A Simple Recipe: Mix 1 part Workout with 2 parts Nutrition

Helen: for the most part i don't like the teachers i work with..kidding..sort of..
Problem with teachers is that in our class we are all the boss. Then when we get together we all have this I am the boss mentality and well..lots of butting heads!

I mostly eat and work out in my office or go for walks to avoid the drama. I get along with 95 % of my co-workers but i firmly believe it is because i mind my own business and stay outta the staff room:D
Stephanie: All the teachers I work with treat me like gold. I just saw a side of a few that made me say, "Hmmmm..." I do hear them talk about each other occasionally, though. I usually eat my lunch in the classroom I'm subbing in instead of eating with the teachers. I don't need to hear their gossip about each other. :p

Okay...I did it...I ordered 3 of the new LIS workouts yesterday. Yoga Max, Athletic Training, and Afterburn. I am looking forward to the pain.;)

Yesterday's workout of STS Discs 30 & 31 was fantastic! I had to stop at about the 45 minute mark of Disc 31 because I had to run my daughter to her workout, but I got a good solid 1 hour and 45 minutes of hard upper body lifting in. I feel it everywhere in my upper body today, so that's good!

Today's workout will be Slow & Heavy Legs/Butt and I may run through it twice if my lower back will let me. It's been barking at me a little more than usual the past few days.

Time to get busy. Have a great day! :DHelen
Yay! Helen is a Catheite! At 300, you become a Cathlete. I'm slowly getting there. I was a lurker for a long time. I don't think you'll regret getting the new workouts. They're the perfect birthday present for yourself! Enjoy!
Stephanie: Sorry, I really don't mean to be rubbing it in about the LIS workouts, but they are fun & totally different. I did Lower Body Trisets last night. Doesn't come close to STS, but it's a fast 40 minute work out. But, I know the feeling, because I've been totally jealous of you guys with STS. I'm DYING to get back into a STS rotation! I LOVED STS! It's killing me not being able to lift! So, I'll lay off until you get yours! LOL & you're welcome to drop in on me any time! Getting the workouts off me would be a different story... LOL:eek: I have a feeling if we arm wrestled for it, you'd win, though! LOL & good luck with the colonoscopy! I'd say you paid your dues for eating the candy... Even Cathe posted pictures on Facebook of empty candy wrappers - too funny...
Jane: totally kidding:D I am a teasing little pain in the butt...speaking of which....colonoscopy finished! weighed 3 pounds less this am yeah!!!!!!!! (i know this is total water weight but heck it is fun!)

Well i finally ate after 36 hours....chocolate and soup... pretty funny how if you dont eat for 36 hours you start feeling less hungry...wacky right...:confused:

i am still waiting on my LIS...tomorrow i will work out..since i had no solid food in my system today i took a break! only one more sts and i start my pyramid down

bb tomorrow
Hi ladies! I knew you were kidding, Stephanie - no problem - I just hadn't put myself in your shoes until you mentioned it. Then, I realized how I feel every time Cathe has a road trip & all the posts are about how excited everyone is, & I know that I'll never be able to go on one. :(
Wasn't that exciting - the 3 pound weight loss? Hope at least 1 or 2 stays off. I had to laugh out loud at what you ate, though. Chocolate & soup - too funny. When I was younger, I would fast to lose weight. You do quit being hungry after 3 days. I really screwed up my metabolism doing that - I did it time after time. The stupidity of youth...
I didn't work out last night either. As I was walking to my car after work, I stepped on a wet leaf, & down I went. Of course, I landed on - you know it! - my right elbow :mad:& hip. Darn! I'm so sore today it's not funny. I may try to do something light tonight so that I don't stove up too bad.
Have a great Thursday!
Stephanie:I'm glad all went well.

I was wondering if becoming a "Catheite" means more responsibility...more accountability...less slack-ability. If so, then I'm up for it. I'll even go one step further. I declare that I will reach my 15 pound weight loss goal before I cross the next milestone and become a "Cathlete". If I'm gonna talk the talk, I must walk the walk, right?:)

My body is sore today from 2 days in a row of lifting, but it feels good. Cardio is coming up...I wish I liked cardio more.

Have a good Thursday!

Jane: Oh, no! I hope you are okay and didn't damage your elbow any more!! And your hip, too! Check in and let us know you're okay...

Yesterday, I received the 3 LIS workouts that I ordered on Tuesday!:eek: I previewed them last night and am going to do Afterburn in a little bit. I am slightly nervous. I don't have dixie cups or sliding discs, so will use baseballs and dish towels. Where there's a will, there's a way!:)

The scale has been stuck for the second week in a row, but my body fat% has stayed the same, so I guess that's okay. I am planning to add 2 more hours of cardio this week (in 30 or 40 minute sessions) and see if that helps nudge me off this plateau. The new LIS workouts should help.

Alright, ladies. I've stalled long enough. Have a wonderful Saturday! :DHelen
HO.LEE. CRAP... Afterburn is incredible. In such a wonderfully, gasping for air sort of way... I had to make a few of the breaks (if you can even call them "breaks") a few seconds longer than the dvd, and I had to cut a few reps off of a few of the exercises because of my lower back issue. I left a mess of sweat on the floor and burned 540 calories in 58 minutes (including the stretch at the end). I loved it! This will be a once a week workout, without a doubt!

The dishtowels worked great as a substitute for sliding discs on the laminate basement floor. I may try to make my own slide and glide discs though.

I'm going to give the Yoga Max workout a try tomorrow.

Enjoy the weekend! :DHelen
Helen: I'm glad you liked AfterBurn! I hope Stephanie gets hers soon. She's going to love the new ones, too. I really think that these are just the ticket for blasting us out of our plateaus. Train like a warrior!!!
I am going to work out tonight for the first time since I fell on Weds. I've just been too sore (hip). The funny thing is I've only got one small bruise on my hip - I was afraid the whole side of me would be black & blue. Guess that driveway wasn't as hard as I thought! Or maybe I'm just tougher than I look! LOL I've been chomping at the bit to get through the new workouts again, but I know when to lay off. ;)
I've got a family function or twelve this coming weekend. I have to get in the right mind set so that I don't go crazy over food & drink! I can talk to myself & be highly motivated, then someone will say, "Would you like a glass of wine?" & off I go - eating & drinking everything that isn't nailed down! LOL:eek:
All is well in Canada now that i HAVE MY DVDS!!!!!!!!

did afterburn...my new moto is train like a warrior!!!

love it...music not so much...but heck can't have everything in life.

Jane...sorry about that close encounter with the asphalt...glad you won;)
Helen...how is the subbing this week? still loving afterburn..?

Well i did afterburn as well as turbo barre leg express...iam pretty wiped today.. went for a long walk at lunch and we'll see after supper. it is rest week for me and then i start my pyramid down!

YAY! Stephanie got her DVD's!!!! Did you do AfterBurn & TurboBarre on the same day???? You're a brave soldier!!! (or should I say, Warrior?)
Helen - did you like Yoga Max? I love Athletic Training - have you tried it yet? I'll be interested in what you & Stephanie think.
I decided that there was no way I was going to be able to do one of the new workouts last evening, so I did Step Moves instead. I'm a bit sore today, but I think it will be OK. I'm actually glad that I did more damage to the hip than to the elbow (much more meat on the hip... LOL) Tonight I'll jump back into one of the LIS ones.
I love having new workout challenges - there's so much room for growth in this new series. I previewed Upper Body Trisets last night - that one is definitely going to have to wait, but then, that gives me a new one to look forward to.
I don't know what the weather is like in Canada or St. Louis today, but in Cincinnati it is GORGEOUS!!!! I SO wish I could be outside enjoying this beautiful, sunshiny, WARM day!
Jane: yup did the express legs and afterburn on the same day one right after the other..but i used light weights for the afterburn 5s:eek:

beautiful in Montreal these past few days! I have been going for walks during my lunch break:D

Yesterday i didnt do any lis but did extend a barre...Cathes is so much better...that one has been permanently shelved..

Today i just finished the turbo barre leg express during my break and will be walking at lunch again...It impossible for me to stay inside when the weather is just gorgeous...I think of the cold months coming..and well the dvds can wait!

I am hoping to attack either cardio supersets or athletic training tomorrow but if it is nice...well i see myself heading outside yet again...:)

I am hoping that the leg express can thin out my manly thighs...I really couldn't deal with slim in six..for a month...cathe is much more doable IMO

have a great day girls:D
OK, limping into work... LOL I did AfterBurn last night. Whew! Funny how you can forget how dang hard a workout is, isn't it??? LOL But, I actually did better than the first time! I still took 3 longer breaks, but that's down from last time, & I was better able to do some of the moves (the Spider Mans got me last time), so I was heartened by the improvement. I'll probably do Athletic Training tonight. Love that one.
Have a great hump day gals!
Hello, ladies!

Jane: I'm glad you're not injured too badly. And especially glad you didn't re-injure your elbow! Afterburn is one amazing workout. When I finished it, I knew I was going to be hurting for a few days afterward. Every muscle in my body was sore for days. I really liked Yoga Max, too. It's just the right length and intensity.

Stephanie: I'm so glad you got your workouts! Yep..."train like a warrior". I also like it when she says, "You get what you give, so give a lot!" I'm off school today, thank goodness. It was a strange week at school...weird things happened and subs don't get the same information as regular teachers, which bugs me a little, especially when I don't get the memo when it's BLUE JEAN DAY!!!:( I was there Tuesday and Wednesday...you'd think someone would have told me I could have worn blue jeans and comfortable shoes yesterday. I guess that's what I get for not being fully vested in the club...:p

So...Afterburn was a great workout. Yoga Max was terriffic, too. BUT...as I reached for my coffee cup that I'd set on the roof of my car on Monday morning, I felt an awful twinge in my lower back. Really??? REALLY!?!?!:mad::mad::mad: This morning, I'm going to attempt my first workout since cutting a really ugly one short on Tuesday morning. I'll let you know how it goes...

Until later...
Oyhh no Helen! i hate it when my back goes out.... hope it feels better..I have to say since i started working my core my back when it does go...(almost every couple of years) doesn't last as long anymore (2 days..)
so hopefully you'll be fine:)

Jane: did athletic training the other day and didn't find it as hard as i expected...all my stsing has really helped with my push-up and spidermans...

I have been doing the barre leg express almost daily and no doms...:( its sick that i am dissappointed right???

Helen: sorry about denim day....do you sub at a private school? At my school the teachers always where jeans...lucky me is always in my uniform of black leggings (to slim me out) and sometimes broken up with a skort or...if i am daring grey leggings!:D

have a great weekend girls..

oh btw...chocolate monster has struck in full force this week:eek:
staying away from the scale :eek:

I started my workout...Athletic Training. All was going well for the first 2 minutes. Then I noticed I was hearing the odd sound of water running. I opened the utility room door to find the water heater emptying all over the floor. The relief valve had tripped, and there was water everywhere. It's a mess, but I'm glad I was home. It would have been a disaster if I hadn't been here to catch it. Always look at the bright side, right???

So my workout is on hold until this evening. But...so is a shower, and dishes, and laundry, and FLUSHING, and anything else that has to do with water. Luckily my husband is Mr. Fix-it, so I'm hopeful he'll have it up and running before he leaves for the weekend to go deer hunting.

Stephanie: My back has been bothering me a little bit for months. I don't know what I did recently that has made it worse. It's feeling better (not great) today and I was looking forward to seeing what I could do in Athletic Training with modifications as needed. I teach in a public school, and blue jeans are not the norm, although some teachers wear them frequently. I normally wear business casual...khaki's, nicer tops, dress shoes.

Keep the chocolate monster at bay...

I'm looking at my glass of ice water knowing it's the last one I'll have for a while until the water gets going again. And I have to pee. And I stink.......
Oh, Helen! What a mess! That's awful! Thank goodness you were home! Don't let your DH go deer hunting until it's fixed! My DH was a maintenance man, so I'm lucky that way, too. Sorry about your back - that's never good. Be careful with your workouts. Do you ever go to a chiropractor? They've saved my back more than once. I know that you're doing STS - could it be the dead lifts? Those bothered my lower back a bit...
Stephanie, I'm not surprised that those spider mans didn't bother you - you can bench press a lot more weight than I can. I can only do 3 or 4 "regular" push ups - I have to do them on my knees. Even after STS, I could only do them on my knees...:mad: I haven't done the Turbo Barre Express yet, just the lower body portion. I'm still staying away from Upper Body Trisets & the upper body portion of Turbo Barre.
Even though I'm in menopause, I still fight the chocolate monster...:mad::eek: I feel your pain, Stephanie!
Hope you both have good weekends! & I hope lots of cool, cool water to drink (& more) is in your near future, Helen!
Oh no Helen...so funny all our husbands do manly work! my hubs is an eletrician but can do plumbing and just about anything! saves a lot of $$$. Hope he gets it done for you soon..Really lucky you were home.. that would have been a disaster..
My hubs went deer hunting with my dad and my dad got the deer so tomorow they are going again to see if hubs can get one!

I am officially starting my way down the sts pyramid and today i did disc 13...love it! I used to hate weight training and now i have been converted...if i could only hate chocolate:mad:
All of our DH's deer hunt, too! What a coincidence! Just goes to show we Cathletes have good taste & stick together! LOL;)

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