Am I too strict of a parent?

I have 4 kids, 15,14,10,5 and I would NOT let my daughters or my sons at the mall or the movies by them selves, my oldest that is almost 16 I will let her go to the movies with a friend now days and let her use my cell phone to call me. My 14 year old son I still hesitate on letting him out after dark, my 10 year old for sure will NOT be out after dark or anywhere by herself or with a friend, only if a parent is coming with them will I let her go. I am pretty strict on some rules.
Kim, I don't think you've contradicted yourself at all. I tell my kids the same thing and I don't think they see it as a contradiction. They know our standards, but also know that we love them enough to overlook a mistake and to help them out of it (I hope;-) guess we can never be sure about that:( ) But I am very happy to see that there are lots of other parents out there who are as "strict" as we are (we have a 19, 16, and 13 yr old). I still call homes to make sure parents will be home if my kids go over (well, not the college kid anymore:) ). Most other parents sound really appreciative, but I don't recall ever having a parent call me.
Kim. I agree I also do NOT think you contradicted yourself.

I also agree it's nice to see many other parents who are really being parents. I've seen so many parents who either live vicariously through their kids, particulary encourage the boyfriend/girlfriend stuff WAY TOO early. In our town we had kids going on dates in 5th grade - funny many of the girls who were popular in MS - were used and abused and discarded by HS (I know harsh - but true).

Same with the drinking - so many of the parent encourage it. HELLO they ARE the parents. I STRONGLY believe you can be VERY close to your kids (even best friends but STILL be the parents.

Nice refreshing thread....

Same goes with parents letting their daughters dress in incredibly revealing clothes... Hello - what are they thinking??

Ok end of vent!
I am the Mom of 3 daughters ages 16, 14 and 10. Whether or not you are 'too strict' has so many variables! I have always made a point of knowing my Girl's friends and where ever possible their parents and usually split the driving (if I'm picking up it is a good possibility that I will be early, adds the element of surprise;-) ). I don't have a hard fast rule about what they can do but consider each social outing individually. I have to be comfortable with their companions and be operating with all of the information. They have learned to not even ask me until they can give me an itinerary, they are not permitted to go out and just 'hang'. At 13 I permitted them to go to the show without a parent under the circumstances that were comfortable for me. I'm not sure if I would have felt the same had we lived in a larger city, another variable. I was permitted to go to the show unsupervised at 13 and enjoyed that bit of independence and the fact that my parents trusted me. I tend to loosen the reigns a little at a time and so far have been able to reign them back in if necessary. I feel your pain, parenting teens is a whole different ball of wax but the advantage we have is the ability to remember what it felt like to be a teen.

Good Luck :)

Take Care

Edited to say, I am right there with you on the no dating until age 16, that one is non-negotiable.
Yes I see so many young girls dressing very unappropriate. I'm all for buying my child the fashionable clothes, but they will not be skirts up to her butt or shirts that show half your stomach. She likes to wear her shorts and pants down at the hips, which is fine if they are not spray painted on her. She sees this and not wanting to be provacative, wants to dress this way and does not see what's wrong until I told her. There are so many parents that let their children act and wear what they please. And I'm not judging anyone,because I am no perfect parent. I will make many wrong turns in my time but I will strive for the right ones.

My daughter is 7 and she routinely goes out on her own. Next week, we're getting her tongue pierced. And she and her boyfriend are getting matching tattoos.}(
You have to do what you feel is right. Who cares what other parents let their kids do! You are not being too strict IMO. IMO a lot of parents today aren't nearly strict enough!!!

When I was growing up I had a stricter set of rules to follow than most of my friends but I survived it and still managed to have a social life..even at 13!;)

As far as rebelling depends on the child, not the rules as far as I'm concerned. I had more rules than my friends but I did not rebel. Some of my friends who's parents were more leanient DID rebel so go figure! It depends on the child IMO.

Sounds like you are doing a fine job! Keep it up!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
Kim, I don't think your too strict. And like the others it is nice to hear other parents have these worries too. My son is 13 and I am constantly second guessing my rules. I always feel like the "mean mommy" ha ha. I always call and confirm with the other parents, double check that someone will be home, etc. As far as the movies I would say trust your gut feeling first. Maybe offer some kind of middle ground. Afternoon movie, dropped off before movie, and picked up right after? Or if theater is in the mall maybe let them go and do some shopping. Most times if I say no to my son about plans but offer some kind of alternate choice it works out really well for both of us. Good Luck!! ~Carolyn~
OMG Shelley! You are too much!!! LMAO! You crack me up! Your sense of humor is priceless!!!:7


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
I don't think you are being too strict either and I agree with Wendy about the rebellion thing. My parents were extremely lenient and I ran wild. I wish they had cared enough to give me some limits and boundaries. It would have saved me a lot of grief.

My husband's parents were of a similar bent in the rules department and he ran wild too.

Needless to say, we are raising our children with a lot more limits, but also privilages and freedoms as they get older and prove their responsibility.

Hang in there! Good parenting is hard work, but worth all the effort.

No dating until 16. Yes i think that is very harsh. Just because kids date does not mean they have having sex. To say "no boyfriends" until your 16 is, IMO, very unfair. Sure they're your kids, but at the same time, do you really want to restrict there lives so much that they resent you for it?

Out on there own in the night at 13, no way.
Being able to go out in the day, with there mates at 13? Fine.

If i were your kid, i'd be most cheesed off.
Hi Icklymoley,

Thank you for sharing your opinion with me. There is no way in H*ll that I would ever let my 13 year old daughter date. At this age their minds are not mature enough to handle things that come along with dating. They are still children. kid are very impressionable at this age.

My cousins daughter wanted to date at age 13 and they let her. Well she is now sixteen years old, dropped out of school , no job, no license, and cannot live with her baby. Guess who is raising it? The handy dandy mom. Ha! The girl wants a normal life now and she can,t have it. She is living with her grandparents because she keeps running away from home and not taking care of her child. Until she is older she will probably not be able to date a descent boy,because his parents wouldn't let him date a girl with a child. I really feel sorry for her because her whole teenage life is ruined.

I'm not saying every young girl has experienced this dating but they are not mature enough to make right decisions when it comes to that.

Now dating is something my children agree with me on, or rather they don't put a fuss as much.

I like discussing stuff with you ladies and I want to hear your true opinion, I just can't agree with this one.

I don't think Wayne is a proponent of dating at 13! LOL! My daughter started dating at 15. Sort of. At home, chaperoned. Her 1st boyfriend. They had dinner together EVERY night with my family or his. For a year, they were together every day! She's an amazing child. Focused on good grades and getting into Princeton. :) The more trust and responsibilty I have given her, the more she has taken on and flourished. Depending on the child, yes, they are so very capable of making good decisions. I have a couple of very strict sisters who had a "my way or the highway attitude". They had some truly heartbreaking issues at about 15 because they quelled their children to such an extent. And the girls both chose methods that would devastate their mothers. I feel quite confident that the trust I have in my girls will pay off. They talk to me. Have you seen the commercial which says, "at 4 she wouldn't stop talking; at 16 you can't get her to talk". I had such a laugh at that because at 16, my daughter talks to me constantly! Thank goodness. Sometimes too much. ;) I let my 14 year old get her tongue pierced. She researched it well. She showed herself to be wholly responsible and brought her algebra grade up from an F to a B. My husband had agreed to it if she got that B but he never believed she would. He was furious when I took her a week before school let out. I wanted her to be able to show it off to her friends. His only objection was what people might think. I felt he was very silly about that. What people might think is immaterial to me when I know my child is a bright, caring human being, well behaved but she wears a barbell in her tongue. I know a 13 year old who has smoked speed, had sex, gone wild. When they say don't sweat the small stuff, a mother had really think about what's small or not. Tongue piercing, small. And the world is much safer than it seems if you watch CNN. Violence is down even since the days when I was a child. It merely gets more coverage. My son is almost 8 and when he wants to use the men's room, I put my foot in the doorway and chat with him, much to the dismay of some guys in there. I keep my eyes averted from the the urinal. But my teenaged daughters, I trust to make good decisons and to be a bit independant. My Sydney, the one who just got her tongue pierced, started summer school, P.E. I walked her to the gym door because she was "scared". She found a friend, linked arms, smiled and sent me on my way. I had tears in my eyes just as I did the first day I let her go into kindergarten. Some people might look at Syd, with her pierced tongue and her 31 types of tongue barbells we bought on Ebay and assume she is a wild thing because of it. But she's a sweet, innocent child who wants to make a statement about her individuality and I feel sure that I am doing the right thing to let it be so. It turned out to be a very little deal. I worried about nerve damage and all that but I trusted her to handle it and she did. The Bible says "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart ...." As far as I am concerned, with each individual child that holds true. You will rarely make a mistake to trust a child to do what is right if you model for them. Not all children hold true in this respect but most do.

I am going to go out on a limb and say, lighten up! You can control the circumstances under which a child goes out into the scary world, make them feel independant and still be certain they are safe, but you need to let go. Kids need to be allowed to taste the world they will one day run. Let her go see Star War's latest adventure without you. Drop her off at the door and pick her up at the door and she'll expand her horizens. In the future you may give her an extra 15 or 30 minutes if the theatre is at the mall as ours are. Trust her and she will reward your trust. Send them in groups. They look at boys, giggle but stay in group formation.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
I have a 13 year old who goes to the movies with a group. I see nothing wrong with that. This is how they gain responsiblity. It is not dating, just going to the movies with a group. I think you should bend a bit on this one. Let her prove that she is a kid you can trust.
It is not that I don't trust her, it is the point that there are cruel people in this world and they like nothing to get young children. Even though she would be with others that doesn't stop a person from being mean. I know what you're saying and I can't say that is wrong for others, I just don't see how this will mess up their lives if they are not allowed to do this now. Plus now they have made it a law here that you can no longer drop your children off at the theatre without being chaperoned by an adult. I think the age is 16 or 18 to be alone without parent. It's probably 16.

I usually analyze each situation to how I base my decision. If the parent is in the theatre else where I will consider it. What I'm doing might be the wrong thing one day or the right, I just don't know.

Parenting I the hardest this we will ever have to do.


Go with your gut. The older I get the more accurate I find it is.

I think you are doing a great job. I don't think you need to "lighten up".

It sounds like they know your rules and that's great and most importantly that you love them. I really do think kids do you respect you.

Interesting in the town we live in it's very cool for daughters (HS and college age) to be very close with their Moms. You can be very close but still be the parent.

Good luck but sounds you are doing great.

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