All right, people....

Shelley whenever I see your avatar I smile, it is so cool!:)

1.My DH, he is so good to me and always compliments me even when I'm
not lookin so good:+ I love him dearly.

2.The goofy and silly looks my Boxer gives me, and the silly things he does always crack me up.

3.My funny kitties Popeye and Olive Oyle, always getting into something.

1. This forum and the positive people on it who think up these kinds of surveys.

2. My family and kittys.

3. My health, my home, the smell of fresh cut grass (just mowed the lawn), a good sweat (however it comes about), dessert, etc.

Here goes:
1. That my children are doing well in school and not causing me
any unnecessary grief.
2. That I work at a job that allows me to have summers off.
3. This one is for Kassia - I am especially thankful for the part
time workers who work in my kitchen with me. We are a team and
I can't imagine working without them.
Jeez louise! Only three? Darn it! :p

1. Family, pets, friends, Cathe friends
2. Ice cream
3. When Cathe says: "Do it low again" on interval 4 of Low Max. :7
Ahhhh, yes, the long forgotten "Three Things"! :D I love these threads!

1. You guys... If you want to know what really makes me go to work every morning, it's knowing that I'll be able to log into the Cathe forums and chat with you guys. Don't tell my boss I said that. :p

2. My wonderful husband, who loves me despite my weird obsessions and self-image issues. :D

3. My 3 crazy cats - Chip, Mila, and Theodore - who wait at the door for me when I get home every day, and who are excited to see me when I get out of bed every morning, and who make me laugh uncontrollably with their crazy antics. ;)

Life is good.
I can think of nothing better than a Sunday of NFL Football (go Eagles), fireplace going!

And since this is a positive thread, this is the year the Eagles will win the Super Bowl


1-My family, furry ones included:)

2-new friends I have made through this board

3-Anytime I think about the Road Trip, I smile:)
1. My son & DH
2. My loving friends, virtual and otherwise ;)
3. Feeling so fit


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
This thread is VERY timely. One of DS#2's best friends was killed in a horrid car crash early Monday morning ;( ;(

I am very thankful for my three sons :* :* :*
I agree, Tammy. Today, I walked into my high school to find out that a junior had died the night before while her parents were at the school's open house. She had some sort of heart defect and was out taking a walk with her sister when she collapsed and died. Very sad. I am on the county crisis team and was ther anyway because it is one of the schools I work at. It was so sad to see the sadness and shock of her friends especially when they just saw her at school that day. Last Friday, one of the other high schools near mine had a 15 year-old student die after being struck by lightening while riding his bike to get home and out of the storms.

Just live each day as fully as you can because you can not get these moments back. Treat everyone with kindness and compassion. Live genuinely.
>This thread is VERY timely. One of DS#2's best friends was
>killed in a horrid car crash early Monday morning ;( ;(
>I am very thankful for my three sons :* :* :*

OMG Tammy!!! How awful! :eek: Sending lots of hugs to DS and his friend's family!
1) all the wonderful people in my life (that includes all my Cathe friends)

2) having a place like these forums to share, learn, laugh and cry with people with similar interests.

3) chocolate (especially brownies)

I'm sorry for those of you who have just had losses. :( How tragic.

Things that make me smile...

1) My wonderful, wonderful DH. I just don't know what I did to deserve him or what I'd do without him. He's the best!
2) My amazing animals...dogs and birds. They bring such joy to my life every day.
3) My sister, my mom, my friends, my Cathe friends, being able to work out, my health...I'm just so thankful for everything that God has given me.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Oh thank goodness Shelley, I was feeling the exact same way, in fact I was thinking about "waiting it out" until a post like this came along!:) So thanks so much! I know we (myself included) all got a little riled up over the whole Vick deal, so this is a wonderful reminder for everyone.

My three things

1. My sexy hubby who thinks I am the best thing that ever happened to him-ditto babe:)
2. Our dog Georgie who brings us so much joy and laughter every single day
3.My new hip! Living pain free is truly a blessing.

There is lots of other stuff, but those are tops on my list today!

PS. Wanted to say to the ones who lost friends and loved ones, I am truly sorry, many prayers your way.
Thanks for bringing good things into our lives today....

Mine are: my hubby, my dog, my great friends and wonderful, sunny, warm weather.

Of course, I wouldn't turn down pizza, pie or ice cream!
I'm late getting to this....but here's mine:

1...Jacob and advantage over all has been to have these precious and HEALTHY boys in my life! I learn something new from them each day! friends and family...including many on these forums (in fact, I think forum friends far out-number my family members, lol)...their support, generosity and broad shoulders! mom...she's battling kidney/lung cancer with the conviction of a true TOUGH WOMAN!

I also have noticed a lot of negativity, I was wondering if their was a full moon out.

1. My DH and his family and my family together.
2. Being healthy through Cathe.
2. YOU guys.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


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