freeze at the mentioned time lapse. Really not anything I would worry about (for me).

BMax2 - very slight freeze (about 2 seconds) between cardio segments 3 and 4. Definitely doesn't detract from the workout.

I have a Zenith XBV442 (DVD/VCR combo), and it's probably less than 2 years old.
I just did LIC and it froze during the lying tricep extensions on the step. I pressed stop and then resume with a little fast forward and it played again fine. Of course at that point my triceps were whipped and I didn't want to do anymore so skipping the last few reps were okay with me. While previewing BM2 and it also froze but I forgot where. I assumed it was my almost 10 yo JVC dvd player since this has occurred with other dvds like BC and ME and some dvd movie rentals.

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