4 New DVDs with over 40 workouts!

RE: Wow Cathe, thanks! (Will there be a preorder break on other programs?)

Thanks Cathe. These sound PERFECT! I can not wait. Credit card is warmed up. }(

Should be working... really just drooling over the new info :)
Holy Smokes! You are soo unbelievable! These formats are phenomenal! Thank you soo much for "all" your creativity,energy and dedication! WE all appreciate you soo much, love you and are very thankful to have you in our lives! You are the BEST:*
You are utterly amazing! I am still in shock you will be producing new workouts so soon after the Intensity Series and even more so with the high tech DVD's. I am soooo excited! My husband asked me the other day if I would like to go to the spa on Mother's Day for the day (I have never been). Less than 5 minutes later, I read about your new workout announcement and turned him down! I said I would rather have Cathe DVD's.
OMG -- I am in FITNESS HEAVEN!!:D It feels like Christmas in May, and Cathe is my cardio SANTA!! Ho-Ho-Ho! :+

Thanks for making my week!!

Doing the Happy Dance,
Chris in IL ;-) :) :D :7
Cathe -- sounds great, especially #4!

Although I will probably preorder all of the DVDs for the total cost savings, timesaver workouts are what I'm gravitating toward right now. I'm getting a lot of use out of the premixes on the Intensity DVDs! I'm also excited to see you're planning new workouts so soon. The blender and music off options sound great, too. Thanks for continuing to improve your DVDs with each new release; you're pushing the envelope and we get to reap the benefits as customers! :D
RE: Cathe -- sounds great, especially #4!

This is simply just too good to be true! I am sooooo excited about #4 the time saver rotation is so amazing! Without the CTX series I would have missed so many opportunites for a good workout in a short time. This new one makes me so happy I could cry or scream or jump or something! Thanks Cathe!!

A Blast DVD Poem

DVD 1 contains Step, Pump, & Jump
And it will also feature Step Blast
Just the thought of those intensity bursts
Has my workout flag at have mast

DVD 2 features Kick, Punch, & Crunch
And the killer Legs & Glutes
Cathe, I'll be honest with you
These two have me shakin' in my boots

DVD 3 has Push & Pull
And the circuit workout Supersets
I have a sneaking suspicion that these 2
Are about as tough as weight work gets

And last but not least - DVD 4
With the 5-Day Time Saver Rotation
Cathe, you've really outdone yourself
And deserve a standing ovation!!!

I just can't believe how you continually raise the bar and go above and beyond all of your fan's expectations. Thank you so very much.
Cathe, It's phenomonal how you listen to your fans, and give 110% to meet all their wide ranging wishes. I'm so pleased with the information about the new workouts and wish you great pleasure in their creation.

Words cannot describe your awesomeness! I am totally dumbfounded by how great you are to all of us. To be filming again and trying to please all of us!

Well, the DVD's you just announced proves you are truly trying to please us all - I also have been checking my computer all day - I will definitely preorder as soon as they go on sale.

Thank you so much for your generosity - and keep on filming!

Cathe I cannot tell you how thrilled I am reading the descriptions of the DVDs. You just get better and better! How will you ever top this? I wondered that after IS, but here you go again! I cannot thank you enough. I want/need them all!
I am so blown away! Cathe! Wow! Looking forward to that timesaver. CTX had been a godsend and this sounds like more wonderful stuff!

I like where you write "one or two body parts." That would enable me to "catch up" if by the end of the week I still have 2 body parts unworked! I usually work out only 5 days so this happens often!

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