A-Jock's HC-"Faux-CTX" 4-week rotation


Hello, sportsfans - had a few minutes to ponder this, and I thought I'd offer up a suggested Hard Core rotation that uses the CTX cardio+muscles-each-day 6-day theme. This 4-week rotation incorporates all of the HC discs, including a lot of premixes. As always, they work best with a multi-disc changer, but it's no tragedy if you have a single-disc player; just make sure your hands aren't too sweaty when switching discs out.

The focus of this rotation is to build upper-end cardiovascular endurance and leg power, as well as hit one upper body muscle group for endurance or strength. Certainly core and flexibility segments are incorporated as well.


Day 1:
I-Max 3 warm-up and step-only premix
Muscle Max legs only
Muscle Max abs/core, and cool-down stretch

Day 2:
Kick Max cardio (omitting Boot Camp challenge)
Muscle Max chest
Stretch max 1

Day 3:
Low Max warm-up and step-only premix
Muscle Max triceps (do a warm-up set of push-ups beforehand)
Core Max 1
Cool-down stretch of choice

Day 4:
High Step Challenge warm-up, cardio and leg resistance cycles ONLY (advancing with "next" or "chapter-skip" button past upper body drills)
Muscle Max shoulders
Stretch Max II

Day 5:
I-max 3 warm-up
Low Max blast only premix
High Step Challenge abs/core
Muscle Max biceps
Cooldown stretch of choice

Day 6:
HC Extreme #2 for 40 minutes
Core Max TOUGH premix
Stretch Max of choice

Day 7: REST


Day 1:
Kick Max warm-up + Boot Camp challenge
GS Legs (barbell and dumbbell work only)
HSC abs/core
Cooldown stretch of choice

Day 2:
I-Max 3 warm-up and blast only premix
GS chest only
MM cooldown stretch

Day 3:
Low Max warm-up and blast only premix
GS triceps (do warm-up set of push-ups)
Muscle Max abs/core and cooldown

Day 4:
HSC warm-up and step-cardio ONLY ("next" or "chapter-skip"!)
Kick Max Boot Camp challenge
Muscle Max legs
GS shoulders and cooldown

Day 5:
HC Extreme Workout #3 for 40 min.
Core Max 1
GS Biceps
Cooldown of choice

Day 6:
Low Max step-only premix DONE AS A WARM-UP
(PAUSE the player after third interval for ham, calf and quad stretch)
GS Legs standing floor work
Stretch Max 1

Day 7: REST


Day 1:
HC Extreme workout #3 for 40 minutes
Core Max II
Stretch Max 3

Day 2:
HC Extreme Workout #2 for 40 minutes
Muscle Max Chest and Tris
Muscle Max cooldown

Day 3:
HC Extreme Workout #1 for 40 minutes
Muscle Max back, shoulders and core (no, you won't hurt anything!)
High Step Challenge cooldown

Day 4:
Kick Max without Boot Camp Challenge (leg conditioning drills optional, time and mojo permitting)
Muscle Max Legs
Stretch Max of choice

Day 5:
High Step Challenge cardio and resistance cycles, OMITTING LEG RESISTANCE CYCLES (remember your "next" or "chapter-skip" button?)
Core Max 3
Muscle Max biceps
Cooldown stretch of choice

Days 5 and 6: REST (YOU'LL NEED IT FOR . . .)


Day 1:
I-Max 3 warm-up and blast only premix
GS legs (barbell / dumbbell drills only)
High Step Challenge abs/core, and cooldown

Day 2:
Kick Max warm-up, Boot Camp Challenge TWICE
GS Chest only
Muscle Max cooldown

Day 3:
High Step Challenge CARDIO ONLY AS A WARM-UP (remember to perform brief dynamic stretches for hams, calves and quads at end of 5th cycle)
Low Max Blast only premix
GS Triceps (do a set of push-ups as a warm-up)
Muscle Max abs/core
Cooldown of choice

Day 4:
Low Max warm-up
GS legs (standing/floor long-lever work only)
GS shoulders
Stretch Max 1

Day 5:
I-Max 3 warm-up through first interval (before the blast)
Core Max TOUGH premix
GS biceps
High Step Challenge cooldown

Day 6:
Low Max Blast only premix DONE AS A WARM-UP (PAUSE after 3rd blast for brief dynamic stretches for calves, hams and quads)
I-Max 3 Blast only premix
Core Max AND cooldown of choice

Have fun!

RE: A-Jock's HC-


You just can't help topping yourself, can you? This looks incredible! After the fat loss rotation is over, I'm looking for something to bulk me up a bit and this looks like a great basis for doing just that. I might do this and then on each 'part' day, add the body part from CTX, i.e. Nosebleed Day 4- add CTX shoulders only after GS shoulders. You are an evil mastermind in a positive way! }(

Thank you for sharing your genius with us!
RE: DOH! Where's the Back?!

I can't believe I omitted back work entirely from the HC Faux CTX Rotation! What's wrong with me? Back is one of my favorite groups to work!

Week 1:

Day 6: Muscle Max Back BEFORE Core/Ab routine

Week 2:

Day 6: GS Back AFTER GS Legs

Week 3:

Day 6 (sorry guys - there goes your rest day)
Cardio warm-up of choice
Muscle Max back
Stretch Max 3

Week 4:

Day 6: GS Back BEFORE Core Max.

Blessings, blessings . . .

RE: A-Jock's HC-

Wow! I continue to be in awe!!!! You are so creative. I don't have a multi-disc changer, but I think this looks do-able with a single disc player.

One clarification: Week 1, Day 2
Kick Max cardio (omitting Boot Camp Challenge)
Does this mean all of the cardio except the blasts? Please help, I'm feeling a little dense today!
RE: A-Jock's HC-

So it starts with an induction? Kind of cult like isn't that?

Sincerely, thank you. The only CTX I have is Leaner Legs so I've missed out on all the rotations that use CTX. This looks great.

RE: A-Jock's HC-

Hi, Bestoutwest! Yes, Week 1 Day 2 Kick Max means all cardio except the blasts, which are all contained in the Boot Camp Challenge. Time permitting, you may also want to sling on some of the leg conditioning drills, but one of the things I tried to do with this entire rotation was make it time- and busy-user-friendly.

RE: A-Jock's HC-

Debra - the Induction phase was my nod to the Atkinsinas out there. Kind of like that slow pull on a flat track before the rollercoaster takes off.

Glad you like it - and just in passing . . .


RE: A-Jock's HC-


I have said it before and I'll say it again: You are THE WOMAN!!! This looks killer (as usual)!

RE: A-Jock's HC-

You rock, A-Jock!!
Another goodie to add to the Ol' Compendium!! I am thinking of maybe doing this one when I am done with Cathe's Strength Rotation. There are other ones in the folder of yours that I was thinking of doing. Eventually, I will do them all.}( Thank you for making it ABSOLUTELY impossible for me to use the I'm bored or I'm not challenged excuses.
RE: A-Jock's HC-


This rotation sounds wonderful. I have a questions regarding week1 day 6 (hc extreme #2 for 40min) and week3 HC extreme Workout#3 for 40min. I do not have this DVD but just order the intensity series along with the terminator. Do you have any suggestions to replace these days as indicated above?

Mrs. HTK
RE: A-Jock's HC-

Hi, Mrs. HTK!

For Week 1 Day 6, HC Extreme High and Low Impact cardio, you can substitute I-Max 2, or I-Max Extreme from the Terminator workout.

For Week 3, instead of HC Extreme Workout #3, you can substitute a variation of the Gauntlet workout from the Terminator: the Gauntlet (which is one of my alltime faves) is a salad of high-octane step and floor intervals (a mish-mosh from I-Max 2 intervals and Boot Camp intervals) as well as resistance cycles from Boot Camp and Cardio+Weights. Do the Gauntlet routine but skip ALL of the resistance cycles, so that it is pure cardio. That should be close to 40 minutes give or take a few minutes, and is a very good tub-thumper.


RE: A-Jock's HC-

Hi A-Jock,

This is my first week on your Faux CTX Rotation. I love it. I forgot how much I enjoyed Cathe's CTX workouts. This is a rotation I really look forward to doing.

As other readers have said, you have outdone yourself.

Thank you so much for your effort and commitment.

RE: A-Jock's HC-

Do you plan on doing this rotation yourself? I know you used to lift on your own, so am curious.

RE: A-Jock's HC-

Hi, Andrea! Actually, no I have no plans to do this rotation myself; two of my workouts each week are the aqua classes that I teach, and then I do my own thing on a Mon. p.m. and Sun. a.m. for land cardio and weights. I also do some light lifting during lunch 3X per week.

If I didn't instruct and have that chew up time, I'd probably give my own creations a whirl.

RE: A-Jock's HC-

Has anyone done this rotation? Do you know approximately how much time you need each day to do the workouts? I exercise before work so it would be really helpful ahead of time to know how much time to allow myself to get ready in the mornings.:) I may do this after I finish my current rotation (um....and get up enough guts!!!...LOL). :)


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