61 Year Old Progress


Been working very hard and I found mostly I have lost my awful weight and have lost 42 pounds. I wanted more muscle than I have but reality dictates to lose first and add muscle now. So I'm working on that and will show more progress with muscle building as time goes on.

Here is my last photo I showed to all a few months ago. However I started off weighing 168 pounds. Here I think I weigh 140 pounds or so.

Here is what I look like today. I weigh 126 pounds. I'd say improving, but definitely can improve upon some more. Will work towards muscle building now. Can't get rid of sagging skin or wrinkles, but hey, I'm healthy, and to me that's what it's all about.

There really is no end to this lifestyle and will continue on until nature says no more. LOL:D

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Janie, you look amazing! I see quite a bit of muscle there, girl. Much more muscle than saggy skin and wrinkles. Great job!
Congratulations on your weightloss. You look fantastic. I see alot of muscle. Keep up the good work.
Fabulous Janie, from 140-126 in the ast few months, and still improving. Wow! Hope I'm in such good shape at this age...... Congrats and keep working!

You look fabulous! Great job on the muscle! All of your hard work has definitely paid off.

I'm only 5 years behind you! :cool:

Wow! WOW!!!! You look fantastic...congratulations! And I'll bet you feel as great as you look, which is really the best part. Thanks so much for updating us...please keep posting!
WOW, you are such an inspiration! I love both those pics!

Do you mind me asking, what type of diet you have been following to lose the weight?

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