All right, people....

1. My Dh who puts up with me, even though sometimes I can be a biatch.
2. Even though I am a lurker, feeling like I share a lot with a lot of you about fitness and being healthy.
3. Moving back to Texas from Seattle. Even though I love Seattle family is in Texas. Fort Worth. Here I come!!!!!!!

1. my 9 yr old dsd, she is very comical and always makes me smile.
2. my dh even when he drives me crazy.
3. this board and all the great people that come here everyday, a great sweaty workout start the day.

4. my friends and family.

Shelley great post!! but its so hard to pick just 3.

1) having forum friends who understand and share my interest in fitness and health
2) mhy three goofy and sweet cats (and the way they are affectionate with each other)
3) going to the animal shelter, and ending up being part of the 'kitty pile'
1. My DH who is so thoughtful every day and shows his love through the smallest things that mean so much.
2. My friends here at (and a few other fitness sites) that I've met both online and in person. It is so nice to correspond with people who "get it" as they say.
3. My furbabies, especially my little white persian who loves to lie in bed with me while I scratch his belly.
Great idea Shelley!

1. My wonderful SO who makes me happy beyond my wildest dreams

2. My co-workers that tell me its not the same if I am not in the office.

3. My boxer Tyson...who wiggles like a worm with excitement everytime I come home. His greetings never cease to warm my heart. His welcomes make it worth it to run errands!
1. My new screen porch which was just finished. It is gorgeous exactly what I wanted. Perfect place to enjoy 100 degree north carolina weather which I LOVE!!

2. My niece Gabriella who is three and a complete smartaleck (sp?) just like I was when I was a kid. Drives her parents insane but makes me smile everytime I talk to her.

3. My RT shadowbox in my workout room. Having the pleasure of working out with 100+ women who get Cathe. Makes me do "10 more" everytime I look at it.


What at great topic.
1 - My wonderful DH who puts up with all my craziness
2 - My kitty cat moose and my family
3 - the new friends I am making here in catheland!
1. My DH, who gives the best hugs in the world.

2. My little boy, who has the sweetest smile and keeps me silly.

3. Feeling fit and having energy.

(And this thread, too...I needed this today!!)

1. My DH who gives me everything I want, including a wonderful marriage! :)
2. My Little girl who keeps me busy and smiling all day long.
3. My two dogs who keep me smiling also especially when my LO is chasing them with their bone!!!
4. That I found Cathe and all you friends who support eachother. Love it here! :)
Thanks, Shelley! :) :) You are sooo great at perky things up!

1. God...I am so blessed by everything and know that he is the reason for everything. I am so grateful that Jesus died for me. I know I have a purpose in life, even when the chips are down. :)

2. My husband, who is always there, even when I am not nice to him. I seriously do not know how or why he puts up with me sometimes!

3. My 2 children who gave me the 2 best days of my life. They never fail to impress me, everyday. They love me without even knowing or caring who I am, what I look like, what I drive, or how much $ we have...truly unconditional. I love creating my own history with them...memories like today - Cecily & I stayed home and ate Chicken Noodle soup on my bed while watching food TV...she loves to do this!

4. A healthy happy body that allows me to do whatever I wish, even though sometimes I don't want to do it! }(

xoxo, Denise :+
I know I'm a bit behind... :) But I agree, I needed this thread today...

1. My husband, who puts up with me when I'm being really annoying and really crabby (and vice versa!)

2. My angelic "babies"... 2 cats and 2 dogs, whom I love dearly and miss all day when I'm at work! (Even though I wear their hair all over my work clothes... x( )

3. (Remembering Hurricane Katrina) My job, my home, my healthy family, food on the table, clothes on my back, and relative financial stability.

and, I have to sneak this in, of course...

4. You fellow Catheites and my Weight Watchers group who remind me daily that, even though it's a struggle, we'll get there!! :)
Oh Lordy every time that I see that Lime on that Cat's head, I smile.
When I accomplish Cathe's Workouts,not to mention when Cathe answers a question that I ask.
And when I fit into my Clothes :p ;)

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