40's - March! 3/3/13

Good Morning,

I didn't fall asleep until 6 this morning I don't know what is wrong with me but I haven't been able to sleep more then a couple of hours for the last 2 weeks. TOM hit last night and I don't care if BC pills cause menopause not to come I can't put up with this pain another month. I will try and do XT AOLI HiiT plus abs later after the midol kicks in.

Lisa-I tried to use that date but it wouldn't take it so I am going to have to call.

Ronne-I have to go back on Monday for a dr. appt so if I haven't gotten my check by then I will stop and get it I am not going to let them cheat me out of it.
Ronne, I got thru TB better but still felt like I was enduring rather than doing. I did like the ab section though. Xtend classes have a flow section which- to me- is like barre/ballet version of an intensity blast. I like that part.
I keep hearing about Argo but I've never heard of it? I must live in a bubble.
Picked up van- 1550 so better than I thought plus I like this mechanic/shop. Think good and trust worthy and van riding nicely now. AC guy came and replaced fan on air handler for me so I'm back in biz there. He's another good one, also trust worthy and knowledgeable.
Roxie, since you've recently had trouble w/ payroll check, I hope this one come thru no prob.
Lisa, I hope you are doing only good things for your body/neck today.
Mary, how ya doing today? Busy busy?
I did PH upper body (thats short sweet fast and furious), Sblast about 30 min of it. Xtend later and maaaaybe a walk run too.
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still a bit dizzy if I move my head too fast, neck OK, but not right. I really needed to move my body (haven't done anything for 4 days), so I did Ride, figured if I got dizzy I could just hold on for dear life. :) Felt good, just had to be careful looking down at the dial for the resistance. Took a shower (it's been 3 days, ssshhhhh).

roxie, that's a bummer, hope they can help you. Sorry about your sleep, maybe stress more than anything? Want one of my pills? :) It'll zonk you out and make you spin!

Ronne, sounds like you enjoy your job.

Mary, DH will not be in Cleveland after all, good thing I need him here.

Jody, how did you like TB? I've never gelled with that one. Sounds like you are enjoying your spring break!

Murphy, what did you do today?

Well, today DS will sign the dam (intentionally misspelled) letter, so he is out of work now until the other one comes thru. They have 2 months on their lease, they want to move, but we are talking about them moving in here. Saves them $, stresses me out less (we keep having to bail them out). We have plenty of room. they could have the whole downstairs basement (1200 sq ft), minus one of the bedrooms (we will use for storage for now since DS21 is at college) and minus a bit for my w/o area. I just need them to help clean out our 21 yrs of junk we've accumulated. Hey, Roxie, I have a job for you! LOL
Hi girls! The day is getting away from me! Did TTM today, those side planks with the weight bugged my shoulder. Roxie, I hope you get your paycheck! I also hope sleep finds you! Ronne, I have been wanting to see Argo. The new Oz movie comes out this weekend, I hope the kids want to go! Jody, you are a workout machine today! I hope all the repairs are out of the way, sometimes it just sucks being a grown up! Lisa, you and your DH are the best parents! So supportive. I hope the new job comes thru for him quicklly. I'm glad DH will be there for you for your appointment. I will come clean for you!! Hi Murphy! Have to get to dinner, I'm being bad and have a Chipoltle craving! Mary
Today was an unplanned rest day. DH fell asleep downstairs then comes upstairs at 2 am and woke me up. I could not get to sleep until after 4 - my alarm goes off at 4:45. Sorry for lack of personals, still have a headache from my cycle.
I did YT, could tell I'm still a bit dizzy, the kicker was at the end as you lay down, palms up, all of a sudden the room started spinning. I do not like that feeling, I hope it is from that drug (yes it's been 54 hrs since I took it) and that it isn't something else.

Mary, I don't like those side planks , I think I skip them.

Murphy, hope you get to feeling better.
Good Evening,

I decided not to do anything but the TM just wasn't up to anything more but I wanted to do something.

Lisa-I still think you need to take some Meclizine it will help.
Today I did an AB premix. I feel like I am taking the easy way out when I do one of those premixes. I really need to get my butt up earlier sometimes and to the whole workout. Especially since I ate crap yesterday.

Lisa-I have to agree with Roxie. You may want to consider taking something for the dizziness. Check with the pharmacist.

Sorry to butt in here but thought I might help fit over 40. If you google "vertigo exercises" you will find a list of exercises to do before you get out of bed in the am. They sound really silly but they work. Meclizine is another option (as a previous poster mentioned) but the exercises are what really helped me. Everyone is different.

Dizziness is really scary! I hope you feel better.
Hi all

How about next week we title our thread: 40s falling to pieces? (Apart from you Jody, but your now-mended machines could stand in!)

Lisa - dizziness is horrible, hope it clears soon or some of the suggestions help. It's great that you're so close to your kids that they turn to you for help. You & your DH must have done a good job!

Jody - good news, you've got everything fixed. You're a workout bunny at the moment! (ps Argo just won the best picture Oscar if you want to bluff like you know something!)

Murphy - a premix is not a cop-out!! You did something, and anything from AB is tough. You get up at 4.45, and you manage to work out at all? In my book, that makes you superhuman!

Roxie - sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. At our age, alcohol doesn't even work anymore!! ;)

Mary - you've got to be really careful with those side planks. You could always just use 5s (or 3s). Whenever you say which workout you've done, I think, ooh I'd like to do that one. Must make a list for after I've finished the rotation!

Today was Tabatacise, I wanted to do something a bit different with it, so I went all the way through 1–5 but just doing each once, with the step intervals. It was good. I pushed harder cos I knew I only needed to do each one once. Then did a no equipment SM segment, as I need stretching out.
No great plans this weekend. It's Mother's Day on Sunday, so I think we're going for a walk.
By the way, that butterfly I saw the other day? I think it must have drowned, it's not stopped raining since then! So much for spring!! :confused:
Good Morning,

Another night of no sleep I can't wait to go to the dr and get my sleeping pills refilled and hope the new mattress helps me sleep like a baby. I am suppose to do XT HS no conditioning but I may do KCM KBXing instead. DH and I are going shopping again today I bought boots on Monday but they are to big so I want to return them and then I bought a pair of Silver jeans on sale yesterday and they are to long and there is a place in the mall that does alterations so I will take them there to be shortened. We are also going to a fabric store to buy material for the boat seats its almost time to put it in the water. I applied to be a store manager at a clothing store and I didn't know they were hiring until I went to pay for my stuff.

Ronne-we are suppose to get rain all weekend with a slight chance of snow. Around here rain is a sign of spring and we really need it the lakes are really low.
Didn't sleep well, pain came back with a vengenance about 2am. I think I'm proving the fact that the pain hasn't ever been better (even while doing chiro visits), just masked by Advil. So I did feel everything stiffening up, took 2 advil before bed, woke up 2am arm numb, neck hurting at base of skull, put some ben gay type ointment on it, as I lay there with heating pad on it contemplating what I should do (I was NOT taking that muscle relaxer again --Flagyl). I had some percocet they gave me, since I know vicodan makes me sick, I was afraid to take too much, so I took 1/2 percocet and 2 more advil, then I put ice pack on. So that combination seems to work and not dope me up too much. Anyway, have no energy to do anything after tossing and turning using 3 different pillows for relief, so I may just do 2 miles on elip throughout the day. As it is, I lost another lb, and .5 inch off my hips. That's one thing I can control, I can control what food I put in my body. I think that's why I'm being successful with continueing to lose weight. I've lost 11 lbs since beginning of yr.

Roxie, I feel for you with your sleep problems. I hope you get some Z's soon.

Ronne, funny one, 40s falling apart, sadly it's the oldest of us (Jody) hanging in there. I like doing tabatacize one time thru. Mother's Day is sunday? is that just for you? I'm so out of it, was surprised to see we set our clocks forward this weekend.

Yes Jody, I did just call you the oldest :) I feel I'm the most broken right now, soon Mary will follow me I'm afraid. The yoga I did last night was not the culprit with the pain.....it hurts just to hold my arms out to side when doing warrior.
HAd to go get oatmeal ready, continuing my thread....

Maybe I need to change my user name from Fitover40 to FallingApartAlmost50 ? lol

Roxie, yes, snow is coming here, 8-14" predicted.

Murphy, I would never get in a w/o with getting up that early and 2 little ones. It's awesome you do what you do!

Mary, I have to get the bathroom cleaned, I always think of you when I clean. I think everyone here does :)

I may try to do some easy cardio (something with not many arm movements), any suggestions? I can't believe it has come to this, kinda get down about it at times. I'm not sure what I wish the neuro will find....
I just did XT HS and STS Med Ball Abs and I am really feeling the not sleeping thing right now I have a headache and I feel funky.

Lisa-they are not predicting and accumulation just a 30% chance.
I wonder if the vertigo exercises will help others on the thread if not Lisa? Isn't that one of the things that we pass around? But I don't want any!

Lisa, I thought Flagyl an antibiotic? Hold on to hope and maybe neuro will have some answers for you. I'm going to send some prayer energy your way.

OK -yesterday I did indeed do a 4 mile run, which I've done before but this was my first time running in a while and I kept up a 10 min mile pace the whole time w/ no walks. Actually, I think the walk/jog/sprint is "better" for you, but anyway, I did steady state.
SB x 30 min, upper body via BM, Xtend and 40 min run. That being said, I was very creaky this morning and had trouble walking!

Today I did xtend and I'm thinking something metabolic/circuit later and a hiit or Intesity in the morning before weekly weigh in so I don't get voted off the infomercial island!

Roxie, good luck with the job. I'm going to slog thru til mid summer with what I've got and reassess/re apply. Waves to all, I'm off to shower and have a tea NO WINE NO CHEESE NO SNACKS w/ a bestie.

PS, lol to falling apart 40s but we have to project a positive out come. Fierce and fine 40s? Ok, that rings a little hollow. How about muddling thru this shit but I'm sure it will improve oh dear god please 40s
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Cyclobenzaprine whatever that is, I must have remembered wrong for brand name he said and is not in the bottle
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Yes, that's it. I will never ever take that again. My memory is worse lately and I'm having problems concentrating. Been having hard time reading since this started. Thank goodness I can work from home and that I don't have much work!

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