Am I crazy?


I am sorry, but I just did not find cardio with weights challenging. And no, I am not bragging, I am the first to admit that Imax is too hard for me. Does anyone else feel the same?
Perhaps you are not using challenging enough weight with the workout. You don't have to use what Cathe uses. I've done this twice now and I use 10#, 12# and 15#db for the weight work and find my heart rate racing! If this is too light for you, just keep increasing the weight until you feel challenged, but if you're putting your all into the cardio portions (which by #4 I'm barely making it through), using a step height that is challenging for you like 8", and using heavier dumbbells, you should be getting quite a workout.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I am sorry I left a smiley face. I had to run back to work so I couldn't finish my prior post properly.

Back to your question, when I do this tape, I use much higher weight than Cathe does in order to feel it working.
I used the same weights and step height as Ms. Cathe herself and did not find myself challenged.

When I previewed the video, I thought, "Hmmm, this doesn't look too bad," but having made that assumption before and then later regretting it when I actually did the video, I thought I'd match Cathe's weights and step height, just to be on the safe side.

I will definitely need to heavy up and raise the step height and see how it goes.

However, I always have trouble with any core work, tough ab work (especially planks and those oblique exercised where you have to balance on your tushy and bring your legs in and out), and big girl pushups, so I always know I am going to have to modify that portion of the workout.

Other than that, I thought is was a solid workout, with room to grow, but yes, I will have to do some adjusting myself to make it more challenging.

A long-winded answer to a short question! Apologies!

Susan G.
I think...

...C&W is perfect for a lightER Cathe day. I mean, she gave us some pretty intense workouts with this new series (I'm stunned at how sore I was with the pyramid workouts...simply stunned!!!) and I think this video is a perfect compliment. Rather than take a rest day if I'm sore, I can see this as the tape I'd use to get in a good workout and have some fun!

I have done all the tapes now...except for Boot Camp (tonight's the night) and I have to say that each one is a sparkly little gem. Cathe has done it again...better than EVER!
RE: I think...

I also think C&W can be used for lighter days. Cathe says as she explains "The Intensity Series As A Whole.....As all of us already know, the body needs recovery time as well as light and hard day workouts. With that in mind, this series expresses different levels of intensity."
(I didn't know what thread to link Cathe's quote to...I think it is
This is where she gives 3 sample rotations for the new series.)
So I'm guessing when you want a lighter day, use this workout as is. If you want to rev it up, use heavier weights than Cathe is using.
Cathe mentions that "there are no rules to these workouts." So we can mix, match and play with them according to our whims at the moment and just have fun. :D

Just my 1/2 cent worth.
I find IMAX2 more challenging that C&W also. The thing about C&W is is is a fun workoutand a good step routine - I sweat alot more during the weight section. I do that and IMAX2 on an 8" step. I have heard people say that IMAX2 is the easiest of them all - I totally disagree, but I realy like C&W - it is just plain old fun - we all need that time and again and the core work is excellent.
I like the part in CW where you do the squat, spin and squat to the back, and spin and squat to the front again. Pretty cool.

Susan G.

I too was thinking that I didn't get a thorough workout. I like the cardio and weight moves, but I really didn't feel like I got a great weight workout or a nice cardio workout. I found my heart rate came down too much during the weight section. I think I will try the recommendations some people have given and up my weights and raise my step.

Just a thought, but Cathe herself mentioned that this new batch of videos contains a variety of intensities. If Cardio and Weights doesn't seem to challenge you as much as you'd like, you could try it at a different point of your rotation, after a tape that you find very challenging.
Cathe is a very smart woman. She knew that if she made 6 super duper tough workouts, her legion of fans (myself included) would have attmepted to do them all in one week, back to back to back. That is why she varied the intensity levels throughout these workouts. I still believe firmly that just as any workout can be modified, any workout can be made tougher as well. Just my opinion. Have fun with your new videos!
Actually, I did muscle endurance on Monday and did not find it challenging either. I did MIS on Friday and found the same thing. Now Power Hour just kicks my butt. I am going to try ME again tonight and use heavier weights and see how that goes.

I think it's all in the poundage. I did PH this morning matching all of Cathe's weights and besides the leg segments, wasn't fatigued at all. But if I try to match Cathe's weights during the MIS shoulder or Bi's segments - look out!!! I guess it's just what weight works for you and when. Somedays I'm so tired it's all I can do to lift my 5 lb. dumbbells over my head!
My problem with any circuit workout, like Cardio & Weights and Circuit Max, is that my hands get too sweaty and the weights seem to be slipping. This only makes me hang on tighter which causes cramping in my hands and forearms.

I've considered putting on my weight gloves but I'm hot enough already. Anyone else have this problem with the slippery hands?

By the way, I did C&W last week on a 6-in step, and tried it today on 8-in. What a difference 2 inches make!

Next Tuesday, it's IMAX 2 on 8-in. Pray for me!


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