1RM Too Challenging!


...esp on stuff like bench presses and flys.

I find I have to lower the weight significantly on the chest exercises but I can go heavier on the legs/shoulders. I'm more concerned with decreasing the suggested weight than increasing it. Has anyone else experienced this?!
I didn't do 1RM testing. I looked at the STS exercises. many were new to me. I took my best guess at weight the first time thru. I didn't feel comfortable pushing the weight the first time I did a move, and some moves I used no weight. I recorded the weight on my work sheet along with an up or down arrow so my second time thru I'd increase/decrease. after I'd done several disks I got pretty good at estimating. Keep a written record for yourself and do what works.
I´m not exactly sure what you mean? Did your 1RMs turn out to be too heavy, too light? I´m really glad I did them, despite that it seemed a hassle at the time.
Hi Meliffy,

Last year I had the same experience at first - that the predicted weights were a little too heavy (usually for upper body) or a little too light (lower). It was easy to adjust.

In hindsight it's pretty clear why that was true for me, though who knows if these reasons would affect you as well. First, I had at least as much a psychological difficulty with heavy weights as I did physical! I'd never used a barbell, or really heavy dumbbells. So, when I did the 1RMS, my mind convinced me I should stop sooner than my legs did :) Also, my arms and grip toughened up fast, and sometimes when I finished a 1RM testing session it was because of losing my grip and not because the body part was actually tired. That's not something I knew to look out for at the time.

For upper body, the 'problem' was that I had no endurance at first. When I did the 1RMS, I was fully rested for each one and so my predicted weights were what I could lift fully rested ... but of course, I wasn't fully rested midway through :) It gave me something to work towards, though, and I adjusted both online and during the workout so that I'd be just barely able to complete each set. Sometimes I'd just pause, other times I'd do my best. By the time I started Meso2, the predictions were spot on.

I'm very glad I did the 1RMS; they are a great record of where I was when I started the program, and how much I've improved. Hopefully you'll also find them to be a good investment of your time.

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