American Idol - who's going?


So Becky is gone - did anyone read today about how she and her twin have posed for Maxim and also been on Fear Factor? Seems as if they like the limelight from whatever direction it is shining.

Does anyone know the name of the song that played at the end of the show?


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>So Becky is gone - did anyone read today about how she and her
>twin have posed for Maxim and also been on Fear Factor?

I didn't! I will check into that, though. As much as I hate the twins for it, they do have the looks for any camera. When she sang her sang her song for her good-bye, she actually sounded worse than she did on Tuesday, if that is possible. She really doesn't have the voice to be even on the final 24, her range wasn't that great even though she is a good performer.

And we still have to endure Brenna. x( x( x( x( x( I know that you like her, Sparrow, but I just can't stand her nasty attitude and head shaking at the other contestants. Pfffbt!!!!! I would hope that anyone worthy of the American Idol title would have a personality to compliment their talent.

Now I can't wait for next week!!!! :D

Oh you know Brenna will be around for a while! Anyone who is irritating is like a permanent fixture!
I thought the twin would go although I felt a little bad for her, but you are right, she wasn't a good singer.
I was sad to see Patrick go (if thats his name, the tall guy) I didn't think he was bad.I don't like the guy who sang Elvis.He is a cutie but he only has one tone of voice.
>>So Becky is gone - did anyone read today about how she and
>>twin have posed for Maxim and also been on Fear Factor?
>I didn't! I will check into that, though. As much as I hate
>the twins for it, they do have the looks for any camera. When
>she sang her sang her song for her good-bye, she actually
>sounded worse than she did on Tuesday, if that is possible.
>She really doesn't have the voice to be even on the final 24,
>her range wasn't that great even though she is a good
>And we still have to endure Brenna. x( x( x( x( x( I know
>that you like her, Sparrow, but I just can't stand her nasty
>attitude and head shaking at the other contestants.
>Pfffbt!!!!! I would hope that anyone worthy of the American
>Idol title would have a personality to compliment their
>Now I can't wait for next week!!!! :D

Oy, Missy you've mistaken me for someone else...I *don't* like Brenna!! I think she is tacky and crass. You're right about Becky though, I was embarrased for her!!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
My most sincere apologies!!! I will never insult you like that again! :+ :p :+ I must have gotten you confused with someone else or misread a post or something, sorry 'bout that! DH is waiting for another contestant to knock her out. He is just dying for it to become a boxing competition! :p Silly boy!

Lori, are you talking about the crooner? I really like him when he sings Harry Connick, jr and Frank Sinatra type songs, but he really didn't do what I hoped that he would with the song he chose. ;(

Did anyone happen to notice how Becky shunned the other girl's (forgot her name) consolation hug at the end and every time Ryan tried to put his arm around her she stepped back?

I thought that was odd!
The right guy left, but the primary diva remains, so the right girl did NOT get sent home. I doubt if she'll be around long.
Just Do It! :)
I think the reason Patrick got booted off was because he was so not memorable. Everyone else was either so bad or so good, he kinda fell through the cracks.


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

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