It's a double edged sword, being friendly and vivacious. I can be and I recall being quite shocked one day, at the grocery store of all places, to discover that some young guy, who obviously thought he was the bomb, to perceive me the wrong way. I was feeling like a million bucks, smiling and letting it shine, but not giving off any vibe of that nature because I am not flirtatious, just extroverted and feeling good. It took about two seconds to let him know that I was a person and not one to be approached as if I was on the make or might be flattered by such attention, wedding ring or no. Find me attractive, that's lovely but do not approach me as if I am in the market to be disrespected in the produce department of Albertsons. It was as shocking to me as the time I was IM'd by some strange man coming to Arizona on business who was fishing for women to hook up with and believe me looks have little to do with it. I am not a spring chicken by any means nor a raving beauty but sometimes you wouldn't know that because because youth and even prettienss have nothing to do with being a hottie. The people I find the most attrative are rarely gorgeous and often friendly and vivacity is powerful, no matter how you look. Beside pretty people are often vain which is un-pretty to the dicerning eye. LOL! We put out vibes but flirting can dangerous, whether you think you are flirting or not. And sometimes you look as if you are when you think you aren't, especially if you are very extroverted.
I know of two couples who had a horrible experience because one of each, the husband of one and the wife of the other, had that sort of vibe going. Extroverted, charming, perhaps flirtatios people who got carried away because the woman got the idea the man was available based on his flirtatious ways and made herself available to him. And even though he was in love with his wife, which blows my mind, they ended up alone and the woman made an inappropriate move, one thing led to another and he had relations with that woman and it all started so innocently, two charming people, enjoying the other's, uh, friendliness. Gossip is such fun! Lori, your's is a different situation but situations such as you describe can go wrong and it's always best to err on the side of caution. Get yourself a way of letting all men know that you are not flirting and if that means toning down on being funny and charming, it's well worth it. You're married, after all. Some men are pigs. Women too. As for our hapless couple, her husband walked up on them and got an eyeful and it ruined the guy's marriage to a nice woman and he blamed the woman but I'd look at the harmless flirtation or friendliness or out-goingness, because if he hadn't looked available, who knows? You might look available and not even know it. And you know what? I know these people somewhat and the woman is a little like you, in personality. Not that you are a tramp or anything, like she is! I'm nice and I'm friendly but I will use my wit to let any man who dares come on to me walk away figuratively castrated and completely aware that women are not objects to be used for personal gratification of any type. It's fun too.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver