Evening all! Today's workout was MMA Kickbox. I haven't done tha ton ein a while and it was just perfect for today.

Autumn- I had a hard time getting the weights ready before the rest period was over in most of Meso 1. Meso 2 and 3 have nice, longer rest periods. You can actually stretch and line up your next weights without pausing the player ;)

Wendy- what a workout today!

Kikster- I could never go without my dishwasher, lol. Hope all went well today. No more Palmolive for you :)

Sherry I love to bake, hate to cook too. My mom doesn't get that about me, lol.

LaDonna- Did you get MMA Fusion in today? That is one of my favorites. I was thinking about doing it today, but my pecs/back are so sore today.

Hi all!

Forced rest day because by the time I could get to a workout, it was 9:30 - definitely too late for cardio. Can't wait until the semester is over so DH is done teaching in the evenings! DOMS in all the right places, but not too awful bad.

Wendy - Lots of workouts, lots of new toys - can't keep up with you lady!

Autumn - Where in MO? I'm originally from St. Louis. We went to WDL on our California trip this past summer. Took DS to WDW too many years ago, to which DD reminds us she's never been.

Kiki - Dishwasher yet? At least the "window" allowed you to get a wo in.

Kristin - Hmm, sore back and pecs - any worse DOMS than before?

See you all tomorrow.
Good Morning Ladies.

Enjoyed my day off y'day. Got some sleep last night-10 to 4 w/o waking up!!! But now it's time to get back to reality. :(

My son had belly issues last night. He went to the bathroom and threw up. I think it was just something he ate though b/c he seems to have made it through the night just fine and didn't appear to be running a fever or anything. Fingers crossed!

Wow my shoulders are feeling it this morning. Sylwia's little u/b routine that I did y'day put's a hurtin' on them every time and I was only using 2# DB's! :eek:

Finally taking that long awaited rest day today. :) Tmrw I will give Booty Barre a go for the first time. Previewed it and it looks really good!

My Cathe delivery STILL isn't here. :confused: Hopefully today!

Sherry:: LOL-I know. I tend to buy fitness items in "fits". I buy buy buy and then nothing for a while. Luckily the tower was severely discounted and the Cathe stuff is free so I bought about $200.00 worth of stuff (including the barre workout) for $70.00. Not bad right!? ;) Sorry you didn't get a chance to work out y'day. You'll make up for it today though. I can feel it! :)

Kristin:: MMA KB is a fun one but my fave is BOXING. Do you have/enjoy FUSION? I didn't like that at all but a lot of people love it. Thought of you and your son pooping on the bathroom floor as my son was throwing up in the sink...DH wasn't home! UGH! lol Last time DS got sick and was throwing up DH wasn't home either! I think it's a conspiracy! ;)

Kiki:: Hope that dishwasher is installed and running properly! I don't have a dishwasher. House didn't have one when we moved in and there truly isn't any space for one anyway. Oh, btw, I got up at 6am y'day and didn't lay back down until after 12 noon some time so I laughed when I read your post about how I'd better be sleeping and not reading what you wrote!:D

Autumn:: So you are doing the APY rotation? How do you like it? I saw it advertised on FB not too long ago. How long are the work outs?

WOW I had a lot to catch up on! I usually don't fall behind like that. That's cause I was busy y'day doing things around the house. At work I am usually not busy at all. :confused:

Going to work today so I'll BBL to respond if anyone posts after me, no doubt! :rolleyes:
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Ladies and gen....uh, well ladies :p we have a dishwasher! And it seems to be working, lol. I haven't run a full load yet, just the rinse cycle, but, all the same, water's running through it. :D It wasn't finished until 8:30 last night! :confused:

My problem today, is that I rushed through my workout yesterday (thinking someone could come at any minute) and didn't stretch properly. I hate when I do that. So this morning I woke up to a DOMS and a headache! :( I tend to tense up in the shoulders alot, and I think between not stretching upper body (idk why I forget that they are still involved even on lower body days- deadlifts, dumbbell squats, etc), and the whole appliance mania yesterday, I got some tension built up in the traps. So today is supposed to be a cardio day (KPC), but that all depends on how soon this pill kicks in. Either way, I see an extra stretch segment in my future (either in addition to, or in place of cardio if headache doesn't go away.) Or maybe I can handle the elliptical for cardio, since the impact is lower...

Wendy - I knew you'd be reading it! That's why I had to go into "mommy mode" on ya ;) LOL . Glad you're more rested today. I feel like I called in sick today, lol. Since I woke up all sore, and Hubby took our boy to work w/him today. I'm hoping this headache lets up, I'd sure like to take advantage of this time and get some "Me" errands in, and maybe even a chick flick, lol. :eek: Our house didn't come w/a dishwasher either, I had to sacrifice cabinet space (which there's not alot of!) to put one in. Unfortunately, that means the coat closet that is close by is what my hubby calls our "appliance garage" lol. It's the one place in the house where you can grab your shoes, coat, gloves, and a crock pot! (or breadmaker, or rice cooker, or wok, or griddle, or cake pans! :rolleyes: )
Kiki:: We don't even HAVE a coat closet! :confused: We do, however, have 2 catch all rooms. One is my work out space that is also a computer room, a linen closet, a laundry room and the list goes on! Then we have a spare bedroom that is filled with stuff we don't know what else to do with! :rolleyes: Hope you can kick the headache so you can take advantage of some "me time".
Well, I made it through the Cardio conditioning premix of KPC and did the stability ball stretch from SM. That felt sooooo good :) . Bring on the chick flicks! (And pray that there's no chocolate in the house! :p )
I've completed the APY Daily Blend (10 minutes of wam-up stretches). I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for... I don't want to do the STS rotation prescribed cardio and may do some kettlebells instead.

Kiki ~ Yay for the dishwasher!!! Boo for the stove and another 5 hour wait. I'm 5'6" when I'm not slouching. ;) My torture roller is 3'.

Kristin ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one hitting pause during Meso 1. :)

Sherry ~ DOMS in all the right places is sooo good!! I live about 45 minutes from South County. I had my last baby at St. Anthony's so we aren't too far away. Did you all enjoy WDL? I was born and lived in Ca until I was 10. I've been to WDL but never WDW.

Wendy ~ Does your son still seem to be feeling ok? I'm not sure I'll do the APY60 rotation. It depends on time and how I'm feeling. You are encouraged to start the day with the Daily Blend, which consists of warm-up stretches. They say there are 60 different Daily Blends, but the one I did today consisted of the same stretches as yesterday's. :confused: The first two Daily Blends clocked in at about 10 minutes. The power yoga for this week is 45 minutes. I do like the yoga & I like Kurt. He has a different style than Eoin Finn (who makes me giggle with his colorful descriptions of a pose) or Bryan Kest (who can make me giggle too). I've been considering Booty barre... hmmmmm...
Autumn, My son's school called after his lunch period. He ate and then was complaining of a stomach ache. He is still at school but I am on alert in case he needs to be picked up prior to the usual time. I tried Brain Kest yoga when I was doing yoga. I didn't like him. Never tried Eion. I tried Mark Somebodyortheother (LOL)...I bought this trilogy set of work outs but they were like 90 minutes a piece and way too advanced for me. I liked Baron Baptiste though. Believe it or not, one of my favorite yoga routines is the first 45 minutes of Yoga X. I am not into the spiritual part of yoga so Tony was the perfect instructor for me to follow. My other favorite was to take the classes at the gym I was a member of at the time. It was a mix of yoga and pilates and I loved it. Not spiritual, not too slow moving. Great instructor. I miss it alot. :( When I stopped going to the gym I stopped doing yoga all together and that was about 2 years ago. I am stiff as a board now. :eek:
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I did Disc 17 today. I found this week's leg workout harder than last week's. I guess that 5% makes a difference. :) Tomorrow is Cardio Core Circuit. I guess I am just a glutton for punishment. LOL

Kristin - I did MMA Fusion yesterday. I really like the workout, but I am not too quick on being on the floor and then standing really quick like you do on the second combo. I always lag behind Cathe and crew.

Time for school. Have a good day!


I did Disc 17 today. I found this week's leg workout harder than last week's. I guess that 5% makes a difference. :)

You all are making me jealous with your fabulous STS work outs you are doing this week! I can't wait for the weekend when I get to start again! ;)
Wendy ~ Aww, I hope your son feels better ASAP!! I like Kest and Finn yoga but some of the things they say... like Finn says a pose should feel like ice cream being licked off your hips or something like that :rolleyes::eek: I like Tony's yoga too. I'm with you, I am not interested in the spiritual aspect but I LOVE what it does for me physically when I practice regularly.

I got my rope out again, went outside, & did one of Zuzana's workouts. :D I also did my APY power yoga. I think that's it for me today.

Hope y'all have a fantastical evening.
Hi all!

Too nice today to pass up a run, so did a 2.5 mile interval run with the pup. I'll do weights tomorrow.

My great-grandma turned 91 today. I intend to make it that long, too.

Very quick post, because still trying to get things done tonight. See you all tomorrow.
Hi all! I just finished disc 26, plyo legs. OMG!!!! I was breathing hard and sweating the entire workout. It was hard! I am glad I got through it. I then did yoga-inspired abs. Feeling good now.

Wendy- I love BOXING! I like Fusion, but I have to be in the mood for it, lol. kind of like with CCC, which I hardly ever feel up to after work and the kids, lol. Hope your DS is feeling better.

Kiki- hope you are enjoying your new dishwasher. I tend to get tension in my upper back too when I have had an eventful day. Glad you got in the workout. I hear you on the chocolate. . . it is calling me right now.

Autumn- I have never done kettlebells, and would love to try at some point. maybe if Cathe makes a kettlebell workout. . .

Ladonna- that one combo you are talking about is very tricky. my favorite combo in fusion is the last one. I really break inot a sweat at that point. CCC is one I ahve to really be in the mood for and rev myself up for. . .

Sherry- no worse, except I hardly ever get lat DOMS, which I guess means STS is working its magic ;)

Okay, night all!
Morning Ladies.

So I did Booty Barre this morning-all but upper body b/c my shoulders are still screaming! :eek: Awesome work out! I loved it! :D

DS made it through the school day but didn't eat much dinner b/c he said his belly was bothering him a little and he never complained he was hungry later on either. We will see what today brings.

Kristin:: You are scaring me with your M3 comments! :eek::D I couldn't get past the first combo in Fusion. It confused me every time and I would get frustrated and quit the work out. :(

Sherry:: What kind of dog do you have? We have an 80# lap dog---he's a Golden. Laziest and best dog ever!!!!:D

Autumn:: Yeah that sexy talk during any kind of work out doesn't work for me...That's part of what I didn't like about Kest. I also found him hard to understand. I'm not good with accents sometimes.
Kristin ~ I'm skeered of plyo legs!!! :eek: Not sure my knees will survive!! I really enjoy kbells! A Cathe kbell workout would be awesome, but I read someone asked her at one of the RTs and she said no or probably not (?). :(

Wendy ~ Well, I just purchased Booty Barre and S90. :eek: I am in a spending fit too... I recently purchased Rip60, the 4 new Cathe DVDs, season 7 classical stretch, and APY60 (which I actually bought in January and just received :confused:). I"ve been considering P57 but the clips & rave reviews haven't convinced me... yet, lol. I'm a true vidiot. ;)

I haven't managed to get my workout in so I'll have a busy evening.

BBL... Gotta ring the school bell...
Autumn...I looked at P57 several times too as well as other barre work outs before going for Booty Barre. Down the line if I find I use it enough and see results, I will probably purchase another barre dvd or set. Time will tell. I did, however, purchase Squeeze and Squeeze stronger y'day from www.totalfitnessdvd.com! They were on sale for $12.95 each. I have Squeeze Lower Body Challenge and like it. Had always heard good things about the full body work outs so I finally took the plunge when I saw the good prices for both (and the free shipping didn't hurt either!)! ;)
DH helped with the "classroom" & I took advantage of the time to complete Disc 12. I dropped my stability ball a few times, lol. I used the Daily Blend as part of my warm-up. I hope to get power yoga in later.

Wendy ~ That is a great deal on the Squeeze DVDs!!!! I like barre workouts but have never used barre exclusively. I never feel my upper body gets enough, kwim? I have the 3 Squeeze DVDs (I like the upper body in these better than the other barre workouts I have), The Bar Method, Pure Barre (the 1st DVD), & :eek: Tracy Anderson (of teeny tiny & never lift more than 3 #s fame, lol).

I can't wait for my new DVDs, it feels like Christmas when my new toys arrive. ;)
Autumn...I am not familiar with Tracy Anderson. What's the story behind her?? That was nice of your DH to take over in the classroom for you for a bit. Great use of the extra time getting your work out done! Speaking of new toys..I am not only getting the order from Cathe that I placed last week but I am not slated for a slanted riser delivery (most likely tmrw!) as well! They came back in stock today and I placed my order pronto! :D
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Hi all!

Way to nice to workout in the basement, so dog and I went for a run again. 68 degrees and sunny - haven't seen either of those for a long time. Guess tomorrow night will be leg night (D23).

Kristin - I think I'm going to like plyo legs, if I ever get these last 2 discs in M2 done.

Wendy - 60# golden who just wants to cuddle, but loves the runs, too. 'Course she'd like them a lot more if I went faster.

Autumn - I grew up on South County, went to Lindbergh. Small world.

Now going to try to find Missouri basketball on TV. DH should be home shortly. Sleep well (Wendy), and see you all tomorrow.
Good Morning.

This morning's work out was IMAX3 intervals 6-10 + the med ball w/o from Ab Circuits done 2x thru. Good stuff. Tmrw it's DISC 13!!!!:D

It's supposed to reach 72 degrees here today! :) Unfortunately it's not going to last though. The weekend is only going to be in the 50's. :(

Sherry:: My dog is too lazy to take running. He's stop after 5 mins and not want to move again. :p I did the first plyo leg work out a long time ago and loved it! Cardio is thru the roof. I only used 10# DB's and that was plenty! I think I was limping for 3 days after that! ;)


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