6 month rotation and rest week


Active Member
I am one month in to my STS six month rotation. I would kill for a rest week--really exhausted--but don't see one on the rotation until I finish all of Meso 1. Is that right? Yikes.
Oh yea you read it right. I just completed month 2 of Meso 1, and it was the girls I was checking in with that brought it to my attention that I might be having some symptoms of overtraining...I've been hitting it pretty hard with Shock Cardio as well. After the 5th and definitely the 6th week is when I really started to feel fatigued....I laid off the intensity last week, and this 8th week I pushed it hard again before my rest week, and boy am I glad it's here!! My advice is just listen to your body.........I've even thought going into this next Meso *which I hear is even worse! :eek:* of taking a rest week in between each month. I will cross that bridge when I get there. Take care!

I agree with Iris! Listen to your body! If you're becoming exhausted, take a day or two or even a full rest week, then pick up where you left off! The 6 1/2 month rotation is brutal! Luckily, I've made it okay without that type of exhaustion, but when my rest week gets here, boy, am I ready for it! I have one next week! So looking forward to relaxing with some walks and runs and no weights! Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the results I'm seeing!

Next time through will be my second rotation and it will be the 3 1/2 month one!
Oh can I ever relate! This is my 1st time with STS and I am also doing the 61/2 rotation and with those 1RM's I am lifting a lot heavier than I was before. So I am lifting heavier weights LONGER!~ I also teach 5 pilates classes a week and 1 weight lifting class so I think I am definitely showing signs of over training. I have dropped one leg workout once and one back and tricep work out in Meso 1 so far. I CAN"T WAIT FOR MY REST WEEK!!
yup - are you leaving a day in between them? Like doing STS M W F? And you can do ligher workouts on the other days. - autumn
I do a rest week when I need it. It may be in the 4th or 6th week of the 8 week cycle. When I come back, I'm stronger than ever, so I know it was good for me.
Circut blast

I miss circuit worouts during 6 month STS rotation. Can I do Circuit blast during a rest week? I know that your not supposed to weight train, but they are light, right?

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