A-jock you are to be commended for your continuing accomplishment! You have set a fine example for many of us here! It has been a joy getting to know you as a cyber friend.

Wow!! congratulations Annette!! That is so great !! Makes me wonder if you can do that , which is sooo hard to do..why i can't get my eating under control and lose the rest of my weight? Makes me wonder :) Anyway.. Great going.. !!!!

Good going, A-jock! You are one of my inspirations! I often think of you when I think of all those people in my life I admire.

Thanks for posting!

Congratulations Annette! You've always been an inspiration even without this personal information. Hurray!!
Hey Annette!!
Congratulations to you angel!! Keep up the great work.
Congratulations, Annette!

Alcohol killed my mother at an early age....she just could never get the monkey off her back.

Both my parents were addicted to drugs and alcohol and died at early ages.

I rebelled by never touching alcohol or illegal drugs and getting into fitness.

Anyway, I know of the courage and strength you have to have to do what you have done!

You are an inspiration and should tell your story everywhere!
I imagine anyone who has had to spend time with you has been driven to the bottle themselves.
I'm getting in this a little late...found it on Cathe's reminder to us to be kinder to each other...and I hope you read this and it makes up for the previous poster...
Your anniversary of 16 years sober is something I hope you always celebrate. You've managed to do something many folks can't quite do. Don't let anyone take your special accomplishment away from you. Enjoy the benefits of the decisions you've made. Heck, if I can get some of my excess weight off (by eating better and exercising) and keep it off for as many years, I'd be pretty excited, too! So my hat is off to you, A-jock! Congratulations and on to your 17th Anniversary!
I have not been here in a while and after reading Cathe's thread wanted to come here and tell you how GREAT I think your accomplishment is.

I agree with Lydia, wanted to send positive vibes your way for your GREAT accomplishment. Its a shame some small minded individuals must put others down to pump themselves up.

You are an inspiration to me with your srength and determination. Wow, 16 years, that is truely an amazing accomplishment.

Here is to the next 16 and the next 16 after that :)

Thanks, Lydia and Marci. I made a mistake calling attention to the crummy remark "berrymunch" made earlier here - and at this late date, yet.

Sobriety rocks - it brought me to you all, didn't it?

Thanks very much again!

Still Sober After All These Years
Thank you for this post about your anniversary!

I so like reading real-life stories about people who have been able to make a positive change in their lives and then also have stuck with it for so long!

That is truly an inspiration for anyone who is trying to find a better way of living, regardless of whether the changes we attempt are small or huge, as in your case!

Many congratulations!
Thank you for this post about your anniversary!

I so like reading real-life stories about people who have been able to make a positive change in their lives and then also have stuck with it for so long!

That is truly an inspiration for anyone who is trying to find a better way of living, regardless of whether the changes we attempt are small or huge, as in your case!

Many congratulations!
I know you regret bringing the problem up... but it has given more people a chance to see your great news. :)
I know you regret bringing the problem up... but it has given more people a chance to see your great news. :)
Aqua - I've seen how you treat others on this message board. Your behavior is unacceptable, and it's high time (and far beyond, in fact) that someone has let you know about it. Are you going to go and cry to mommy about this post, too?
Aqua - I've seen how you treat others on this message board. Your behavior is unacceptable, and it's high time (and far beyond, in fact) that someone has let you know about it. Are you going to go and cry to mommy about this post, too?
Hi Annette,

I just saw your post and felt compelled to write. I just wanted to say BRAVO to you!!!!!

That is amazing that you were able to overcome such and addiction and turn your life around! that takes guts and courage!! Congratulations!! Nothing will ever be too tough for you to take on! I hope your life now is amazing, as you deserve it!

Lots of happiness.
Cheryl :) :) :)

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