A request re: our group behavior

RE: Thank you Bobbi!

I love Erma too. It's funnny, Kathy. I read the post and was thinking, "Let someone flame Kathy and I'll take them to task!". Then I scroll down and see my name, with a big "huh?" before looking at the date :) and I'm arguing!) I have definitely been raising my eyebrows at some of the OT threads and polls and thinking that it's TMI and nothing I would care to share even if I could. I'm G Rated, thank goodness. As for the Crew, I think they were then and are now, Happy. Previewing and doing Hardcore, I was struck at how professional they are. It must be difficult to do the routines, following Cathe and stay so beautifully composed, poised and perfect. I'd be wiping sweat, pushing back my hair, adjusting clothes and grabbing water as I do incessantly when I work out. Cathe and the crew are so awesome! How could such awesome women not be happy, I ask you? It's so funny to see what we have gotten overly serious about in the past and think, "Did I always take myself so seriously and ,thank Heaven, we outgrow these things!"
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

I'd like to echo your sentiments. I haven't been here as much as I used to be, so I think I may have missed the flaming and feel a bit out of the loop. I did post on a thread that was perhaps viewed as risque, however, and I, like you, certainly hope I didn't offend anyone. You really said it best: "I only wish to disagree or voice an opinnion as politely as I can."


I understand where you are coming from and appreciate your perspective as someone who has posted on this board from the very beginning.

And to everyone else: I really enjoy the discussions that take place here and am thankful for the Open forum in particular. Sometimes I don't know where else to turn to ask a question unrelated to fitness. It is nice to know that you can count on finding the opinions of an educated crowd here. Even though the "educated crowd" term began in relation to fitness, I think we have a crowd that is educated in many manyu more areas!!!

Have a good day everyone!

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