Did Disc 18 yesterday, I can't believe how heavy I was lifting! That's the crazy thing about STS, I remember from when I did it before. It's like I look at the workout card, and think, "there's no way I can lift that much", but I load up the weight anyway. And when I finish, I'm just in shock, because I just know that I would never have pushed myself that hard on my own. Pretty empowering.
Today was a rest day, and whew! did I ever need it. Those one leg deadlifts?! My lower back alone had DOMS outta this world.
Autumn - Welcome! I hope the check in will help you stay on track a bit more (especially when you have Superwoman -oops, I mean, Wendy - keeping you on your toes!)
LaDonna - Yes, this Meso 2 DOMS is no joke! We're still enjoying homeschooling too (we're in our 8th year now!), but I know what you mean about it helping to not have the SAHM boredom from being home, but not working. It definitely keeps you on your toes. Plus I love to see HS moms still trying to take care of themselves. Sometimes its so easy to just let go as a SAHM. My first year of being a SAHM, I put on 20 lbs! It was ridiculous. My son was in school, and I didn't work, I didn't know what else to do, but eat!
Wendy - I get dizzy thinking about all the workouts you get done
. I know what you mean about HSing, and being a SAHM not being for everyone, lol. I can tell you from experience that having a teen boy @ home w/you all day is
definitely not for everyone
! (Just trust me on that one, lol!) Congrats on moving on to M2
I don't know if I could handle the 6.5 month rotation...
Kristen & Sherry - I hope that next week is better than last, I'm sure we'll see you back to your regularly scheduled workouts soon!
Hope everyone's having a good weekend!