Aging in spite of it all, need answers


Well, I have been working out with Cathe for 26+ years now. May I say right up front, rock! In spite of it all, I am still aging! Dang it! My user name says grandma of 27 which is now 29... THAT IS WHY I WORKOUT! These are my questions. I was diagnosed with RA years ago and pretty much have it in remission. However, I truly suffer with some weird muscle/tendon syndrome that they tagged as fibromyalgia but I don't really know. I just suck it up and live with it and push myself. I am a pretty lean 55 yr old woman but the weight workouts KILL my muscles. I have to do really light weights. YES, there was a day when I hung with you Cathe...not anymore:(

I bought the 4-Day Split and LOVE the hip-hop funky cardio. I think I have just about every DVD you have done and bunch of old VHS gathering dust. I can't do the crazy high impact anymore although I LOVE it! Once in awhile I just do it and then pay the price!

I know you cannot give medical advise so I won't even ask. I just want to know if you are going to do low impact cardio that I can add the light weights to.

I watched the Youtube road trips. THEY LOOK AWESOME. I told my family that is one thing I want to do before the end of my life, workout with the REAL Cathe.

Do you ever tour the west coast?
Ok, you rock, and are my hero!

That said, have you tried accupuncture for the might help.
Hi Grandmaof27. We're the same age but I didn't have a child until I was 42. My DS will be 12 in February.
I'm still doing Cathe's workouts as well. I did the Firm for years and discovered Cathe over at the Firm Ya Ya's years ago. After finding Cathe I never looked back.
I'm too am struggling with the balance of what is right for my body now.
I'm curious to hear what other midlife athletes do. Do they modify? Lower intensity? Lower duration? I'm curious to hear what other 50 somethings are doing. I tend to follow Cathe's monthly workouts and adapt as needed to life's interruptions.
Are you going to do STS? I've preordered and I'm looking forward to learning more about how my body works with the system. I'm waiting for the final online 1 rep max to get my 1r.
Right now my hardest challange is food. :rolleyes:
I know it has been a long time

I totally forgot I posted this like a year ago. Life...and now I will have 31 grandkids by Sept and yes they keep me going. I still have the fibro and RA and I tore my rotator cuff in Oct, forcing me to modify Cathe workouts tremendously. I am happy to say I am still on board with her and almost us to par. Still cannot do man push ups. Only girl ones and not as many as I used to. Let me share my modification.

If I low impact a workout, I add another riser. I low impact alot more now than I used to.

I did not but the STS series. It sounds like it was a huge hit on the forum but I was not in a position to do it at the time. I could cry but I won't. Tell me more about them now that you have them. Is it a workout you think is good for 'our' age?

I have a bad back, really what I have is a muscle spazzy butt that tightens up and pulls my lower back out. I discovered the little yoga balls that are soft and firm and after every workout I sit on those things and roll my bottom until the muscle relaxes and I have not had my back go out for several months now.

My newest diet change...well let me say this, I don't diet. I just eat well. I will copy and paste a letter I sent to my friend and you may be interested in it.

I have found the super foods lists vary throughout the internet but for the most is my diet. I eat all the super foods for my daily food and I did not even know they were super. Truly...exercise it key with a clean diet and healthy eating habits. This is not to say that all goodies are out and all you live on is raw spinich and carrot juice. LOL It is more about balance and eating the piece of cake or cookies without feeling like you are sinning or something:) Just do all the other stuff and that juck will be used for
energy and the rest will be waste material instead of waist material. LOL

My new fix: I do 3 protein scoops a day. I also buy sweet potatoes or yams and steam them. Cut them up small and freeze them. I use approx 1/2 cup frozen sweet pot in every
smoothie for extra nutrition. I will often add a stalk of celery to it too.
That is if you have a blender that will handle it. Sweet potatoes have a low
glycemic index which makes it safer for diabetics. ( I am not diabetic) The celery is purely for the help with edema properties. Just eating celery will help you with that.

favorite LARGE smoothie for me is:

1 and 1/2 cup OJ
2 scoops van pro powder
1/2 frozen sweet pot

start blending slowly
add 1.2 to 1 C water slowly and then 4-6 cubes of ice on high.

Opt: one stalk celery added in pieces after water and before ice.

This would be a meal in itself

Here is a great site I found:

Health Benefits of Sweet Potato

An endorsement of sweet potatoes as a nutritious food helpful in the
prevention of disease comes from the North Carolina Stroke Association,
American Cancer Society, and the American Heart Association. And they're not
the only ones noticing the attributes of sweet potatoes.

In 1992, the Center for Science in the Public Interest compared the
nutritional value of sweet potatoes to all other vegetables. Considering
fiber content, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, iron, and
calcium, the sweet potato ranked highest in nutritional value. According to
these criteria, sweet potatoes earned 184 points, 100 points over the next
on the list, the white potato. The Center strongly recommends eating more
sweet potatoes since a nutritious diet is one that is high in fiber,
provides many nutrients, is rich in complex carbohydrates, and is low in

More Fiber

The sweet potato is a good source of dietary fiber, which lowers the risk
for constipation, diverticulosis, colon and rectal cancer, heart disease,
diabetes and obesity. The fiber in sweet potatoes provides a feeling of
fullness and satiety, which helps to control food intake.

More Antioxidants

Antioxidants play a role in the prevention of heart disease and cancer, and
sweet potatoes supply plenty of the antioxidants, vitamin E and
beta-carotene. These substances are effective in neutralizing free radicals,
which are responsible for damage to cell walls and cell structures. Vitamin
E also protects against heart attack and stroke by reducing the harmful
effects of low-density cholesterol and preventing blood clots.

Antioxidants are essential for good brain functioning and in delay in the
effects of aging on the brain. A low level of vitamin E has been linked with
memory loss. A Columbia University study showed a delay of about seven
months in the progression of Alzheimer's disease when subjects consumed high
levels of vitamin E. This fat-soluble vitamin is found mainly in high-fat
foods such as oils, nuts, and avocados. Only the sweet potato provides
vitamin E without the fat and calories.

Sweet potatoes contain 30 mg (50,000 IU) of beta-carotene (vitamin A) in one
cup, which is four times the USRDA. You would have to eat 23 cups of
broccoli to consume the same amount of beta-carotene. Health professionals
believe that carotenoids give protection from the formation of free radicals
and are chemo-protective against cancer.

The Finnish study of 10,000 smokers, reviewed in the New England Journal of
Medicine in 1994, tested the effects of taking beta-carotene supplements to
prevent lung cancer. It was based on the earlier finding that individuals
who have higher blood levels of beta-carotene have a lower incidence of lung
cancer. To the researchers' horror, those who took the supplements actually
had a higher rate of lung cancer and the study was discontinued. Researchers
concluded that beta-carotene has a protective effect only when consumed in
food, the original and best source. The nutrient-packed sweet potato is the
richest source of this protective substance.

Low Glycemic Index

Different foods have different effects on blood glucose. The glycemic index
is a measure of how quickly glucose is absorbed after a person eats, how
high glucose rises, and how quickly it returns to normal. A low glycemic
index is desirable and is characterized by slow absorption, a modest rise in
blood glucose, and a smooth return to normal. Fast absorption, a surge in
blood glucose, and an overreaction that plunges glucose below normal are
undesirable and are the result of eating foods with a high glycemic index.
This distinction is especially important for people with diabetes, whose
good health is dependent upon stable blood glucose levels. As a result,
getting enough carbohydrates without causing glucose spikes can prove
challenging. For example, white potatoes, corn, rice, and white bread all
have a high glycemic index and can cause a spike and an ultimate drop in
blood sugar. Diabetics and others wanting to avoid glucose highs and lows
can turn to sweet potatoes, which have a low glycemic index.

Excellent Source of Potassium

Potassium plays a major role in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance
and cell integrity. Controlling potassium distribution is a high priority
for the body because it affects many aspects of homeostasis, including a
steady heartbeat. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best sources of
potassium, and sweet potatoes are among the top three richest sources, along
with bananas and white potatoes.

Dr. Robert Cordell, emeritus professor of cardiothoracic surgery at Wake
Forest University School of Medicine, highly recommends sweet potatoes.
"Sweet potatoes, a readily available and wonderfully tasteful root vegetable
in the southeastern United States, are frequently overlooked regarding their
health value. Most remain unaware of the significant health benefits of this
low-fat, high fiber vegetable that is such a rich source of vitamins A and
E. Sweet potatoes, therefore, contain significant deterrents to heart
disease and stroke, both of which tend to be higher in our part of the
country. In addition, reports have suggested anti-cancer effects. With these
facts in mind, all of us should make sweet potatoes a more frequent part of
our regular diet."

Nutrition Facts

serving size: servings: 11.0

Calories per serving:
calories 224.79;Calories from fat 0.5

% daily value*

Total Fat 0.5
Saturated Fat 0.1
Trans Fat 0.00 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.49 g
Monounsaturated fat 0.07 g
Cholesterol 0.00 mg
Sodium 421.26 mg
Potassium 713.31 mg
Total Carbohydrate 40.36 g
Net Carbohydrate 27.26 g
Dietary fiber 13.10 g
Sugars 0.00 g
Protien 15.35 g
Vitamin A 0.00 Vitamin C 2.12 mg
Calcium 49.56 mg Iron 5.20 mg
Actual values are used in this label instead of % of DRV
Total Protien 26.60%
Total Carbohydrate 69.95%
Total Fat 3.45%

Serves 1.0 •
224.79 Calories per serving. • PCF Ratio: 27-70-3
Protein per serving: 15.35 g g • Carbohydrate per serving:
40.36 g g •
Fat per serving: 0.89 g g
Well, I have been working out with Cathe for 26+ years now. May I say right up front, rock! In spite of it all, I am still aging! Dang it! My user name says grandma of 27 which is now 29... THAT IS WHY I WORKOUT! I am a pretty lean 55 yr old woman but the weight workouts KILL my muscles. I have to do really light weights. YES, there was a day when I hung with you Cathe...not anymore:(

When you said you were a grandma of 27, I truly thought you meant you had a 27 year old grandchild and I was trying to make the math work! I decided that the math only works if you were raised in a rather disturbing cult, along with the rest of your family, so it was quite a relief to read further and discover that it was 27 grandchildren! I sometimes decide to be stupid just to have a rest from my usual brilliance! :eek:
To Morningstar

LOL...I admit I am a product of the 60's and started having children really young. So you are right about the math but in truth...I had 6 children and adopted 3 more. Hence, we are now at 29 grandchildren with 2 more on the way. It will go like this for another 10 yrs and then the greatgrands will start:)

I read you lost 100 lbs! CONGRATULATIONS! You like the power-lifting. Yes...that was my previous life, now I settle 'Do what you can do.' as my Mantra and love doing it. If you are not on Facebook, you should get on. Cathe is on there and it is fun to see the real life of Cathe a little bit.

Take Care, Sue
hey fellow grandmas, it is so nice to have people my age to talk to. i know exactly what ya mean about the pain. id o cahte, but i have to go easy sometimes. her cardio can cripple me. i am loving STS, though. i can still lift pretty heavy weights and i'm really glad. but, for how long , i don't know. let's keep in touch, so we can encourage each other. i'm the grandma of 3. arent' they so fun????
hi again everyone, just wondered where everyone lives. i live in s.central texas. new braunfels. where are ya'll?
Trouble is I'm 55 with a 12 year old son. I'm not sure where I belong. :( I had to take a day off today after doing BM2 cardio premix on Tues and STS Disk 13 yesterday. I had no energy today at all. My problem has been insommnia. I've managed inflammatory arthrits at age 39 which left me crippled until I found Enbrel but now I'm brought to my knees. I've tried herbs, melatonin and 5HTP but I'm left dragging the next day. Prescription meds leave me feeling the same way but I'll take Lunesta if I absolutly have to function the next day. Is this another part of mid life that women before us never talked about? I'm so angry at women like my mom who never talked about women's health issues. It's been left to those of us from the 60's & 70's to bring womens health out of the dark ages so we can all age with vibrant health as long as possible.
I live up in Minnesota but I grew up in Seattle and spent 10 years in NYC.
Hi cocob1

Is that your real name? Well, as I read your letter I thought...this lady has lived in COLD country and that is really hard for what ails you. That being said and me certainly an example of living with all that stuff we go through...I will share what I have done and you cut to the chase and decide what you want to try.

I sleep on Nikken magnets for health. Have been for about 15 years. I wear the insoles in my shoes, the knee wraps on my knees when I work out and the necklace night and day. The only way I know it is working for me is when I travel and cannot bring my bed with and after awhile the pain kicks in. If that is something you are interested in, I kept my age old distributorship for the purpose of purchasing things cheaper and I can get you the best wholesale price. However, even I hit eBay for some of their products. Go to to research that option. Take about 20-25% off the list price and that is closer to wholesale.

I made a conscious decision to not use prescription drugs for my RA. I was diagnosed at age 40. My first RA factors were quite high and now I have pushed them into the highest number of normal ranges. Started at 87 now at 26 (I think) The dr said it looks like it is in remission and I plan on keepin' that puppy there.

I am not telling you to quit taking your meds. My experience the last five yrs of owning a women’s workout club validated that I am happy I made the choice not to. My choice initially stemmed from my sensitivity to drugs and eventually became my preference by the results I was seeing.

I eat normal but clean. Mostly whole foods, not processed. For instance, lunch meat would be the sliced from the deli not packaged. I focus on tomatoes, broccoli, avocado, berries, spinach, sweet potato, nuts, craisins and mostly do chicken and fish with beef once or twice a month. Stick with a lot of fresh veggies with every meal. Recently I discovered buffalo burgers and was quite impressed. 43 grams of protein in one patty. I don’t do much beef because I get nauseated, but the buffalo did not bother me. I drink only filtered water through a Nikken system that has a triple filtration in it, charging the water with far infrared energy. Sacramento water leaved something to be desired. As you have read in my other email I recently bumped up the protein intake with a protein achieving 75 grams a day in addition to what I eat. This has helped tremendously! I also own a far-infrared sauna that I use daily. Deep cleanses me.

There is more but I see a chiropractic kinesiologist and take a regime of vitamins. I took bio-direct joint through Nikken for years very successfully and now I am trying this new one. Hyaluronic Acid or HA. I feel good on either one so I figure they are both good. I am not combining them. I take fish oil, B’s and a citrate based calcium. I also take a bio direct immunity product that Nikken puts out. Safe for RA because it builds your already compromised immune system. Don’t know if you know but we are not supposed to take Echinacea with auto-immune issues. That is fine for people with healthy immune systems, but for people with auto-immune disease where the body is attacking itself.
Are you on Facebook with Cathe? My name is Sue Altop if you want to get on and ask me to be your friend and you can be on with Cathe too. It is fun to have a glimpse of the other side of her life. I am so sad I did not get on the presale for her last group of DVD’s and now the new one’s are being offered and I am not sure what my tax return will be…so I have to wait and hope I can pre-order this group.
I love aerobics and the weights are just an evil necessity for me. I do them because I have to. I work out no matter how bad I feel because I always feel better if I do. 6 days a week, Sunday off.
I truly hope this information did not overwhelm you and that you will benefit from any part of it to see what works for YOU.
I have raised six 12 yr old boys between my kids and adoptees. I assume you not feeling like you fit in anywhere is being your age with a 12 year old. I can see why…my grandson is 16. But I cheated. It is ok though. There are a ton of women who waited for whatever reasons or just had a late blessing in life.
That being said, he will be very proud of you for taking care of yourself. My adult sons honor and revere me and brag all the time to their adult friends. So chin up, hang in there. We women naturally gravitate to each other for advice and I just dumped a book on you and need to get to bed.
Always, Sue
Hi everyone,

I wish I live in Northern California! I'm in Boston and the winters get colder by the year!

It is possible to achieve better health by not taking medications, which have an astonishing amount of side effects. Have you heard of GNLD, a 50-year old company based in Fremont, CA? ( It manufactures whole-food based supplements with no additives, fillers, synthetics, stimulants. Their products are backed by scientific research. In fact, very few companies can claim this. (Not all products are created equal; many supplements available in the market contain petroleum by-products, but in FDA-acceptable small quantities.)

GNLD's premise to better health is to optimally fuel & regenerate your body at the cellular level so that your body is able to combat whatever health issues crop up. In other words, use nature's foods to feed your body and you'll likely have fewer health issues, or at least less problematic ones.

GNLD offers commonly-known supplements such as multivitamins, A, B, C, E, zinc, salmon oil, carotenoids, cruciferous, flavonoids, aloe vera, protein, among many others. It offers a line of skin care and weight-loss products as well.

For fibromyalgia, a regimen of salmon oil, vitamins B & E, a multivitamin, among other supplements, are recommended. My neighbor has been taking their products for over 20 years. She used to be bedridden with chronic fatigue and arthritis, but is now a spry, healthy 50+ world traveler. She is a walking testament of good health without resorting to medications.

As another example, my father-in-law takes salmon oil, which I started him on last summer. He tells me his high blood pressure and high cholesterol (which he is on medications for) have been steadily improving, and he doesn't feel dizzy daily any more.

Myself, I have been taking GNLD's products since last May (multivit, calcium, salmon oil, carotenoid; my kids take their children's multivitamins). I'm taking these to head off future problems. I have been a Catheite since the fall of 2004. Just did IMAX2 this morning and my knees are screaming!

Let me know if you wish to read other people's success testimonials, GNLD's regimens to address specific health issues, or if you would like to know more information on the products, which are used worldwide.

Much luck to you!
Trouble is I'm 55 with a 12 year old son. I'm not sure where I belong. :( I had to take a day off today after doing BM2 cardio premix on Tues and STS Disk 13 yesterday. I had no energy today at all. My problem has been insommnia. I've managed inflammatory arthrits at age 39 which left me crippled until I found Enbrel but now I'm brought to my knees. I've tried herbs, melatonin and 5HTP but I'm left dragging the next day. Prescription meds leave me feeling the same way but I'll take Lunesta if I absolutly have to function the next day. Is this another part of mid life that women before us never talked about? I'm so angry at women like my mom who never talked about women's health issues. It's been left to those of us from the 60's & 70's to bring womens health out of the dark ages so we can all age with vibrant health as long as possible.
I live up in Minnesota but I grew up in Seattle and spent 10 years in NYC.


I am 53 yo and I have ten children. I had my last three children over the age of 40. So, my youngest is 8, I had him at 45. So, you belong in my group, I guess. Getting older is really hard. Trying to figure out menopause for me was really hard.

I havae been working out with Cathe for 14 years. I own everyone of her workouts. I still can do most of her workouts with modifying.

At least our generation is talkin about these midlife health issues to l et future generations know what to look for and what they can do. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to keep active by working out with Cathe and clean eating!

hi all, WOW! 10 kids? that is alot.
i did disc 37 yesterday, the squat rack legs. i really like it, but my houlders are very sore from the heavy weight on them. actually, my glutes/legs are not even sore. don't know why, cuz my weights were pretty heavy.
i really like all the info ya'll have posted. thanks alot.

how do ya get on cathe's facebook? i am not too good at navigating the facebook site.

and, i think i would FREEZE TO DEATH if i lived in minnisota. i'll stay in texas. it was about 75 today and is just beautiful tonite.

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