Amy Bento

Lorryg, I appreciate your experience with this person and she may very well be a great instructor, but you must admit that when your first posts here are all about how wonderful this other person is, we are all immediately suspicious. Marketeers abound... so just a small suggestion might be to get to know us first and then tell us about other instructors we wish to be tortured by. :)


PS: Whoever bought these, I do hope you post some reviews when you get them. It will be interesting to see if you get any pre-mixes or other sadistic goodies for the price.
Well, I'll say this...Amy Bento couldn't have appeared on the market at a better time as Cathe is THE only instructor out there who is advanced and produces advanced home workout. There is definitely room in the market place for more advanced home workouts...and I for one would welcome the opportunity to workout to someone else besides Cathe...but the workouts have to be advanced.

Now, after watching the long-loading video of the Bootcamp workout...this Amy might be good...but for we have to listen to that whooping constantly? I won't buy the workouts because of the whooping. It's all I can do to stomach Tony in the BeachBody workouts!

Maybe they'll rework the audio and take all that obnoxious noise making out...then I might buy one. I'm also put off by the self-glorification in her bio. That is a bit cheesey to toot your own horn to that extreme. Sorry, I really don't give much credit to what her high school and college coaches thought of her...regurgitated in Amy's own words, no less.

This one will take some time to get used to.
It's very difficult to judge "how good" a workout actually is by such small film snipets. However, what I could and did see in those snipets was a lot of annoying distracting whooping from Amy herself.... that in and of itself would stop me from ever even considering it.

Ack! The step video has a bunch of "Whoooing" in it too. Good Grief!

I watched the clips also. I don't think that she is copying Cathe. Some things are a little similar but to me I think all the moves are pretty unique. There are a lot of moves especially in the step DVD that I was like "wow, that's cool" and I have never seen Cathe do some of those moves. I am kind of interested in the step DVD out of all of them but for now I think I will keep investing my money in a sure thing which is Cathe (I have a lot more DVD's to buy still). Maybe down the road if others seem to like her and have faith in her style then I might take a dab but not for now.

>Ack! The step video has a bunch of "Whoooing" in it too.
>Good Grief!

Roflmao....I wonder how the heck they could edit it out. I could just see myself at 5AM in the morning working out to her DVD...I think I would throw something at the TV for sure!!!!:p

My gym's step instructor who is quite good and whose workouts I enjoy, whoops a lot. Why do people feel the need to whoop? I'll be going along trying to concentrate on a complicated pattern when all of the sudden a loud WHOOP WHOOP erupts over the loud speaker. I almost fell on my face today.

So, I guess I'm with you. I guess some people find that motivating, but when the choregraphy is complicated it's just very distracting. Although they do look interesting. I'm interested in hearing some reviews. Maybe they are chaptered and layered and there's a "No whooping" option... }(
I grunt, say, "Oh, yeah!", make sounds effects when we do kick boxing (Pow! Bam! Wham!), but can't really say that I "whoop" in my classes!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
>What is the difference between this form of copying and
>selling copies of Cathe's DVD's on Ebay?

Well, what Amy did is legal. It's also verrrrry creepy. (Non) Single White Female anyone? Watch out Cathe!
It took forever but I finally viewed the clips. I can now say that I see the Ebay difference (but the single white female remark cracked me up :7 ).

It is still my opinion that these workouts (not just the workout design but everything) have very strong similarities to what Cathe has already done. If you are looking for something like Cathe but not Cathe, these may be for you. This instructor's camera presence does not entice me to invest in her workouts.

I usually pre-order Cathe workouts, so these workouts are way too expensive (Cathe is almost 1/2 the price). I don't even know if they are on DVD format instead of DVD-r. Do they have good chapter points or premixes?

Judging by the clips, she is neither original or distinct but the clips looked good (but then again they did resemble Cathe w/o's). Cathe puts out enough workouts that I don't need to invest in overpriced designer knock-offs. If I need variety there are other original instructors on the market. I'll pass on this one.

Cathe isn't the only instructor who produces advanced workouts. There are some really fantastic instructors who produce advanced workouts, some are even harder, or tougher than Cathe.

A few that come to mind:
Mindy Mylrea-tough stuff here
Patrick Goudeau-His step and hi/lo workouts are too complex for a lot of people.
Seasun Zieger-I put her in the same catagory as Patrick.

CIA workouts are known for their complexity, especially their older workouts.

As for strength workouts, P90X remains the hardest strength series that I have in my collection, and I own over 800 workouts.

I'm definitely passing on these workouts. First, I'm not impressed that someone posted on this site promoting these workouts by Amy Bento, who attended Cathe's last road trip. Second, it creeps me out seeing someone wearing the same outfits as Cathe, and even using music by Howe, one of Cathe's favorite choices for music.
>Second, it creeps me out seeing someone wearing the same
>outfits as Cathe, and even using music by Howe, one of Cathe's
>favorite choices for music.

Ah, as they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" so that really wouldn't bother me as much as that annoying LOUD whooping...;) I don't mind an ocassional whoo whoo....but I couldn't even count the amount of times she did it in the film clips. I'm telling you....watching that DVD at 5AM would cause my right sneaker to be thrown with full force right through the TV screen and my DH would not be very happy with me:eek:

Marie, I have visited the forums many times, but have never felt strongly enough about any one topic to want to contribute. Since I am a BIG Amy fan, I just thought I could help someone out by making the suggestion.
I remember them, they were on the left of me. They were right up front testing out the the same moves over and over, as well as new ones.

I think these workouts look great!

I know it may seem similar to Cathe, but at my gym some of the moves Cathe uses are the same, too. Most moves are basic step movements with a twist.

I don't think there is a move that Cathe does that I haven't done before in a class. The fast tap repeaters, reverse mambo, and power jig and so on are used in routines at the gym, so they came easy to me when Cathe introduced them.

I have been to the website and really don't see any copying.The one outfits look like the ones in style not color from the hardcores.she may be using the same music that Cathe uses I don't know how many companies are out there that provide this type of music.And there are alot of bootcamp titles out on exercise dvd's hers is A-TEAM BOOTCAMP.That was really the only name that I thought similar to Cathe.The website is nothing like this one at all from what I see-my computer is so slow I can't wait for the clips to load to see the workouts.The prices are steep for someone just starting out.I think I will buy the A TEAM bootcamp and the pump one just to check them out.I can always use a little variety.:D I would love to here reviews also.
I'm glad to hear you think Mindy Mylrea is tough. I just got one of her step dvd's but haven't used it yet. S. Zieger I have not heard of so will have to chekc her out too. :)

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