Hey ladies, I'm out of town today so depending on how late it is by the time we get back to our hotel, I may or may not get my planned cardio in today. I did finish my STS workouts for the week ( I think yesterday was disc 21? Back/bi's), so if I don't get to it today, I'll have to catch up over the weekend, and chalk this up to being my rest day!

I have been enjoying this weather though, it was 85 here!

Have a good weekend! :)

Today I did Disc 18. Three sets of pull-ups can get pretty tough. ;-) Tomorrow is HIIT Double Wave Pyramid and Stability Ball Abs. That should be a goodie.

Yesterday, it was 80 degrees here, but today it was 47. We have rain coming in this weekend with mid-70 degree weather. I hope we get thunderstorms. I love them!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Yeah! D23 done! Legs felt the burn, 'specially on those low lunges. Only one more disc in M2.

This is a quick post because need to eat dinner and head out to DD's soccer practice. Se you all tomorrow!
Hi all. Yesterday was a rest day for me in that I did not do a workout, but I was busy from morning to night, lol. today I did D27, shoulders, bis and tris. Oddly enough, for some weights I felt they were a little light. LOL.

Today was so gorgeous around here. I took my boys on their bikes and we went around the neighborhood. it was so nice to enjoy outside air. Even had my windows open until 7. Spring is here!

BB tomorrow and I will catch up on personals then.

Fit_mommy said:
Don't know where "here" is but I DO know that I'm jealous! :p

We're in VA @ a homeschool basketball tournament. JUST got back to the hotel, so needless to say, no workouts for tonight, just sleep! I'm pooped.
Hey Ladies.

No time for personals right now...Gotta bolt out the door shortly to get my son to a B'day party but I just wanted to report in that I got my work out done pretty early this morning!

STS M2 W1 D13
Original BM step only + abs

Wow, based on what I did today, I am gonna LOOOOOVE Meso 2! Awesome work out! It was tough but not totally exhausting because the pace was slower and the rests were longer. NICE! 2 Thumbs Up!!!:D

Loved the tower for holding the barbell and loved the slanted risers for the incline work. Fantastic! :)

Gotta jet...BBL maybe...gotta go foodshopping after the party and then planning on coming home and cook yet another new recipe! ;)

Have a good day!
I ended up doing Intensity, step and lo hiit premix. Plus I added the ab work from BM2, I love that one. Cannot decide what to do for dinner. It is nice enough to grill something , maybe DH will be cooking tonight, lol.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

LaDonna- I love springtime thunderstorms too. How are you enjoying Meso 2?

Wendy- Meso 2 is awesome. When I am done with STS this round, I am thinking about just repeating Meso 2 and 3 before the Cathe RT in July. BTW, saw your workout space with the new tower on Facebook. . . I am jealous! :D

Sherry- Meso 3 coming up! Are you ready for the rest week? I really needed it after finishing Meso 2.

Kiki- 85 degrees sounds great. I am happy with it being mid-50s after the winter we had.

Hi to Autumn! What are you up to this weekend?

Hi all!

D24 is complete, and Meso 2 is done! Got some nicely pumped biceps right now! Heading straight into Meso 3 because I took a "rest" week when I was sick. Did get together with my scrapbooking gals this morning and for lunch, then a hair cut and camouflaging the gray, errands, and finally shuttling the kids around for the evening. DH caught DD's cold, some I'm staying away from that germ bag!

Kristin - Weights too light D27? Are you sure? Will take a look at that as I print out the weights for the next round.

Wendy - You'll really be lovin' that tower for M2 chest work! TA on the incline risers.

Kiki - Nothing wrong with a couple days rest. How's the team doing in the tournament?

Hi to the rest. Hope you all enjoyed your day!

Wow...what a looong day y'day. Now I know how Sherry feels. ;) I got up at 7, sat for an hour with my coffee but once I started moving I didn't stop until 12 hours later! :eek: Between running around, housework, dinner, etc. OY. I don't like to be bored but that was a little too much and next to none of it was "fun" stuff! :p:rolleyes:

So far I'm feeling y'day's work out in my chest. I felt I could've gone heavier though so I'm gonna try it next week...actually felt that way on quite a few things. This is why I LOVE the longer rotation! You always have a second chance! :)

Today's work out plan is D14/legs :eek: plus some cardio and abs if time and energy allows. ;)

Sherry:: LMAO at the term "germ bag"! Does your DH know what you are referring to him as? :p

Kristin:: So the tower set up that you saw in the pic probably took up atleast HALF of the space in my room but I am still able to function. I don't know how small your space is but you might be surprised at how well the tower would fit! You'd have to be willing to break it down for storage when not using though I am sure. That's what I am doing and now that I've done it a few times, it's no big deal at all. I have no regrets except for not getting it SOONER! :) That's a great idea to repeat those mesos when you are done with this rotation. I plan on taking a break from heavy lifting with INSANITY and Booty Barre, Squeeze or the like. That will bring me to my vacation at the end of August. When I return, I think I will move on to either Supreme 90 or P90X and that should set me up to start another STS rotation in January if I want. PERFECT! ;)

Kiki:: So how was the tournament?

LaDonna:: I hear you on the crazy weather! It climbed into the 70's by Friday but then DROPPED LIKE A ROCK back into the 50's for y'day and today. Granted, I'll take 50's in March but the crazy temp differences can drive a person batty! :rolleyes:
Happy Sunday all! Just finished MMA Boxing. Love tha tone. Getting ready to go to my parents' house for dinner and the park, even though it is a bit cooler out today.

So. . . I signed up Nikolas for little league T-ball, and I got an email saying that they did not have managers for the teams and if there were no volunteers they would not have a five-year-old division. I asked some of my friends who have done it before and most of them said it was a big PIA. One of my guy friends at work said that some of the fathers will act like I don't know what I am doing because I am a woman. I signed up anyway. What am I getting myself into? It is volunteer, no pay. I figure unlike crazy-ass parents at my job, if one of these men gets out of line with me I can tel him to go shove it, lol. I think I can have fun with it. Plus, being as though I am home by 4:30, most parents aren't home until way after that, I am available. I can relate to kids obviously. . . Oh boy, we shall see!

Wendy- my workout space is my living room. i have a very small house. So all my equipment is scattered: med ball and risers in the corner, step under my bed, weights and barbell in the closet, and so on. Does the tower fold and go under a bed?

Sherry- just on disc 27 they felt a little light. I should say, I still had DOMs the next day, and I wasn't about to up 'em, lol.

Good Afternoon,

This morning's work out was Yoga Based Abs, D14 and the Extended Stretch. WOW is all I have to say about D14. WOW. WOW. WOW. If you'll notice, there was no cardio in my routine today and that was done PURPOSELY! :eek:

Kristin...The tower doesn't fold but it does come apart rather easily. I am able to disassemble mine into 2 pieces and store it upright against a wall in my work out room. When you separate the base from the upper portion you still have the 2 pieces that are a part of the base that stand about 10.5" tall so you would need a little bit more then that much room to be able to slide it under a bed unless you wanted to unscrew the base from the stabilizer bars. At that point you could lay the peices flat. Does that make any sense? :confused: The stabilizer bars screw into the base. The rest of it is held together with "clip" type deals. In D13 I realized that the tower Cathe uses does not have the stabilizer bars on it but I don't know if that's the same exact tower as the one sold or not. I would be a bit nervous to try it w/o them. I figure the unit is sold with them for a reason. Sorry you asked? :eek::p;) You will have to keep us posted on the t-ball managing thing! Sounds like something I wouldn't do even if they PAID me!;)

Well we went to kohls and the foodstore. Picked up a pair of w/o shorts from kohls (this is the third pair I've purchased in maybe 2 weeks time, lol) and I got everything I need for the next 2 recipes I plan to make! :)

BBL or in the morning!:cool:
Hey everyone! We're back home now, and I made sure to get my run in on the elliptical this morning BEFORE doing anything else. I knew I had quite a bit to do today to prep for our week, so I wanted to make sure it got done :p

This weeks tournament's were awesome. The east coast had about 80 teams and the Midwest boasted over 350! It was crazy. We only showed up the last day to show our support ( my son played at middle school level this year, will be able to play in the tournaments @ JV level next year). But, I have siblings close in age to my son, and they play (parents decided to homeschool the last 3, the oldest 3 of us went to public school) & they were in the tournament. They all did soo well. My youngest sister's team finished 7th in the nation, and the top in her bracket (6A) so that was really good. ;)

Well, I'm moving into my last week of meso 2 tomorrow! Talk to everyone in the morning...

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