2 month New Year's Challenge Nov. 15-22

Good Morning Ladies,
I had an o.k day yesterday.I was bored! I did a 60 min interval run yesterday morning with intentions of doing weights in the evening.For some reason I never bothered but that just means that I have to do it today.I thought I was going to be called into work so I was waiting to hear about that.I could blame that on my not working out.
As anyone ever tried giving up carbs at a certain hour? Like no carbs after 4 p.m. I am thinking about giving it a whirl.That would keep my eating under control in the evenings.
I weighed myself today (i gotta stop doing that) and I am back to 129 again.Which is where I was before I went away.I don't feel any different.127 is my magic number...thats when I will know its not water weight.
I am thinking of doing Imax 2 and I am not sure if I will do a full body workout or just UB or LB.
Ruth and Lori-I use to get headaches all the time.I haven't had them in YEARS! Thank God.My mom would have to put me in a dark room with a bucket(for throwing up)for a long time.It wasn't very fun being 10 yrs old and being put in a completely dark room.But thats what i would have to do to get better.
FutureFitness-I hope you find your answers.Going away as always been my downfall.I always feel as if I am on vacation.How many vacations can one have???? Good Luck...
Hello everybody,

Ruth-I am so sorry about your mothers beloved dog.

Counted and tracked my points this morning. Doing good so far. My weigh in is tomorrow. I am doing PLB probably tonight.

Lorihart-I haven't stopped eating carbs consistently after a certain hour, but if you can do I am sure you will see great results.

Good luck,
I am just heading to work but I figured I could check in first:) I did 7 intervals in IMAX 2.I increased my step height and my legs were burning.I was sweating on the warm up! And the first interval had me out of breath! I couldn't beleive what a differnce a couple of inches could make.Then I did PP.
I think I would see good results as well but I feel as if my evening meal wouldn't have much variety.We will see....maybe I can try it today and see how I feel.
Hi everyone!
So sorry for your Mom's loss, Ruth. I have a small doggie that I just love to death! I can just imagine how crushing it is to lose one. :(

This morning, I did IMax 2 + core only premix of Bootcamp. This evening I plan on doing Basic Step before I cook dinner. I'm really starting to see some progress with the HST workouts. My body seems "harder" and my legs are shaping up nicely. :) Have a great day everyone.

Kathy G

This is Sabina here. I actually started this thread and never came back to this thread.

The day I decided to start the challenge I came to know that our company is up for sale and if nobody buys us within a month we have no job. Unfortunately both my husband and me work in this same company. I was at a shock.

Anyway almost after a month later we have someone willing to buy us. They are doing all kind of auditing. I am also getting the hang of the stress. Most likely this new boss will keep the technical core intact.

Finally I have gathered enough courage to visit the thread again and was wondering if I could still join you guys.

I have really been bad past months. No exercise at all and all kind of junk. Usually that's how I deal with stress.

I hope I can start over with you guys.
Gotta get yourself a wood stove. No electricity needed. But you still can't work out with cathe without plugging in. My heart sinks when the electricity goes. I've become so dependent on Cathe!
There you are.I kept wondering where you were.Just to let you know,you are one month behind our rock hard bodies and I don't know if you can catch up;)
I hope everything works out for you.It must have been pretty stressful.
Sabina-welcome back, and thanks for starting this thread.

I am sorry you are under so much stress. I deal with stress the same way.

Good luck and welcome back,
Good Morning Ladies,
I am at my in-laws store waiting for the Tim Hortons lineup to magically disappear.Hopefully they all have to be at work by 9.Then I will bee line it over there.I am also heading to the mall to pick up some wrapping paper for my daughters christmas gifts.I need to sort out what I have for her.She is also capable of snopping.I don't put anything past her.I may also pick up another couple of gifts while I am over there.I have most of my shopping done.
I think todays workout will just be a run.I did PP yesterday and a couple of my muscles are sore.I will probably do a little bit of ab hits as well.
DH is gone with his laptop so I don't know if I will check in anymore today.

I have finally started. I did circuit Max today for the first time. It was of moderate intensity. I am also planning to count my points for atleast few weeks starting from today.

It feels so good to be back.
Hi Everyone.....sorry I have been MIA. I have just had a very busy week. Tuesday I did HSTA, and yesterday I did Imax, and some abs. I might do HSTA again today as this week I am doing 3 circuits and 3 cardio's. I love that workout!!!!

I have been doing pretty good on the Abs Diet. I am finally getting thru the book, little by little, and have found a few mistakes I have made in the past couple of days. It is very clean eating, and I really enjoy it so far.

Dawn- I am a jeweler for Premier Designs Jewelry. It is high fashion jewelry, the best on the market. I absolutely LOVE my job!!!!! We do home shows. I have a blast!!

Have a good day everyone.
Lori S.
Good morning,

I lost 2 lbs. on WW this week. YAY!!

I didn't exercise yesterday. Today is maybe a total body workout (maybe power hour) and a run.

Have a great day, I will check in later.

Hi there!
Real quick, I did an HST workout at the gym this morning. :) I may do some light cardio this evening...we'll see.

Kathy G
Hi Y'all,
I was so busy wrapping and shopping earlier that I didn't get to workout BUT when I got home from work I hoped on the treadmill for a 50 min interval run.
I really have to concentrate on more ab work.I use to do it faithfully but I have been very slack with it lately.
Eating as been pretty good.I haven't been eating as much.I am not restricting anything,I eat whatever I want but I haven't been in the mood to eat.I am hoping that this is a new habit I am forming and not just a phase that will pass.
With all the talk about HST its gotten me in the moos for it.I think I will do that workout tomorrow and MAYBE the 3 intervals I left out in Imax 2
Good Morning Gals,
When I read over yesterdays post it made me sound as if I didn't want to eat.I didn't mean it like that.I have no problem eating my meals but when it comes to picking I haven't been in the mood.My mind thinks about it but I don't crave it or want it.
I am trying to decide if I am going to workout now or run to the mall for a minute.They have 20% off today so there are 2 stores I need to go to.I need some new dress pants so I would like to try them on with boots.If I go up now I am just wearing a baseball hat and a pair pf sneakers.Its hard to try on dress clothes when you have a hat on your head:) But if I wait till later,I am afraid that my sizes will be gone:-( I'm the average size person (apparently) which is good considering its a teenager like store and most people I know don't shop there.
Whatever I decide I know what workout I will be doing.HST/abs.I may also go for another run tonight.Doesn't have to be a long one.Even a 30 min is good.
Today the scale read 127.5 ! I am starting to make progress!
Good Morning everyone.....Today I think I will do KPC. I really like that workout. Food has been good, and so far, I am staying on track. Hope everyone else has a great day!!!!!!!
Lori S.
Good morning all,

I did supersets yesterday, sort of lazy though, didn't put my all into it, even though its easy. I went for a 40 minute run, felt great afterward. Eating has been good.

Have a great day,
Good Morning,

I didnt' work out on Friday. My eating wasn't so great either!! It is a constant battle. Tonight I am running.

Have a great day,
Good Morning Ladies,
Almost the end of another week! Is anyone getting closer to their goals? I am at work now and I am so hungry.I had to be at work for 7:30 and I went right to work when I got here.Now everyone left and I am here with my empty belly:-( I thought about getting some coffee and something to eat but it is 11:00 and I will just probably wait until lunch time to eat.
I think I am going to do more UB work over the next couple of weeks.I know that winter is cold but whenever I go to a christmas party I always pick out tops that are dressy but sleeveless.I thought it would be a good idea if I did more tri,bic and shoul over the next few weeks.I really liked the TTR when I did it.Maybe I will have a look at that one again.
Everything as been going well here.I am not doing anything tonight when I get off of work.My daugther may have a friend sleep over so I will have lots of time to workout.I THINK I am going to run and to some kind of UB workout.Maybe CTX or PUB.Those two are my favorites.After that, I may watch a couple of movies.
Chat to you later,
Hi everybody

lorihart--Your night sounds great. I bet you are going to look great in those sleeveless tops come Christmas time. I have lost nine pounds since this challenge began. When Sabina (sp?) started it I joined WW online. I feel good that I have lost 9 pounds. I am not feeling good that I am inconsistent with my eating habits. It is either feast or famine. Last night I had a binge of pizza, brownies, and cookies, and today I went overboard again. Thanks for letting me vent on this thread sometimes. I know it can get a little boring.:) I am going for a run tonight. I swear if I didn't run I would be even bigger than I am now.

Have a great night,

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