Hi Annette,

I just saw your post and felt compelled to write. I just wanted to say BRAVO to you!!!!!

That is amazing that you were able to overcome such and addiction and turn your life around! that takes guts and courage!! Congratulations!! Nothing will ever be too tough for you to take on! I hope your life now is amazing, as you deserve it!

Lots of happiness.
Cheryl :) :) :)
Your post was uncalled for. I see no point for it at all. Annette has always conducted herself well on the forum and is a great help and resource to all of us. I think it's cowardly to post as you did, when no one here knows you. I have no idea why you think your comment added any value to the topic. I invte you to find a forum more suited to your discriminating taste.
Your post was uncalled for. I see no point for it at all. Annette has always conducted herself well on the forum and is a great help and resource to all of us. I think it's cowardly to post as you did, when no one here knows you. I have no idea why you think your comment added any value to the topic. I invte you to find a forum more suited to your discriminating taste.
Hey, Dawnie Bear! Haven't seen you around much!

Thanks for your nice comments about your bald, slightly soggy fellow Cathe-ite!

The resurrection of this thread has been a little unexpected, but people's subsequent comments have for the most part been so nice and encouraging that even I am able to let go of the little poison pills.

I'm reminded all over again of my variation of The Serenity Prayer:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to pre-order every Cathe offering with next-day shipping every chance I get."

Later -

Hey, Dawnie Bear! Haven't seen you around much!

Thanks for your nice comments about your bald, slightly soggy fellow Cathe-ite!

The resurrection of this thread has been a little unexpected, but people's subsequent comments have for the most part been so nice and encouraging that even I am able to let go of the little poison pills.

I'm reminded all over again of my variation of The Serenity Prayer:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to pre-order every Cathe offering with next-day shipping every chance I get."

Later -

Hi Annette!
School has been rigorous lately, and I've been studying a lot.

Did you say never wrestle with a pig, the pig has fun, but you just get dirty? I may need to shower.;)

Take care!
Hi Annette!
School has been rigorous lately, and I've been studying a lot.

Did you say never wrestle with a pig, the pig has fun, but you just get dirty? I may need to shower.;)

Take care!
Hey, Dawn! Yes, that's an old George Bernard Shaw quote, and one that has utmost utility in cyber-space!

Hit those books, gal!

Hey, Dawn! Yes, that's an old George Bernard Shaw quote, and one that has utmost utility in cyber-space!

Hit those books, gal!

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to pre-order every Cathe offering with next-day shipping every chance I get."

Going on my wall, A-Jock! A wise woman you are :D


Congratulations. My husband went into rehab this summer and I know how difficult it is on all parties. I hope he is as successful as you. I am so happy for you.
RE: congratulations

Hey there shopgirl! Congratulations to your husband for doing the first step, I think it would be the most difficult one. My mom has been a recovering alcoholic for my entire life, little slips every now and then, but I think the hardes part for her is having to go into rehab. That is great that he noticed he has a problem, you and your husband will be in my prayers! Take care!

RE: congratulations

Thanks Kathy for your kind words and prayers. He has been sober for almost 4 months and it is amazing how our lives have changed for the better! Rehab was the best thing that ever happened to our family. He has even started exercising again, which helps a lot too. I'm working on converting him to Cathe (yikes)--

People like AJ are like light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone here has been an inspiration on so many things. It's a great place to visit.
RE: Hello, Shopgirl

Thank YOU for your kind words, and congratulations to your husband for taking that first step. It really is a one day at a time process, as is healthful exercise and nutrition.

The social and physical costs of alcoholism continue to sober me, pardon the pun, for the alcoholic and those who love him/her. Your experience, I'm sure, is equally challenging. Keep on keepin' on, and keep coming back here!


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