A request re: our group behavior

Kathy S

Thanks Kathy S...I never have been able to put my thoughts into words well like you have. I do agree with you. As I posted in the "crew" post it just makes me uncomfortable reading certain disagreements like that one. And we should all think twice about what we post. I can say from experience, and the fact that I am not much of a debater...:)...if I see a post that maybe rubs me the wrong way...I usually just ignore it. It has rarely happened here.....PS...I love your little weightlifters...:)...Carole
RE: Hi Kathy02!

Hi Kathy! Your post was as usual very eloquently said. I've been tempted to post to Cathe regarding having a moderator on these forums something which is done over at videofitness. This would keep the discussions always respectful & not hurting anyone's feelings; simply no chance to attack anyone; the messages would either get deleted or the person doing the flaming would be reprimanded. So with that being said wanna be "our" moderator? Ha! Just joking Kathy! I can't wait to meet you some day. Have a great day! Kathy:7
RE: Kathy S

Bumping as a reminder, this is CATHE's forum. Cathe is about fitness and healthy living. Too many OT's dont belong is THIS forum.
RE: Kathy S

I completely agree with Kathy. Too much smack and not enough working out makes for a very bored lifestyle. JMHO

Reminder that this is a revived thread

Hi everyone --

I did mean what I said, but I just want to note for those who might not notice that this is a year-old thread.

That being said, IMHO a little decorum reminder is a good thing. We are guests here, in the "home" of a very decent, gracious and polite hostess.

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days 31/61/365
First, let me say thank you to Kathy for your post. I completely understand and respect what you have written and requested from us.

I always read what I have written before I post it to make sure I do not offend anyone but if I ever HAVE offended someone, I apologize. That is never my intent. I only wish to disagree or voice an opinnion as politely as I can. I never have and never will *purposely* try to be offensive or rude to anyone here.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


I don't feel we are children that need to be redirected.

I think you will agree that decorum is subjective. What makes me feel comfortable may not necessarily make you feel comfortable. What I have seen happen time and time again is instead of looking past subjects that are uncomfortable to them, posters want to bully the post closed.

That tells me that the Open Discussion forum is not truly an open discussion, so therefore I need to reframe my line of thought when posting or answering posts. I can do that but maybe the Open Discussion forum needs to be renamed because it is not truly open.

Thank you for your post, it was well said and I hope will be heeded by all. One of the reasons I like this forum is that it does not turn into a bashfest like another popular forum ( which will remain anonymous ), even though they have "moderators". Thanks again, and well said!
Candi, I respectfully disagree with you. :)

If you and another customer really get into a heated debate in a health club, the management has the right to eject both of you because you are disturbing other customers.

Does this mean the health club is not "truly open" for discussion? No, just that an open discussion can NOT be held unless the participants mind their manners.

People used to agree on what constituted polite and respectful debate. Lately it doesn't seem so clear, especially online.

I don't know how you can compare this to a health club because at a health club I would think everyone would be working out. The Open Discussion forum is for open discussion, is it not? If it's not, then it should not be called Open Discussion...that's all I'm trying to say. With all due respect, the term is misleading, IMHO.

Edited to say, some people are offended more easily than others. I can take care of myself in situations where there is conflict. Others are very uncomfortable with any type of conflict. That's just human nature. Most times on this board, the heated conversation will continue until SNM pulls the plug. It is Cathe's board and she does draw the line when she feels it's necessary.
Yes, it is Cathe's board, and I think our conversations should be as if she is also included. I dont know about you, but I would never ask Cathe about some of the "stuff" that has been talked about lately.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
RE: Kathy S

>Bumping as a reminder, this is CATHE's forum. Cathe is about
>fitness and healthy living. Too many OT's dont belong is THIS

I must respectfully disagree, as this is the "OPEN FORUM," where we can discuss anything (within the limits of courtesy and good taste, I would hope). NOTHING is "OT" on this part of the forum, because there is no "T" here!;-)
RE: Reminder that this is a revived thread

>Hi everyone --
>I did mean what I said, but I just want to note for those who
>might not notice that this is a year-old thread.

Yikes! I didn't notice that. It just seemed so timely!
I agree with you Amazon and Cathe has a right to protect her reputation as a business woman, people have grown to respect her and she doesn't need that kind of stuff on her web site.
I am so glad she cleaned it up.....
Plus the fact that adults aren't the only ones that read these posts... Rhonda
I never read those posts you are talking about (I try to avoid reading posts with odd titles), but I've seen people disagree in these forums to the point where the posts get inappropriate. It was a good thing to see Cathe step in and post about them. It was also nice to see old Catheites replying to this thread.
This is a resurfaced thread. It's originated in January '04. I haven't read any recent flamers but perhaps it's timely? Who bumped it, hmmm? I have actually declined to read many of the recent OT threads, for religious reasons, he he! :D I love Kathy S, then and now! Such a wise woman!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

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