am I crazy for for doing a Cathe tape at 11 pm?


just couldn't fit it in any earlier in the day... had to get my workout in b4 bed... i popped in an oldie but goodie - CTX's All Step and man I'd forgotten what work that was... anyway, feeling good cuz I got it done, but wonderin if nighttime workouts like this are effective?
I routinely work out at 9:00 p.m.- 10:00, especially during the work week. Some people would say that working out that late will get you too jacked up for restful sleep, but I have not found it detrimental to sleeping, getting fit, or losing weight.

I wouldn't make a habit of working out at 11 p.m., though! ;) That might be a bit too late...

Susan G.
I've done it me that is one of the benefits of working out at home...when your schedule gets crazy and you still want to get a workout in...what's to stop you?
I know some people find it difficult to sleep when they workout before bed but if you are fit, that's a different story. If that's when you can fit it in, it should help you have sweet dreams!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
There was a time when my hubby worked swing shift. I would workout from 11:30-1:00. It never affected my sleep and I was able to make a lot of gains in my fitness. It was also nice, as I had the children in bed.
Diane SUe
You're not crazy at all! I usually finish working out by 10:30-11pm most days and I never have problems falling asleep. After a hot shower and a cup of tea I'm barely awake. Working out at night keeps me from munching at night since I'm up 'til 11pm or midnight whether I workout or not, so that's an added benefit. Now that my kids are older I'll sometimes workout in the afternoon, but it's usually after they go to bed so I'm not distracted by "MOM!" :)

Evening and Late Workouts

I have worked out late for years -- I've tried the early am workouts and I just don't have it early in the am no matter what.

My endurance and strength are optimal from early afternoon to late evenings.
RE: Evening and Late Workouts

As long as it doesn't prevent you from falling asleep and so long as you aren't sleepy when you are trying to work out... go for it. The only time I can workout on a weekday is late in the evening and I fall asleep fast and sleep like the dead.
RE: Evening and Late Workouts

thx for the feedback everyone! I never have a prob falling asleep, and like many of you, are just not with it enough in the morning to get any workout, much less a Cathe workout going. 11 pm is late, even for me, but I just couldn't face blowing off yet another day, so I pushed myself, and I'm glad I did. Let's face it, staying motivated is challenging period. Whether you workout first thing AM or first thing when you get home... I find PM is the lesser of two evils :) nice to know i've got company... :)
RE: Evening and Late Workouts

I've worked out late before (though rarely) but I hate missing workouts.
I often workout late. Sometimes really late (or early in the morning,depending on how you look at it). I find I never have problems falling to sleep afterwards. I also feel that I get some of my best workouts in at this time. Helen
I've done it before. Depends on my daily schedule, but I hate working out that late. I try to workout during the afternoons or evenings. I've found that if I workout after 10pm I don't have a lot of energy to give it 100%. I've read about the subject and what most bodybuilders do is that they try to do their cardio early in the morning on an empty stomach before they start the day and then if they can't do weights at that time they move the weight training session to the afternoons. But those are bodybuilders I don't know why I just can't workout in the morning. Even when I've had the opportunity to do it I just can't bring myself to wake up early to exercise. I also read that most people prefer to workout in the afternoon/evening and I fit into that category, but if I know I have the energy and I couldn't workout earlier I've been known to exercise at crazy hours.
only as crazy as those who get up at 4.30 am to do cathe! Whatever time works for you, that's just fine, and no, the time will not reduce possible results.


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